245 research outputs found

    Eradication-resolution dynamics with stochastic flare-ups

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    In infectious disease as well as in cancer, the ultimate outcome of the curative response, mediated by the body itself or through drug treatment, is either successful eradication or a resurgence of the disease (“flare-up” or “relapse”), depending on random fluctuations that dominate the dynamics of the system when the number of diseased cells has become very low. The presence of a low-numbers bottle-neck in the dynamics, which is unavoidable if eradication is to take place at all, renders at least one phase of the dynamics essentially stochastic. However, the eradicating agents (e.g. immune cells, drug molecules) generally remain at high numbers during the critical bottle-neck phase, sufficiently so to warrant a deterministic treatment. This leads us to consider a hybrid stochastic-deterministic approach where the infected cells are treated stochastically whereas the eradicating agents are treated deterministically. Exploiting the fact that the number of eradicating agents typically decreases monotonically during the resolution phase of the response, we derive a set of coupled first-order differential equations that describe the probability of ultimate eradication as a function of the system's state, and we consider a number of biomedical applications

    Dual positive and negative regulation of GPCR signaling by GTP hydrolysis

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate a variety of intracellular pathways through their ability to promote the binding of GTP to heterotrimeric G proteins. Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins increase the intrinsic GTPase activity of G-subunits and are widely regarded as negative regulators of G protein signaling. Using yeast we demonstrate that GTP hydrolysis is not only required for desensitization, but is essential for achieving a high maximal (saturated level) response. Thus RGS-mediated GTP hydrolysis acts as both a negative (low stimulation) and positive (high stimulation) regulator of signaling. To account for this we generated a new kinetic model of the G protein cycle where GGTP enters an inactive GTP-bound state following effector activation. Furthermore, in vivo and in silico experimentation demonstrates that maximum signaling output first increases and then decreases with RGS concentration. This unimodal, non-monotone dependence on RGS concentration is novel. Analysis of the kinetic model has revealed a dynamic network motif that shows precisely how inclusion of the inactive GTP-bound state for the G produces this unimodal relationship

    Reconstruction of cell surface densities of ion pumps, exchangers, and channels from mRNA expression, conductance kinetics, whole-cell calcium, and current-clamp voltage recordings, with an application to human uterine smooth muscle cells

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    Uterine smooth muscle cells remain quiescent throughout most of gestation, only generating spontaneous action potentials immediately prior to, and during, labor. This study presents a method that combines transcriptomics with biophysical recordings to characterise the conductance repertoire of these cells, the ‘conductance repertoire’ being the total complement of ion channels and transporters expressed by an electrically active cell. Transcriptomic analysis provides a set of potential electrogenic entities, of which the conductance repertoire is a subset. Each entity within the conductance repertoire was modeled independently and its gating parameter values were fixed using the available biophysical data. The only remaining free parameters were the surface densities for each entity. We characterise the space of combinations of surface densities (density vectors) consistent with experimentally observed membrane potential and calcium waveforms. This yields insights on the functional redundancy of the system as well as its behavioral versatility. Our approach couples high-throughput transcriptomic data with physiological behaviors in health and disease, and provides a formal method to link genotype to phenotype in excitable systems. We accurately predict current densities and chart functional redundancy. For example, we find that to evoke the observed voltage waveform, the BK channel is functionally redundant whereas hERG is essential. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that activation of calcium-activated chloride conductances by intracellular calcium release is the key factor underlying spontaneous depolarisations

    Spatial heterogeneity enhances and modulates excitability in a mathematical model of the myometrium

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    The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) undergoes profound changes in global excitability prior to parturition. Here, a mathematical model of the myocyte network is developed to investigate the hypothesis that spatial heterogeneity is essential to the transition from local to global excitation which the myometrium undergoes just prior to birth. Each myometrial smooth muscle cell is represented by an element with FitzHugh–Nagumo dynamics. The cells are coupled through resistors that represent gap junctions. Spatial heterogeneity is introduced by means of stochastic variation in coupling strengths, with parameters derived from physiological data. Numerical simulations indicate that even modest increases in the heterogeneity of the system can amplify the ability of locally applied stimuli to elicit global excitation. Moreover, in networks driven by a pacemaker cell, global oscillations of excitation are impeded in fully connected and strongly coupled networks. The ability of a locally stimulated cell or pacemaker cell to excite the network is shown to be strongly dependent on the local spatial correlation structure of the couplings. In summary, spatial heterogeneity is a key factor in enhancing and modulating global excitability

