3 research outputs found

    Epidemic, Endemic, or Stewart–Bluefarb? When Several Forms of Kaposi Seem to Dispute Paternity

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    The role of human herpes virus 8 (HHV8) is demonstrated in the occurrence of Kaposi’s disease, but the role of cofactors is still hardly known. We report a case of Kaposi’s disease which occurred 10 years after a local trauma in an HIV-positive patient from Central Africa. A 38-year-old female, from and living in Central Africa, consulted for angiomatous papulo-nodules associated with purple-colored macules and painful lymphoedema of the right leg and foot that had been developing for 6 months. She reported a history of posttraumatic lymphoedema of the affected limb as a result of a road accident that occurred ten years earlier. The mucous were healthy. There was no sign of systemic lesions. The diagnosis of Kaposi’s disease was evoked with, in differential, a Stewart–Bluefarb syndrome-type of pseudo-Kaposi and an epidemic Kaposi disease. Retroviral serology was positive to HIV1 with a CD4 count of 600 cells/mm3. Histopathology of the lesions and duplex ultrasonography could not be performed. The rest of the biological assessment was without particularity. The diagnosis of epidemic Kaposi’s disease associated with cofactors involved in endemic Kaposi’s disease and Stewart–Bluefarb syndrome was retained. An antiretroviral treatment (emtricitabine, tenofovir, and efavirenz) allowed to obtain after 6 months a noticeable improvement of the lesions and a disappearance of the pain with however the persistence of a residual lymphoedema. This is a special case of Kaposi’s disease that seems to involve several factors. The role of cofactors in Kaposi’s disease remains to be elucidated

    Skin whitening among Cameroonian female university students: knowledge, attitudes, practices and motivations

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    Abstract Background Lack of data on skin whitening (SW) among Cameroonian female university students prompted us to undertake the present study which aimed at assessing the knowledge, attitudes, practices and motivations of female university students vis-a-vis SW. Methods This was a cross-sectional study conducted from January to April 2013 in 4 university campuses of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Any female student regularly registered in one of the study sites, who was present at the campus when the investigator visited and volunteered to participate in the study was enrolled. Results Overall, we recruited 620 female students, their ages ranging from 16 to 46 years with a mean of 21.3 ± 2.9 years. Only 87 participants (14%) found that SW was a good practice. One hundred and sixty nine respondents (27.3%) were currently practicing SW with no age difference when compared to their counterparts (p = 0.09). The desire to have a uniform body skin color was the prevailing reason motivating the practice of SW (39.1%), followed by the need to have a soft skin (29%). Assessment of levels of knowledge regarding advantages of the black skin and deleterious effects of SW showed excellent scores (≥75% of good answers) only in 6.1 and 0.5% of cases respectively, with no difference between those practicing SW or not (all p values > 0.05). Conclusion The practice of SW is common among Cameroonian female university students who should therefore be educated on the advantages of the black skin and the harmful effects of SW