875 research outputs found

    Adaptive cyclically dominating game on co-evolving networks: Numerical and analytic results

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    A co-evolving and adaptive Rock (R)-Paper (P)-Scissors (S) game (ARPS) in which an agent uses one of three cyclically dominating strategies is proposed and studied numerically and analytically. An agent takes adaptive actions to achieve a neighborhood to his advantage by rewiring a dissatisfying link with a probability pp or switching strategy with a probability 1−p1-p. Numerical results revealed two phases in the steady state. An active phase for p<pcrip<p_{\text{cri}} has one connected network of agents using different strategies who are continually interacting and taking adaptive actions. A frozen phase for p>pcrip>p_{\text{cri}} has three separate clusters of agents using only R, P, and S, respectively with terminated adaptive actions. A mean-field theory of link densities in co-evolving network is formulated in a general way that can be readily modified to other co-evolving network problems of multiple strategies. The analytic results agree with simulation results on ARPS well. We point out the different probabilities of winning, losing, and drawing a game among the agents as the origin of the small discrepancy between analytic and simulation results. As a result of the adaptive actions, agents of higher degrees are often those being taken advantage of. Agents with a smaller (larger) degree than the mean degree have a higher (smaller) probability of winning than losing. The results are useful in future attempts on formulating more accurate theories.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Error-driven Global Transition in a Competitive Population on a Network

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    We show, both analytically and numerically, that erroneous data transmission generates a global transition within a competitive population playing the Minority Game on a network. This transition, which resembles a phase transition, is driven by a `temporal symmetry breaking' in the global outcome series. The phase boundary, which is a function of the network connectivity pp and the error probability qq, is described quantitatively by the Crowd-Anticrowd theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Internal character dictates phase transition dynamics between isolation and cohesive grouping

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    We show that accounting for internal character among interacting, heterogeneous entities generates rich phase transition behavior between isolation and cohesive dynamical grouping. Our analytical and numerical calculations reveal different critical points arising for different character-dependent grouping mechanisms. These critical points move in opposite directions as the population's diversity decreases. Our analytical theory helps explain why a particular class of universality is so common in the real world, despite fundamental differences in the underlying entities. Furthermore, it correctly predicts the non-monotonic temporal variation in connectivity observed recently in one such system
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