67 research outputs found

    Simultaneous rather than retrograde spiral ganglion cell degeneration following ototoxically induced hair cell loss in the guinea pig cochlea

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    Severe damage to the organ of Corti leads to degeneration of the spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) which form the auditory nerve. This degeneration starts at the level of synaptic connection of the peripheral processes (PPs) of SGCs with the cochlear hair cells. It is generally thought that from this point SGC degeneration progresses in a retrograde fashion: PPs degenerate first, followed by the SGC soma with a delay of several weeks to many months. Evidence for this course of events, both in animals and in humans, is not unambiguous, while this knowledge is important since the presence or absence of the different neural elements may greatly influence the response to electrical stimulation with a cochlear implant (CI). We therefore aimed to provide a comprehensive account of the course of SGC degeneration in the guinea pig cochlea after ototoxic treatment. Histological analysis of eighteen healthy and thirty-three deafened cochleas showed that the degeneration of SGCs and their peripheral processes was simultaneous rather than sequential. As the site of excitation for electrical stimulation with a CI may depend on the course of degeneration of the various neural elements, this finding is relevant both for understanding the electrophysiological mechanisms behind cochlear implantation and for recent efforts to induce PP resprouting for improved electrode-neural interface. Since excitation of the PPs is often thought to result in (secondary) longer-latency activity, we tested the hypothesis that having relatively many PPs produces a larger N2 peak in the electrically evoked compound action potential (eCAP); the present findings however do not support this theory. The course of the degeneration process may vary among species, and may depend on the cause of deafness, but the present findings at least indicate that gradual retrograde degeneration of the auditory nerve is not an elemental process following severe damage to the organ of Corti

    Acute effects of cochleostomy and electrode-array insertion on compound action potentials in normal-hearing guinea pigs

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    Introduction: Electrocochleography (ECochG) is increasingly used in cochlear implant (CI) surgery, in order to monitor the effect of insertion of the electrode array aiming to preserve residual hearing. However, obtained results are often difficult to interpret. Here we aim to relate changes in ECochG responses to acute trauma induced by different stages of cochlear implantation by performing ECochG at multiple time points during the procedure in normal-hearing guinea pigs. Materials and methods: Eleven normal-hearing guinea pigs received a gold-ball electrode that was fixed in the round-window niche. ECochG recordings were performed during the four steps of cochlear implantation using the gold-ball electrode: (1) Bullostomy to expose the round window, (2) hand-drilling of 0.5–0.6 mm cochleostomy in the basal turn near the round window, (3) insertion of a short flexible electrode array, and (4) withdrawal of electrode array. Acoustical stimuli were tones varying in frequency (0.25–16 kHz) and sound level. The ECochG signal was primarily analyzed in terms of threshold, amplitude, and latency of the compound action potential (CAP). Midmodiolar sections of the implanted cochleas were analyzed in terms of trauma to hair cells, modiolar wall, osseous spiral lamina (OSL) and lateral wall. Results: Animals were assigned to cochlear trauma categories: minimal (n = 3), moderate (n = 5), or severe (n = 3). After cochleostomy and array insertion, CAP threshold shifts increased with trauma severity. At each stage a threshold shift at high frequencies (4–16 kHz) was accompanied with a threshold shift at low frequencies (0.25–2 kHz) that was 10–20 dB smaller. Withdrawal of the array led to a further worsening of responses, which probably indicates that insertion and removal trauma affected the responses rather than the mere presence of the array. In two instances, CAP threshold shifts were considerably larger than threshold shifts of cochlear microphonics, which could be explained by neural damage due to OSL fracture. A change in amplitudes at high sound levels was strongly correlated with threshold shifts, which is relevant for clinical ECochG performed at one sound level. Conclusion: Basal trauma caused by cochleostomy and/or array insertion should be minimized in order to preserve the low-frequency residual hearing of CI recipients

    The effect of the surgical approach and cochlear implant electrode on the structural integrity of the cochlea in human temporal bones

