249 research outputs found

    The progress of clinical research on the detection of 1,5-anhydroglucitol in diabetes and its complications

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    1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) is sensitive to short-term glucose fluctuations and postprandial hyperglycemia, which has great potential in the clinical application of diabetes as a nontraditional blood glucose monitoring indicator. A large number of studies have found that 1,5-AG can be used to screen for diabetes, manage diabetes, and predict the perils of diabetes complications (diabetic nephropathy, diabetic cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic pregnancy complications, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, etc.). Additionally, 1,5-AG and β cells are also associated with each other. As a noninvasive blood glucose monitoring indicator, salivary 1,5-AG has much more benefit for clinical application; however, it cannot be ignored that its detection methods are not perfect. Thus, a considerable stack of research is still needed to establish an accurate and simple enzyme assay for the detection of salivary 1,5-AG. More clinical studies will also be required in the future to confirm the normal reference range of 1,5-AG and its role in diabetes complications to further enhance the blood glucose monitoring system for diabetes

    The value of the malignant subregion-based texture analysis in predicting the Ki-67 status in breast cancer

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the value of the malignant subregion-based texture analysis in predicting Ki-67 status in breast cancer.Materials and methodsThe dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data of 119 histopathologically confirmed breast cancer patients (81 patients with high Ki-67 expression status) from January 2018 to February 2023 in our hospital were retrospectively collected. According to the enhancement curve of each voxel within the tumor, three subregions were divided: washout subregion, plateau subregion, and persistent subregion. The washout subregion and the plateau subregion were merged as the malignant subregion. The texture features of the malignant subregion were extracted using Pyradiomics software for texture analysis. The differences in texture features were compared between the low and high Ki-67 expression cohorts and then the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis to evaluate the predictive performance of texture features on Ki-67 expression. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) classifier was constructed based on differential features to predict the expression level of Ki-67, the performance of the classifier was evaluated using ROC analysis and confirmed using 10-fold cross-validation.ResultsThrough comparative analysis, 51 features exhibited significant differences between the low and high Ki-67 expression cohorts. Following feature reduction, 5 features were selected to build the SVM classifier, which achieved an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.77 (0.68–0.87) for predicting the Ki-67 expression status. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were 0.76, 0.80, and 0.68, respectively. The average AUC from the 10-fold cross-validation was 0.72 ± 0.14.ConclusionThe texture features of the malignant subregion in breast cancer were potential biomarkers for predicting Ki-67 expression level in breast cancer, which might be used to precisely diagnose and guide the treatment of breast cancer

    Effects of acid hydrolysis waste liquid recycle on preparation of microcrystalline cellulose

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    Large amounts of acidic waste are produced on the industrial scale during hydrolysis of partially amorphous cellulose to produce microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). The essential disposal and treatment of this highly acidic liquid wastes the acid feedstock and increases the production cost. To maximize the use of acid without sacrificing the MCC product quality, this project reports a successful attempt to recycle the acid hydrolysis waste liquid, focusing on the impact of waste recycling on MCC morphology and reducing sugar in the hydrolysate. The results showed that when the waste liquid is recycled 1-5 times, no metal accumulation occurred while cellulose particles remained intact, maintaining their shape and size. Their extent of crystallinity remained nearly constant, even increasing slightly with up to three cycles. The concentration of reducing sugar showed growth when recycling the waste liquid up to three times, although not quite to the levels that would allow for its cost-effective fermentation. The acid amount to be added at the start of each cycle was near 50% of that used on the first stage