    Plasma protein kinase activity enhanced by interferon is found in platelets

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    AbstractA protein kinase activity analogous to that found in interferon-treated HeLa cells is detectable in human plasma rich in platelets. This kinase activity is manifested by the phosphorylation of an endogenous Mr 72 000 protein which could be conveniently assayed after partial purification on poly(G)—Sepharose. Here, we show that the protein kinase system in the plasma consists of at least 2 components. The protein kinase is found to be localised in the platelet whereas most of the substrate (the Mr 72 000 protein) is found free in the plasma and a fraction of it associated with the surface of platelets

    Albumin-mediated extracellular zinc speciation drives cellular zinc uptake

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    This work was financially supported by the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2017-214) and BBSRC (BB/J006467/1 and BB/V014684/1). We thank Prof. Andrew Riches (University of St. Andrews) for provision of materials, and Dr. Elizabeth Bolitho (University of Warwick) for assistance with cell culture experiments.The role of the extracellular medium in influencing metal uptake into cells has not been described quantitatively. In a chemically defined model system containing albumin, zinc influx into endothelial cells correlates with the extracellular free zinc concentration. Allosteric inhibition of zinc-binding to albumin by free fatty acids increased zinc flux.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Cellular-level versus receptor-level response threshold hierarchies in T-Cell activation

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    Peptide-MHC (pMHC) ligand engagement by T-cell receptors (TCRs) elicits a variety of cellular responses, some of which require substantially more TCR-mediated stimulation than others. This threshold hierarchy could reside at the receptor level, where different response pathways branch off at different stages of the TCR/CD3 triggering cascade, or at the cellular level, where the cumulative TCR signal registered by the T-cell is compared to different threshold values. Alternatively, dual-level thresholds could exist. In this study, we show that the cellular hypothesis provides the most parsimonious explanation consistent with data obtained from an in-depth analysis of distinct functional responses elicited in a clonal T-cell system by a spectrum of biophysically defined altered peptide ligands across a range of concentrations. Further, we derive a mathematical model that describes how ligand density, affinity, and off-rate all affect signaling in distinct ways. However, under the kinetic regime prevailing in the experiments reported here, the TCR/pMHC class I (pMHCI) dissociation rate was found to be the main governing factor. The CD8 coreceptor modulated the TCR/pMHCI interaction and altered peptide ligand potency. Collectively, these findings elucidate the relationship between TCR/pMHCI kinetics and cellular function, thereby providing an integrated mechanistic understanding of T-cell response profiles

    A model of membrane contraction predicting initiation and completion of bacterial cell division

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    Bacterial cell division involves a complex and dynamic sequence of events whereby polymers of the protein FtsZ assemble at the division plane and rearrange to achieve the goal of contracting the cell membrane at the site of cell division, thus dividing the parent cell into two daughter cells. We present a mathematical model (which we refer to as CAM-FF: Critical Accumulation of Membrane-bound FtsZ Fibres) of the assembly of the contractile ring in terms of the accumulation of short linear polymers of FtsZ that associate and dissociate from the cell membrane. In prokaryotes, the biochemical function of FtsZ is thought to underpin the assembly and at least the initial kinetic force of ring contraction. Our model extends earlier work of Surovtsev et al. [PLoS Comput. Biol., 2008, 4, e1000102] by adding (i) the kinetics of FtsZ accumulation on cell membrane anchor proteins and (ii) the physical forces required to deform the cell against its surface tension. Moreover, we provide a more rigorous treatment of intracellular diffusion and we revise some of the model parameter values in light of the experimental evidence now available. We derive a critical contraction parameter which links the chemical population dynamics of membrane-bound FtsZ molecules to the force of contraction. Using this parameter as a tool to predict the ability of the cell to initiate division, we are able to predict the division outcome in cells depleted of key FtsZ-binding proteins

    CD8+ T-­cell specificity is compromised at a defined major histocompatibility complex class I/CD8 affinity threshold

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    The CD8 co-receptor engages peptide-major histocompatibility complex class I (pMHCI) molecules at a largely invariant site distinct from the T-cell receptor (TCR)-binding platform and enhances the sensitivity of antigen-driven activation to promote effective CD8+ T-cell immunity. A small increase in the strength of the pMHCI/CD8 interaction (~1.5-fold) can disproportionately amplify this effect, boosting antigen sensitivity by up to two orders of magnitude. However, recognition specificity is lost altogether with more substantial increases in pMHCI/CD8 affinity (~10-fold). In this study, we used a panel of MHCI mutants with altered CD8-binding properties to show that TCR-mediated antigen specificity is delimited by a pMHCI/CD8 affinity threshold. Our findings suggest that CD8 can be engineered within certain biophysical parameters to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of adoptive T-cell transfer irrespective of antigen specificity