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    Cochlear implants (CI) restore hearing of severely hearing-impaired patients. Although this auditory prosthesis is widely considered to be very successful, structural cochlear trauma during cochlear implantation is an important problem, reductions of which could help to improve hearing outcomes and to broaden selection criteria. The surgical approach in cochlear implantation, i.e. round window (RW) or cochleostomy (CO), and type of electrode-array, perimodiolar (PM) or lateral wall (LW), are variables that might influence the probability of severe trauma. We investigated the effect of these two variables on scalar translocation (STL), a specific type of severe trauma. Thirty-two fresh frozen human cadaveric ears were evenly distributed over four groups receiving either RW or CO approach, and either LW or PM array. Conventional radiological multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) was compared with a reconstruction method that uncoils the spiral shape of the cochlea (UCR). Histological analysis showed that RW with PM array had STL rate of 87% (7/8), CO approach with LW array 75% (6/8), RW approach with LW array 50% (4/8) and CO approach with PM array 29% (2/7). STL assessment using UCR showed a higher inter-observer and histological agreement (91 and 94% respectively), than that using MPR (69 and 74% respectively). In particular, LW array positions were difficult to assess with MPR. In conclusion, the interaction between surgical approach and type of array should be preoperatively considered in cochlear implant surgery. UCR technique is advised for radiological assessment of CI positions, and in general it might be useful for pathologies involving the inner ear or other complex shaped bony tubular structures

    Changes in the Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential over time After Implantation and Subsequent Deafening in Guinea Pigs

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    The electrically evoked compound action potential (eCAP) is a direct measure of the responsiveness of the auditory nerve to electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant (CI). CIs offer a unique opportunity to study the auditory nerve's electrophysiological behavior in individual human subjects over time. In order to understand exactly how the eCAP relates to the condition of the auditory nerve, it is crucial to compare changes in the eCAP over time in a controlled model of deafness-induced auditory nerve degeneration. In the present study, 10 normal-hearing young adult guinea pigs were implanted and deafened 4 weeks later, so that the effect of deafening could be monitored within-subject over time. Following implantation, but before deafening, most examined eCAP characteristics significantly changed, suggesting increasing excitation efficacy (e.g., higher maximum amplitude, lower threshold, shorter latency). Conversely, inter-phase gap (IPG) effects on these measures - within-subject difference measures that have been shown to correlate well with auditory nerve survival - did not vary for most eCAP characteristics. After deafening, we observed an initial increase in excitability (steeper slope of the eCAP amplitude growth function (AGF), lower threshold, shorter latency and peak width) which typically returned to normal-hearing levels within a week, after which a slower process, probably reflecting spiral ganglion cell loss, took place over the remaining 6 weeks (e.g., decrease in maximum amplitude, AGF slope, peak area, and IPG effect for AGF slope; increase in IPG effect for latency). Our results suggest that gradual changes in peak width and latency reflect the rate of neural degeneration, while peak area, maximum amplitude, and AGF slope reflect neural population size, which may be valuable for clinical diagnostics

    The efficacy of a TrkB monoclonal antibody agonist in preserving the auditory nerve in deafened guinea pigs

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    The auditory nerve typically degenerates following loss of cochlear hair cells or synapses. In the case of hair cell loss neural degeneration hinders restoration of hearing through a cochlear implant, and in the case of synaptopathy suprathreshold hearing is affected, potentially degrading speech perception in noise. It has been established that neurotrophins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) can mitigate auditory nerve degeneration. Several potential BDNF mimetics have also been investigated for neurotrophic effects in the cochlea. A recent in vitro study showed favorable effects of M3, a TrkB monoclonal antibody agonist, when compared with BDNF. In the present study we set out to examine the effect of M3 on auditory nerve preservation in vivo. Thirty-one guinea pigs were bilaterally deafened, and unilaterally treated with a single 3-µl dose of 7 mg/ml, 0.7 mg/ml M3 or vehicle-only by means of a small gelatin sponge two weeks later. During the experiment and analyses the experimenters were blinded to the three treatment groups. Four weeks after treatment, we assessed the treatment effect (1) histologically, by quantifying survival of SGCs and their peripheral processes (PPs); and (2) electrophysiologically, with two different paradigms of electrically evoked compound action potential (eCAP) recordings shown to be indicative of neural health: single-pulse stimulation with varying inter-phase gap (IPG), and pulse-train stimulation with varying inter-pulse interval. We observed a consistent and significant preservative effect of M3 on SGC survival in the lower basal turn (approximately 40% more survival than in the untreated contralateral cochlea), but also in the upper middle and lower apical turn of the cochlea. This effect was similar for the two treatment groups. Survival of PPs showed a trend similar to that of the SGCs, but was only significantly higher for the highest dose of M3. The protective effect of M3 on SGCs was not reflected in any of the eCAP measures: no statistically significant differences were observed between groups in IPG effect nor between the M3 treatment groups and the control group using the pulse-train stimulation paradigm. In short, while a clear effect of M3 was observed on SGC survival, this was not clearly translated into functional preservation