    Genome-wide characterization of endogenous retroviruses in snub-nosed monkeys

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    Background Endogenous retroviruses (ERV) are remnants of former exogenous retroviruses that had previously invaded the germ line of the host that can be vertically transmitted across generations. While the majority of ERVs lack infectious capacity due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations, some ERVs remain active and produce potentially infectious viral particles. ERV sequences have been reported in all mammals; however, the distribution and diversity of ERVs in several primate taxa remains unclear. The aim of this study was to identify and classify the ERV sequences in the genomes of the golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) and the black and white snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), two endangered primate species that exploit high altitude (2,500–4,500 m) temperate forests in southern and central China. Methods We used a TBLASTN program to search the ERV sequences of golden snub-nosed monkey genome and the black and white snub-nosed monkey genome. We retrieved all complete accession sequences from the homology search and then used the program, RetroTector, to check and identify the ERV sequences. Results We identified 284 and 263 endogenous retrovirus sequences in R. roxellana and R. bieti respectively. The proportion of full-length sequences of all ERV was 30% in R. roxellana and 21% in R. bieti and they were described as class I and class II or gamma-retrovirus and beta-retrovirus genera. The truncation pattern distribution in the two species was virtually identical. By analyzing and comparing ERV orthologues among 6 primate species, we identified the co-evolution of ERVs with their host. We also examined ERV-like sequences and found 48 such genes in R. roxellana and 63 in R. bieti. Some of those genes are associated with diseases, suggesting that ERVs might have involved the abnormal expression of certain genes that have contributed to deleterious consequences for the host. Conclusions Our results indicate that ERV sequences are widely distributed in snub-nosed monkeys, and their phylogenetic history can mirror that of their hosts over long evolutionary time scales. In addition, ERV sequences appear to have an important influence on the evolution of host pathology

    Advances in Mushroom Research in the Last Decade

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    U posljednjem desetljeću došlo je do značajnog napretka u znanstvenom i biotehnološkom istraživanju gljiva. Optimiranje odjeljivanja kromosoma gljiva metodom PFGE omogućilo je istraživanje njihova molekularnog kariotipa i dodjeljivanje gena pojedinom kromosomu. Postoji 115 gena kodiranih iz različitih vrsta gljiva. Križanje je i dalje glavna metoda, ali se sve češće primjenjuju i RAPD analize ili RFLP metode. Koriste se genetski markeri koji se introgresijom uvode u komercijalne velike hibride. Određena su i u praksi primijenjena kompleksna svojstva kao što su prinos, otpornost na bolesti i kakvoća, te osobine više od jednog lokusa kvantitativnog svojstva (QTL). Pomoću bakterije Agrobacterium ili bombardiranjem čestica dobiveni su transformanti ili transgeni mutageni. Istražena je najmanje 651 vrsta, predstavnika 182 roda gljiva iz razreda Heterobasidiomycetes ili Homobasidiomycetes, koje sadrže polisaharide s antitumorskim ili imunostimulirajućim djelovanjem. Kao jedan od najaktivnijih sastojaka identificiran je ergosterol iz frakcije lipida. Također se kao antimikrobni ili antivirusni agensi intenzivno istražuju novi seskviterpenoidni hidrokinoni, steroidi, oksalna kiselina, triterpeni, lignini topljivi u vodi, sulfatirani polisaharidi te polisaharidi vezani s proteinima. Mnogi spojevi male molekularne mase, poput iludina, leaianfulvena, triterpena (ganoderične kiseline), acetoksiscirpendiola, ergosterol peroksida i sterola, pokazuju citotoksično djelovanje. U gljivama su pronađeni mnogi drugi spojevi koji imaju antioksidativno, hipoglikemičko, protuupalno, hepatoprotektivno ili psihoaktivno djelovanje.There has been a lot of progress in mushroom science and biotechnology in the last decade. The optimization of PFGE separation of fungal chromosomes allowed the study of the molecular karyotype of mushrooms and the assignment of genes to chromosomes. There are 115 genes encoded from different species of mushrooms. Cross breeding continues to be the principal method, but it is accompanied by the analyses of RAPD or RFLPs methods. The genetic makers are used and introduced into commercial large hybrids via introgression breeding. The complex traits such as yield, resistance to disease and quality characteristics, and quantitative traits more than one quantitative trait locus (QTL) are found and used in practice. The transformants or transgenic mutant strains were obtained by Agrobacterium system or particle bombardment. At least 651 species representing 182 genera of hetero- and homobasidiomycetes mushrooms were researched containing antitumor or immunostimulating polysaccharides. Ergosterol in the lipid fraction was identified as one of the most active constituents. New sesquiterpenoid hydroquinones, steroids, oxalic acid, triterpenes, water-soluble lignins, sulfated polysaccharides, protein-bound polysaccharides are researched intensively as antimicrobial or antiviral agents. Many small molecular mass compounds exhibit cytotoxic activities, such as illudins, leaianafulvene, triterpenes (ganoderic acids), acetoxyscirpenediol, ergosterol peroxide, sterols. There are many other compounds or activities found in the mushrooms, such as antioxidative, hypoglycemic action, anti-inflammatory effect, hepatoprotective compounds, psychoactive compounds and activities

