10,176 research outputs found

    Equity market volatility and expected risk premium

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    This paper revisits the time-series relation between the conditional risk premium and variance of the equity market portfolio. The main innovation is that we construct a measure of the ex ante equity market risk premium using corporate bond yield spread data. This measure is forward-looking and does not rely critically on either realized equity returns or instrumental variables. We find strong support for a positive risk-return tradeoff, and this result is not sensitive to a number of robustness checks, including alternative proxies of the conditional stock variance and controls for hedging demands.Stock exchanges ; Securities

    Asymmetric Information and Global Sourcing

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    This paper aims to study the choice of offshoring modes made by multinationals in the presence of asymmetric information. We focus on two types of asymmetric information, namely hidden characteristics and hidden action. The former creates adverse selection problem, and the later leads to moral hazard problem, both of which incur non-trivial costs to multinationals. We show that different offshoring modes, including greenfield foreign direct investment, joint venture, and outsourcing, can serve as a means to overcome or mitigate the problem of information asymmetry. We study the conditions under which one particular type of offshore modes dominates the others. The model generates implications consistent with the patterns of the prevalence of various offshoring models over time, and across industries and countries.Asymmetric Information, Global Sourcing, Foreign Direct Investment, Joint Venture, Outsourcing

    Asymmetric Information and Global Sourcing

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    This paper aims to study the choice of offshoring modes made by multinationals in the presence of asymmetric information. We focus on two types of asymmetric information, namely hidden characteristics and hidden action. The former creates adverse selection problem, and the later leads to moral hazard problem, both of which incur non-trivial costs to multinationals. We show that different offshoring modes, including greenfield foreign direct investment, joint venture, and outsourcing, can serve as a means to overcome or mitigate the problem of information asymmetry. We study the conditions under which one particular type of offshore modes dominates the others. The model generates implications consistent with the patterns of the prevalence of various offshoring models over time, and across industries and countries.Asymmetric Information, Global Sourcing, Foreign Direct Investment, Joint Venture, Outsourcing

    Inflation and Growth: Impatience and a Qualitative Equivalence

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    This paper studies the role of an endogenous time preference on the relationship between inflation and growth in the long run in both the money-in-utility-function (MIUF) and transaction costs (TC) models. We establish a qualitative equivalence between the two models in a setup without a labor-leisure tradeoff. When the time preference is decreasing (or increasing) in consumption and real balances, both the MIUF and TC models are qualitatively equivalent in terms of predicting a negative (or positive) relationship between inflation and growth in a steady state. Both a decreasing and an increasing time preference in consumption are consistent with the arguments in the literature. While a decreasing time preference in real balances corroborates with empirical evidence, there is no evidence in support of an increasing time preference in real balances.endogenous time preferences, superneutrality, qualitative equivalence

    Status and Multiple Growth Regimes

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    In order to explain multiple growth regimes, one of the working hypotheses is based on initial conditions. Using a standard optimal growth with the status effect represented by wealth a la Friedman (1953), this paper obtains multiple growth regimes based on initial conditions without reliance on other assumptions such as nonlinearities of production or consumption functions and heterogeneous agents/savings behavior. With the status effect, the resulting equilibrium distribution is characterized by a group with a lower level of income and another group with a higher level of income. Globally, a sufficiently strong monetary policy may be an instrument in order for an economy in poverty traps to take off and become wealthy in the long run. Locally, our model sheds light on the relationship between money/inflation and capital in the long run that, given general cash-in-advance constraints on investment relative to consumption, is determined by the curvature of the utilities of wealth and consumption.one-sector growth model, wealth effect, CIA constraint, takeoff

    #mytweet via Instagram: Exploring User Behaviour across Multiple Social Networks

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    We study how users of multiple online social networks (OSNs) employ and share information by studying a common user pool that use six OSNs - Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube. We analyze the temporal and topical signature of users' sharing behaviour, showing how they exhibit distinct behaviorial patterns on different networks. We also examine cross-sharing (i.e., the act of user broadcasting their activity to multiple OSNs near-simultaneously), a previously-unstudied behaviour and demonstrate how certain OSNs play the roles of originating source and destination sinks.Comment: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2015. This is the pre-peer reviewed version and the final version is available at http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/publications/2015/lim-et-al-15.pd
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