14,924 research outputs found

    A NuSTAR Observation of the Gamma-ray Emitting Millisecond Pulsar PSR J1723-2837

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    We report on the first NuSTAR observation of the gamma-ray emitting millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1723-2837. X-ray radiation up to 79 keV is clearly detected and the simultaneous NuSTAR and Swift spectrum is well described by an absorbed power-law with a photon index of ~1.3. We also find X-ray modulations in the 3-10 keV, 10-20 keV, 20-79 keV, and 3-79 keV bands at the 14.8-hr binary orbital period. All these are entirely consistent with previous X-ray observations below 10 keV. This new hard X-ray observation of PSR J1723-2837 provides strong evidence that the X-rays are from the intrabinary shock via an interaction between the pulsar wind and the outflow from the companion star. We discuss how the NuSTAR observation constrains the physical parameters of the intrabinary shock model.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 5 pages, 3 figure

    Observed Tightening of Tropical Ascent in Recent Decades and Linkage to Regional Precipitation Changes

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    Climate models predict that the tropical ascending region should tighten under global warming, but observational quantification of the tightening rate is limited. Here we show that the observed spatial extent of the relatively moist, rainy and cloudy regions in the tropics associated with large‐scale ascent has been decreasing at a rate of −1%/decade (−5%/K) from 1979 to 2016, resulting from combined effects of interdecadal variability and anthropogenic forcings, with the former contributing more than the latter. The tightening of tropical ascent is associated with an increase in the occurrence frequency of extremely strong ascent, leading to an increase in the average precipitation rate in the top 1% of monthly rainfall in the tropics. At the margins of the convective zones such as the Southeast Amazonia region, the contraction of large‐scale ascent is related to a long‐term drying trend about −3.2%/decade in the past 38 years

    Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR observations of PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213

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    We report our recent Swift, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton X-ray and Lijiang optical observations on PSR J2032+4127/MT91 213, the gamma-ray binary candidate with a period of 45-50 years. The coming periastron of the system was predicted to be in November 2017, around which high-energy flares from keV to TeV are expected. Recent studies with Chandra and Swift X-ray observations taken in 2015/16 showed that its X-ray emission has been brighter by a factors of ~10 than that before 2013, probably revealing some on-going activities between the pulsar wind and the stellar wind. Our new Swift/XRT lightcurve shows no strong evidence of a single vigorous brightening trend, but rather several strong X-ray flares on weekly to monthly timescales with a slowly brightening baseline, namely the low state. The NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observations taken during the flaring and the low states, respectively, show a denser environment and a softer power-law index during the flaring state, implying that the pulsar wind interacted with stronger stellar winds of the companion to produce the flares. These precursors would be crucial in studying the predicted giant outburst from this extreme gamma-ray binary during the periastron passage in late 2017.Comment: 6 pages, including 3 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Imprint of Inhomogeneous Reionization on the Power Spectrum of Galaxy Surveys at High Redshifts

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    We consider the effects of inhomogeneous reionization on the distribution of galaxies at high redshifts. Modulation of the formation process of the ionizing sources by large scale density modes makes reionization inhomogeneous and introduces a spread to the reionization times of different regions with the same size. After sources photo-ionize and heat these regions to a temperature \ga 10^4K at different times, their temperatures evolve as the ionized intergalactic medium (IGM) expands. The varying IGM temperature makes the minimum mass of galaxies spatially non-uniform with a fluctuation amplitude that increases towards small scales. These scale-dependent fluctuations modify the shape of the power spectrum of low-mass galaxies at high redshifts in a way that depends on the history of reionization. The resulting distortion of the primordial power spectrum is significantly larger than changes associated with uncertainties in the inflationary parameters, such as the spectral index of the scalar power spectrum or the running of the spectral index. Future surveys of high-redshift galaxies will offer a new probe of the thermal history of the IGM but might have a more limited scope in constraining inflation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, replaced to match version accepted by Ap

    NuSTAR observations and broadband spectral energy distribution modeling of the millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1023+0038

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    We report the first hard X-ray (3-79 keV) observations of the millisecond pulsar (MSP) binary PSR J1023+0038 using NuSTAR. This system has been shown transiting between a low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) state and a rotation-powered MSP state. The NuSTAR observations were taken in both LMXB state and rotation-powered state. The source is clearly seen in both states up to ~79 keV. During the LMXB state, the 3-79 keV flux is about a factor of 10 higher that in the rotation-powered state. The hard X-rays show clear orbital modulation during the X-ray faint rotation-powered state but the X-ray orbital period is not detected in the X-ray bright LMXB state. In addition, the X-ray spectrum changes from a flat power-law spectrum during the rotation-powered state to a steeper power-law spectrum in the LMXB state. We suggest that the hard X-rays are due to the intra-binary shock from the interaction between the pulsar wind and the injected material from the low-mass companion star. During the rotation-powered MSP state, the X-ray orbital modulation is due to Doppler boosting of the shocked pulsar wind. At the LMXB state, the evaporating matter of the accretion disk due to the gamma-ray irradiation from the pulsar stops almost all the pulsar wind, resulting the disappearance of the X-ray orbital modulation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission from the high-redshift intergalactic medium

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    We combine a high-resolution hydro-simulation of the LambdaCDM cosmology with two radiative transfer schemes (for continuum and line radiation) to predict the properties, spectra and spatial distribution of fluorescent Ly-alpha emission at z~3. We focus on line radiation produced by recombinations in the dense intergalactic medium ionized by UV photons. In particular, we consider both a uniform background and the case where gas clouds are illuminated by a nearby quasar. We find that the emission from optically thick regions is substantially less than predicted from the widely used static, plane-parallel model. The effects induced by a realistic velocity field and by the complex geometric structure of the emitting regions are discussed in detail. We make predictions for the expected brightness and size distributions of the fluorescent sources.Our results account for recent null detections and can be used to plan new observational campaigns both in the field (to measure the intensity of the diffuse UV background) and in the proximity of bright quasars (to understand the origin of high colum-density absorbers).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap