59 research outputs found

    Exploring Hong Kong Chinese guidance teachers' positive beliefs: a focus group study

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    The author reports the findings on the positive beliefs of guidance teachers for school guidance. Five focus groups, involving 24 secondary school guidance teachers in Hong Kong, were conducted. Five categories on positive beliefs emerged from the data: Care and concern for students, Guidance for educating the whole person, Students' individual needs for growth, Growth and change through the helping process, and Demand for guidance and counselling training. The implications of the findings were discussed from the perspective of implementing a whole school approach through the comprehensive school guidance programme. © 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.postprin


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    The research aims to design cognitive competences assessment instruments in Listening class for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP). This research employed a modified Design and Development Research (DDR) which consists of four steps, including analyzing, designing, prototyping, and evaluating. The data of this research were ten Listening assessment instruments collected from five ELESP at different universities in Indonesia. The result of the analysis revealed that cognitive competences in the existing assessment instruments of Listening in ELESP only accommodated the critical thinking indicators. It was only found in the level of understanding. The indicators only appear in the instruction, test format and topics. Meanwhile, the indicators of problem solving was not found. This research used the Table of Specifications (ToS) adapted from Universitaat Innsbruck since it was designed explicitly for Listening assessment. There were three procedures to design ToS infused cognitive competences. The indicators of cognitive competences infused in the ToS was in the component of learning objective, taxonomy, input sources, topics, nature of content, and test method. The new design of assessment instruments made use of almost all the indicators of critical thinking and problem solving. The indicators infused the instruction, test format, topics and test items. The design was developed for Listening for General Purposes for mid-test and final test in ELESP. *********** Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang instrumen penilaian kompetensi kognitif pada kelas Listening Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (ELESP). Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Desain dan Pengembangan Penelitian (DDR) yang dimodifikasi yang terdiri dari empat langkah, meliputi menganalisis, merancang, membuat prototipe, dan mengevaluasi. Data penelitian ini adalah sepuluh instrumen penilaian Listening yang dikumpulkan dari lima ELESP di berbagai universitas di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi kognitif pada instrumen penilaian Listening yang ada di ELESP hanya mengakomodasi indikator berpikir kritis (critical thinking). Itu hanya ditemukan pada tingkat pemahaman (understanding). Indikator hanya muncul dalam instruksi (instruction), format tes (test format) dan topik (topics). Sedangkan indikator pemecahan masalah (problem solving) tidak ditemukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Tabel Spesifikasi (ToS) yang diadaptasi dari Universitaat Innsbruck karena dirancang secara eksplisit untuk penilaian Listening. Ada tiga prosedur untuk merancang kompetensi kognitif yang ditanamkan pada ToS. Indikator kompetensi kognitif yang dituangkan dalam ToS adalah pada komponen tujuan pembelajaran (learning objective), taksonomi (taxonomy), sumber masukan (input sources), topik (topics), sifat isi (nature of content), dan metode tes (test method). Rancangan instrumen penilaian yang baru mengakomodasi hampir semua indikator berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah. Indikator tersebut meliputi instruksi (instruction), format tes (test format), topik (topics) dan item tes (test items). Desain ini dikembangkan untuk Listening for General Purposes untuk ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester di ELESP

    Efek Intervensi Pemaafan Konseling Pada Anak-Anak Yang Terluka Dalam Hubungan Interpersonal

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    Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek intervensi pemaafan dengan teknik konseling pada anak-anak yang terluka dalam hubungan interpersonal. Desain eksperimen menggunakan pretes dan postes dengan jumlah subjek 6 orang anak sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanada perbedaan signifikan kemampuan interpersonal anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perilakuan. Intervensi pemaafan dengan teknik konseling dapat meningkatkan kemampauan anak dalam hubungan interpersonal. Hubungan interpersonal yang tinggi ditandai dengan kedekatan, membuka diri memulai komunikasi, dukungan emosional, persetujuan untuk saling terbuka dalam komunikasi, dan kepuasan

    The Relationships between High School Subjects in terms of School Satisfaction and Academic Performance in Mexican Adolescents

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    Adolescents’ academic performance and the way it is related to their subjective wellbeing are issues of great interest across educational systems. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how satisfaction with high school subjects can predict school satisfaction and academic performance in Mexican students. The sample consisted of 457 high school students in the Baja California and Nuevo León states in Mexico (247 boys, 210 girls); their mean age being 14.10 (SD = 0.84). We used a questionnaire featuring a subject satisfaction scale, an intrinsic school satisfaction scale, and one related to academic grades. We used descriptive analyses, correlations, and structural regression models. In terms of results, the high satisfaction and academic performance levels in physical education, Spanish and English are worth highlighting. Geography and history are the most relevant predictors of academic grades, while Spanish predicts school satisfaction and physical education predicts boredom. In conclusion, satisfaction with mathematics, Spanish, and English are strong predictors of satisfaction (SATF), and the latter in turn predicts Mexican high school students’ academic performance

    Molding the Young for Proper Socio-Economic Development: The Case for Vocational Guidance and Counselling in the Secondary School System in Zimbabwe

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    In this desktop based paper we argue the case for school based vocational guidance and counselling services in Zimbabwe. We establish that school based vocational guidance and counselling services help students to reflect on their ambitions, interests and abilities. Young people experience problems, especially in their vocational development and eventually leading to a mismatch in the job market world. These include a lack of knowledge of their own aptitudes and interests; a lack of realism; indecision; inflexibility and unwillingness to change; a lack of occupational information; problem-solving skills; and gender stereotypes. Our argument in this paper is that in the modern constantly changing world, students should be helped to seek and use current occupational information, clarify their own values, feelings and attitudes, and relate them to educational and vocational demands. We thus categorize the benefits of guidance and counselling into the following groups: personal-social benefits; scholastic-academic benefits; and career vocational benefits

    Positive school and classroom environment: Precursors of successful implementation of positive youth development programs

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    Copyright © 2008 with author(s). This case study was based on a school where the Tier 1 Program of the Project P.A.T.H.S. was integrated into the formal curriculum. In this case study, an interview with the school principal, vice-principal, and social worker was conducted in order to understand their perceptions of administrative arrangements and issues in the school, implementation characteristics, program effectiveness, program success, and overall impression. Results showed that several positive school and classroom attributes were conducive to program success, including positive school culture and belief in students' potentials, an inviting school environment, an encouraging classroom environment, high involvement of school administrative personnel, and systematic program arrangement. ©2008 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

    The relationship between revenge behavior and life satisfaction of students at a state university in Turkey

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between revenge behavior and life satisfaction among university students and to determine whether the revenge behavior and life satisfaction levels differed according to some variables (gender and grade). A total of 300 students, including 178 females and 122 males, who were enrolled in the Educational Faculty of Giresun University, participated in the study voluntarily. The sample consisted of 75 students from each grade level. The data collection tools employed in the study were the Vengeance Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Also, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the study, a low negative correlation (r = -. 24) was found between the revenge behavior and life satisfaction levels of university students. The revenge and life satisfaction levels of university students were observed to differ by gender variable. While there was no difference between the grade levels in terms of the life satisfaction variable, a difference was determined between the grade levels regarding the revenge variable. In the study, the life satisfaction levels of female students were found to be significantly higher than male students; on the other hand, the revenge behavior levels of male students were significantly higher compared to those of female students. A significant difference was found in terms of revenge behaviors against third-year students. The revenge levels of 3rd-grade students were found higher than other students. The findings were discussed and interpreted in the light of the literature

    Associations between self-perceived and desired health-related physical fitness in Spanish children

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    Health-related physical fitness (HRPF) has emerged as an important marker of health among children. It is usually defined as a multidimensional construct consisting of cardiorespiratory endurance; muscular strength and endurance; and flexibility. Currently, health policies are aimed at getting children to increase their HRPF levels. Understanding the relationship between the perceived and the desired levels of fitness can be important to avoid the abandoning of physical activity practice. We analyzed the associations between the self-perceived and the desired health-related physical fitness. A modified version of the self-perceived HRPF questionnaire was completed by 330 children (148 girls, mean age: 10.78 ± 0.67 years, and 182 boys, mean age: 10.82 ± 0.61 years). Fitness was measured through tests selected from the Eurofit battery. The questions regarding desired HRPF showed moderate internal consistency (Cronbach’s α: 0.671) and good test–retest reliability (ICC: 0.761). In general, children shared a desire to improve their self-perceived HRPF. Those who perceived themselves as already being fit were the ones who showed the strongest desire for achieving higher HRPF levels


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    ABSTRAK Syahdina Faturrahmi, 1403613 (2020). Hubungan Self Determination Dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Karir Serta Implikasinya Bagi Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling (Studi Korelasional terhadap siswa kelas XII SMA BPI 1 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020). Penelitian dilatarbelakangi kesulitan peserta didik dalam mengambil keputusan karir yang dipengaruhi berbagai faktor salah satunya faktor internal yaitu self determination dalam diri siswa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran hubungan self determination dan pengambilan keputusan karir siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode korelasi. Partisipan penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII SMA BPI 1 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 berjumlah 335 siswa dengan sampel penelitan 201 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum self determination peserta didik berada pada kategori introjected dan pengambilan keputusan karir peserta didik berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan analisis korelasi menggunakan rank Spearman menunjukkan hasil (r= ,279, p=0,000<0,05) yang berarti terdapat hubungan positif yang rendah antara pengambilan keputusan karir dan self determination peserta didik. Rekomendasi penelitian yaitu bagi Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah dan bagi penelitian selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: self determination, korelasi, pengambilan keputusan karir.   ABSTRACT Syahdina Faturrahmi, 1403613 (2020). The Correlation Between Self Determination and Career Decisions Making And Its Implications for Guidance And Counseling Services (Correlational studies to Grade Twelfth Students in SMA BPI 1 Bandung Academic Year 2019/2020) The research is motivated by the difficulties of students in making career decisions that are influenced by various factors, one of which is internal factors, namely self-determination. This research aims to obtain a description of the relationship between self determination and career decisions making. The research uses a quantitive approach with correlational method. Research partisipant are students of 12th Grade SMA BPI 1 Bandung in 2019/2020 Academic Year totaled 335 students with 201 students as sample. The results show that self determination of students is in the introjected category, and career decisions making of students is in the medium category. The correlation test using rank spearman yielded the value of (r= ,279, p=0,000<0,05), which means that there was a low positive relationship between self determination and career decisions making of students. The study result is recommended for Guidance and Counseling in school and further research. Keyword: self determination, correlation, career decision makin

    Cognitive competencies of TVE students as correlates of entrepreneurial intentions

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    In the face of the global economic challenges facing countries in the world and considering the fact that Nigeria is in a very critical phase of its development, it is imperative to produce graduates with high entrepreneurial intentions so as to salvage the already comatose economy. The study attempts to ascertain the relationship between cognitive competencies of Technology and Vocational Education (TVE) students and their entrepreneurial intentions. Six hypotheses were tested. The study adopts a survey design and 350 TVE students from tertiary institutions across the South-East region of Nigeria are studied. Purposive sampling method is used in selecting the sample for the study while a structured questionnaire is used for data collection. The instrument for data analyses is the Bivariate Pearson Correlation matrix and the simple linear regression tools. The study found out the creative skills, critical thinking skills and problem solving skills are significantly correlated to entrepreneurial intentions of TVE students