8 research outputs found

    Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Liver Ultrastructure, Hepatic Monooxygenases, and Reproductive Success in the Barbel

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are organochlorinated micropollutants ubiquitously distributed in the environment. They are known to be strong inducers of hepatic monooxygenases in fish. This can adversely affect reproduction by increasing steroid metabolism. In this work, adult barbels were contaminated with food containing Aroclor 1260, a commercial PCB mixture from Monsanto, at environmentally relevant concentrations. A significant increase in cytochrome P450 was observed, and two particularly sensitive enzymes, ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase (ECOD), were strongly induced. Electron microscopy revealed alterations in liver ultrastructure in contaminated fish, principally an increase in the number of cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, drastic glycogen depletion, dissolution of mitochondrial contents, and appearance of myelin figures. Contamination was also studied in relation to reproductive success in a hatchery. Contaminated males displayed no alteration in milt quality, but PCBs did alter female reproductive parameters. Total mortality of eggs and larvae increased significantly with the level of PCBs in the eggs. The most highly contaminated fish did not even spawn. All the adverse effects recorded here tended to be reversible when the intoxication ended, sometimes after only a 1-year detoxication period

    Contamination par les PCBs et les pesticides organochlorés des poissons du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg : incidence possible sur les populations de loutre (

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    Les niveaux de contamination en pesticides organochlorés mesurés dans les poissons des rivières luxembourgeoises sont peu élevés, à l'exception des concentrations en lindane, pp'DDE et pp'DDT dans la basse-Sûre et ses affluents. Toutefois, ces concentrations ne sont pas particulièrement inquiétantes pour la santé humaine ou pour la survie des loutres. Les concentrations de PCBs mesurées dans les poissons des rivières sont comprises entre 50 et 3500 ng/g P.F., et sont extrêmement variables selon les cours d'eau et les espèces considérés. Dans le lac d'Esch-sur-Sûre, les concentrations sont plus faibles (10 à 200 ng/g P.F.), probablement parce qu'il s'agit d'individus qui ont fait l'objet de rempoissonnements. Dans les populations de poissons des rivières luxembourgeoises, les PCBs sont donc non seulement présents à des concentrations considérées comme problématiques ou dangereuses pour la survie des loutres, mais les standards de consommation pour la santé humaine sont aussi régulièrement dépassés dans les anguilles et chevesnes

    PCBs contaminatie van de noordzee : concentraties en fluxes

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    Les biphényles polychlorés ou PCBs ont eu de très nombreuses applications industrielles en raison de leur stabilité et de leurs excellentes propriétés diélectriques. Vu leurs impacts sur l'écosystème, leur utilisation a été fortement restreinte en 1986. cette étude avait pour but de déterminer quelques années après leur quasi interdiction leur transfert d'un compartiment à l'autre de l'écosystème, et, in fine, les flux de PCBs vers la mer du nord

    Effects on Pcbs on Liver Ultrastructure and Monooxygenase Activities in Japanese Quail

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    HH/12/046 Health Hazards Impulse Programm

    Ultrastructural Modifications in Cultured Fetal Quail Hepatocytes Exposed to Pesticides and Pcbs

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    There is increasing interest in cultured hepatocytes as a tool for solving toxicological and pharmacological problems while reducing laboratory animal experimentation. In the present study, fetal hepatocytes from the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were used as an in vitro alternative model for evaluating the effects of PCBs and various pesticide-type chemicals on cell ultrastructure. Major alterations were demonstrated. The most striking effects of toxicants were an increase in the number of cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), various alterations of mitochondrial morphology, a decreased glycogen content, vacuolization of the cytoplasm, and the appearance of concentric membrane arrays (CMA's), also called myelin-like figures. Other changes were sometimes observed, such as altered cell junctions, an increased lipid content, deformations of the nuclei, or the appearance of crystalline structures. These ultrastructural modifications seem to be dose-dependent. The present in vitro findings are validated by similar observations previously made in vivo on Japanese quail. They confirm the effectiveness of this technique as a biomonitoring tool for the evaluation of environmental quality. Yet the multiplicity of possible toxic effects, even for xenobiotics of a same category, makes it necessary to screen additional indicators of toxicity, such as the detoxifying activity of monooxygenases

    Liver Toxicity

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