    Spectral-temporal processing of naturalistic sounds in monkeys and humans

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    Human speech and vocalizations in animals are rich in joint spectrotemporal (S-T) modulations, wherein acoustic changes in both frequency and time are functionally related. In principle, the primate auditory system could process these complex dynamic sounds based on either an inseparable representation of S-T features or, alternatively, a separable representation. The separability hypothesis implies an independent processing of spectral and temporal modulations. We collected comparative data on the S-T hearing sensitivity in humans and macaque monkeys to a wide range of broadband dynamic spectrotemporal ripple stimuli employing a yes-no signal-detection task. Ripples were systematically varied, as a function of density (spectral modulation frequency), velocity (temporal modulation frequency), or modulation depth, to cover a listener's full S-T modulation sensitivity, derived from a total of 87 psychometric ripple detection curves. Audiograms were measured to control for normal hearing. Determined were hearing thresholds, reaction time distributions, and S-T modulation transfer functions (MTFs), both at the ripple detection thresholds and at suprathreshold modulation depths. Our psychophysically derived MTFs are consistent with the hypothesis that both monkeys and humans employ analogous perceptual strategies: S-T acoustic information is primarily processed separable. Singular value decomposition (SVD), however, revealed a small, but consistent, inseparable spectral-temporal interaction. Finally, SVD analysis of the known visual spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity function (CSF) highlights that human vision is space-time inseparable to a much larger extent than is the case for S-T sensitivity in hearing. Thus, the specificity with which the primate brain encodes natural sounds appears to be less strict than is required to adequately deal with natural images

    Combined brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 treatment is preferred over either one separately in the preservation of the auditory nerve in deafened guinea pigs

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    Severe hearing loss or deafness is often caused by cochlear hair cell loss and can be mitigated by a cochlear implant (CI). CIs target the auditory nerve, consisting of spiral ganglion cells (SGCs), which degenerate gradually, following hair cell loss. In animal models, it has been established that treatment with the neurotrophins brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) reduce SGC degeneration. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether treatment with both BDNF and NT-3 (Cocktail) is superior to treatment with each neurotrophin separately regarding cell preservation and neural responsiveness to electrical stimulation. To this end, deafened guinea pigs received neurotrophic treatment in their right ear via a gelatin sponge on the perforated round window membrane, followed by cochlear implantation 4 weeks later in the same ear for electrophysiological recordings to various stimulation paradigms. Normal-hearing and deafened untreated guinea pigs were included as positive and negative controls, respectively. Substantial SGC loss occurred in all deafened animals. Each of the neurotrophic treatments led to enhanced SGC survival mainly in the basal turn of the cochlea, gradually decreasing toward the apex. The Cocktail treatment resulted in the highest SGC survival in the treated ear, followed by BDNF, with the least protection of SGCs following NT-3 treatment. Survival of the SGC's peripheral processes (PPs) followed the same trend in response to the treatment. However, survival of SGCs and PPs in the contralateral untreated ears was also highest in the Cocktail group. Consequently, analysis of the ratio between the treated and untreated ears showed that the BDNF group, which showed low SGC survival in the untreated ear, had the highest relative SGC survival of the three neurotrophin-treated groups. Neurotrophic treatment had positive effects in part of the electrically evoked compound action-potential recording paradigms. These effects were only observed for the BDNF or Cocktail treatment. We conclude that treatment with either BDNF or a cocktail of BDNF and NT-3 is preferred to NT-3 alone. Furthermore, since the Cocktail treatment resulted in better electrophysiological responsiveness and overall higher SGC survival than BDNF alone, we are inclined to recommend the Cocktail treatment rather than BDNF alone