    Clinical characteristics of male prolactinoma patients mainly presenting with severe obesity and the metabolic response to dopamine agonist therapy

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    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical characteristics of 4 male prolactinoma patients with severe obesity.MethodsThe clinical data of all the patients were retrospectively analyzed.ResultsAll the patients visited our hospital for severe obesity at the age of 16-30 years old with their body mass index (BMI) of 37.9-55.9 kg/m2. All the patients were obese since childhood, even at birth. Hyperprolactinemia (72.3-273.0 ng/ml) was found during the etiological screening of obesity and MRI revealed pituitary adenomas. Additionally, all of them had multiple obesity related complications, such as hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia. Treatment of dopamine agonists (DAs) effectively normalized their prolactin level and the pituitary MRI reexamination after 6 months of DAs treatment showed the shrinkage of the pituitary adenomas in 3 patients. Their weight also decreased in different degrees (2.70~19.03% lower than the baseline) with improved metabolic profiles.ConclusionSerum prolactin level should be screened in obese patients, especially those with severe obesity

    Production of Powerful Antioxidant Supplements via Solid-State Fermentation of Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) by Cordyceps militaris

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    U radu su ispitana antioksidativna svojstva fermentirane pšenice (Triticum aestivum Linn.), ekstrahirane pomoću zakiseljene vode, 70 %-tnog acetona i 70 %-tnog etanola, u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom. Antioksidativna aktivnost fermentirane pšenice, tj. njezina sposobnost uklanjanja 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazilnih i hidroksilnih radikala, reducirajuća snaga te sposobnost keliranja iona željeza, bila je veća od aktivnosti nefermentirane pšenice. Prinos ekstrakcije, ukupni udjel fenola, flavonoida i slobodnih fenolnih kiselina bili su kudikamo veći u fermentiranoj pšenici. Najveći udjel antioksidativnih spojeva, i to 66,37 mg/g polifenola, izraženih kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, i 32,27 mg/g flavonoida, izraženih kao ekvivalent rutina, te najmanju EC50 vrijednost imao je acetonski ekstrakt fermentirane pšenice. Stoga je zaključeno da se fermentacijom s pomoću gljive Cordyceps militaris može proizvesti zdrava hrana ili sastojak multifunkcionalnih svojstava, što se može upotrijebiti kao prirodni antioksidans u prehrambenoj industriji.The present study has been conducted to evaluate the antioxidant properties of fermented wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) extracted using acidified water, 70 % acetone and 70 % ethanol as compared to uninoculated control. Antioxidant activity, measured by the scavenging ability against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals and hydroxyl radicals, reducing power and ferrous ion chelating ability was more effective in fermented than unfermented wheat. Furthermore, the extraction yield, total phenolic, total flavonoid and free phenolic acid content were significantly enhanced in fermented wheat. Among the various extracts examined, the acetone extract of the fermented wheat had the highest content of antioxidant compounds (66.37 mg/g as gallic acid equivalent per mass of the extract for polyphenols and 32.27 mg/g as rutin equivalent per mass of flavonoid extract) and antioxidant activity with the lowest EC50 values. Thus, fermentation with Cordyceps militaris can be used as a tool to develop wheat as a health food or ingredient with multi-functional properties which can be used in the food industry as a natural antioxidant

    Correlation between preconception maternal non-occupational exposure to interior decoration or oil paint odour and average birth weight of neonates: findings from a nationwide cohort study in China\u27s rural areas

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    BACKGROUND: Birth weight is a critical indicator of neonatal health and foretells people\u27s health in adolescence and even adulthood. Some researchers have warned against the adverse effects on babies\u27 birth weight of exposure to pollutants in interior decoration or oil paint by odour intake. This study evaluated the effects of maternal exposure to such factors before conception on the birth weights of neonates. METHODS: Data on 213 461 cases in this study were from the database of the free National Pre-pregnancy Checkups Project. Defined as \u27exposed\u27 were those women exposed to oil paint odour or interior decoration at home or in the workplace within 6 months before their pregnancy. The study focused on revealing the correlation between such exposure and the birth weight of the neonates of these women, especially the incidence of macrosomia and low birth weight (LBW). Statistical analysis was conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis H test, the Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression. RESULTS: The birth weight of babies from mothers non-occupationally exposed to such settings averaged 3465 g (range 3150-3650 g), whereas the birth weight of those from mothers free of such exposure averaged 3300 g (range 3000-3600g). Maternal exposure preconception to interior decoration or oil paint odour reduced the incidence of LBW in their babies (p=0.003, OR 0.749, 95% CI 0.617 to 0.909). Such exposure may also augment the probability of macrosomia (p \u3c 0.001, OR 1.297, 95% CI 1.133 to 1.484). CONCLUSION: Maternal exposure to interior decoration or oil paint odour preconception may increase the average birth weight of neonates, as well as the incidence of macrosomia

    Hypophyseal Involvement in Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease: A Retrospective Study from a Single Tertiary Center

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    This study aims to outline the clinical features and outcomes of IgG4-related hypophysitis (IgG4-RH) patients in a tertiary medical center. We reviewed clinical manifestations and imaging and pituitary function tests at baseline, as well as during follow-up. Ten patients were included. The mean age at diagnosis of IgG4-RH was 48.4 (16.0–64.0) years. An average of 3 (0–9) extrapituitary organs were involved. Five patients had panhypopituitarism, three had only posterior hypopituitarism, one had only anterior hypopituitarism, and one had a normal pituitary function. One patient in our study had pituitary mass biopsy, lacking IgG4-positive cells despite lymphocyte infiltration forming an inflammatory pseudotumor. Five patients with a clinical course of IgG4-RH less than nine months and a whole course of IgG4-RD less than two years were managed with glucocorticoids, while three patients with a longer history were administered glucocorticoids plus immunosuppressive agents. One patient went through surgical excision, and one patient was lost to follow-up. All patients showed a prompt response clinically, but only three patients had normalized serum IgG4 levels. Two patients who took medications for less than six months relapsed. Conclusions. IgG4-RD is a broad disease, and all physicians involved have to be aware of the possibility of pituitary dysfunction. Younger patients should be expected. The histopathological feature of pituitary gland biopsy could be atypical. For patients with a longer history, the combination of GC and immunosuppressive agents is favorable. Early and adequate courses of treatment are crucial for the management of IgG4-RH. With GC and/or immunosuppressant treatment, however, pituitary function or diabetes insipidus did not improve considerably

    Incorporation size of lymph node metastasis focus and pre-ablation stimulated Tg could more effectively predict clinical outcomes in differentiated thyroid cancer patients without distant metastases

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    BackgroundThe size of lymph node metastasis (LNM) and pre-ablation stimulated Tg (ps-Tg) were key predictors of clinical prognosis in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients, however, very few studies combine the above two as predictors of clinical prognosis of DTC patients.MethodsPersistent/recurrent disease and clinicopathologic factors were analyzed in 543 DTC patients without distant metastases who underwent LN dissection, near-total/total thyroidectomy, and radioiodine ablation.ResultsIn the multivariate analysis, size of LNM, ps-Tg, and the activity of 131I significantly correlated with long-term remission. The optimal cutoff size of LNM 0.4 cm-1.4 cm (intermediate-risk patients) and >1.4cm (high-risk patients) increased the recurrence risk (hazard ratio [95% CI], 4.674 [2.881-7.583] and 13.653 [8.135–22.913], respectively). Integration of ps-Tg into the reclassification risk stratification showed that ps-Tg ≤ 10.1 ng/mL was relevant to a greatly heightened possibility of long-term remission (92.2%–95.4% in low-risk patients, 67.3%–87.0% in intermediate-risk patients, and 32.3%–57.7% in high-risk patients).ConclusionThe cutoff of 0.4 cm and 1.4 cm for a definition of size of LNM in DTC patients without distant metastases can reclassify risk assessment, and incorporating ps-Tg could more effectively predict clinical outcomes and modify the postoperative management plan