    BDNF-mediated preservation of spiral ganglion cell peripheral processes and axons in comparison to that of their cell bodies

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    Treatment with neurotrophins prevents degeneration of spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) after severe hair cell loss. In a previous study we demonstrated a long-lasting effect with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after cessation of treatment. In that study the survival of the SGC cell bodies was examined. Here we address the question whether their peripheral processes and central processes (axons) were protected by this treatment as well in the cochleas of the aforementioned study. Guinea pigs were deafened by co-administration of kanamycin and furosemide. Two weeks after deafening the right cochleas were implanted with an intracochlear electrode array combined with a cannula connected to an osmotic pump filled with BDNF solution. Four weeks later the treatment was stopped by surgically removing the osmotic pump. At that point, or another four or eight weeks later, the animals were sacrificed for histological analysis. Control groups consisted of normal-hearing animals, and three groups of deafened animals: two-weeks-deaf untreated animals, and six- and fourteen-weeks-deaf sham-treated animals. Cochleas were processed for analysis of: (1) the myelinated portion of peripheral processes in the osseous spiral lamina, (2) the cell bodies in Rosenthal's canal, and (3) axons in the internal acoustic meatus. Packing densities and cross-sectional areas were determined using light microscopy. Up to eight weeks after treatment cessation the numbers of peripheral processes and axons were significantly higher than in untreated cochleas of control animals. Whereas the numbers of cell bodies and axons were similar to those at the start of treatment, the peripheral processes were significantly less well preserved. This smaller protective effect was found mainly in the apical turns. Strategies to prevent SGC degeneration after hair cell loss should consider the differential effects on the various neural elements

    Short-Latency Evoked Potentials of the Human Auditory System

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    Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR) are short-latency electric potentials from the auditory nervous system that can be evoked by presenting transient acoustic stimuli to the ear. Sources of the ABR are the auditory nerve and brainstem auditory nuclei. Clinical application of ABRs includes identification of the site of lesion in retrocochlear hearing loss, establishing functional integrity of the auditory nerve, and objective audiometry. Recording of ABR requires a measurement setup with a high-quality amplifier with adequate filtering and low skin-electrode impedance to reduce non-physiological interference. Furthermore, signal averaging and artifact rejection are essential tools for obtaining a good signal-to-noise ratio. Comparing latencies for different peaks at different stimulus intensities allows the determination of hearing threshold, location of the site of lesion, and establishment of neural integrity. Audiological assessment of infants who are referred after failing hearing screening relies on accurate estimation of hearing thresholds. Frequency-specific ABR using tone-burst stimuli is a clinically feasible method for this. Appropriate correction factors should be applied to estimate the hearing threshold from the ABR threshold. Whenever possible, obtained thresholds should be confirmed with behavioral testing. The Binaural Interaction Component of the ABR provides important information regarding binaural processing in the brainstem

    Regeneration of Hair Cells from Endogenous Otic Progenitors in the Adult Mammalian Cochlea: Understanding Its Origins and Future Directions

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    Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to sensory hair cells and/or spiral ganglion neurons. In non-mammalian species, hair cell regeneration after damage is observed, even in adulthood. Although the neonatal mammalian cochlea carries regenerative potential, the adult cochlea cannot regenerate lost hair cells. The survival of supporting cells with regenerative potential after cochlear trauma in adults is promising for promoting hair cell regeneration through therapeutic approaches. Targeting these cells by manipulating key signaling pathways that control mammalian cochlear development and non-mammalian hair cell regeneration could lead to regeneration of hair cells in the mammalian cochlea. This review discusses the pathways involved in the development of the cochlea and the impact that trauma has on the regenerative capacity of the endogenous progenitor cells. Furthermore, it discusses the effects of manipulating key signaling pathways targeting supporting cells with progenitor potential to promote hair cell regeneration and translates these findings to the human situation. To improve hearing recovery after hearing loss in adults, we propose a combined approach targeting (1) the endogenous progenitor cells by manipulating signaling pathways (Wnt, Notch, Shh, FGF and BMP/TGFβ signaling pathways), (2) by manipulating epigenetic control, and (3) by applying neurotrophic treatments to promote reinnervation
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