197 research outputs found

    Statistical Geometry in Quantum Mechanics

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    A statistical model M is a family of probability distributions, characterised by a set of continuous parameters known as the parameter space. This possesses natural geometrical properties induced by the embedding of the family of probability distributions into the Hilbert space H. By consideration of the square-root density function we can regard M as a submanifold of the unit sphere in H. Therefore, H embodies the `state space' of the probability distributions, and the geometry of M can be described in terms of the embedding of in H. The geometry in question is characterised by a natural Riemannian metric (the Fisher-Rao metric), thus allowing us to formulate the principles of classical statistical inference in a natural geometric setting. In particular, we focus attention on the variance lower bounds for statistical estimation, and establish generalisations of the classical Cramer-Rao and Bhattacharyya inequalities. The statistical model M is then specialised to the case of a submanifold of the state space of a quantum mechanical system. This is pursued by introducing a compatible complex structure on the underlying real Hilbert space, which allows the operations of ordinary quantum mechanics to be reinterpreted in the language of real Hilbert space geometry. The application of generalised variance bounds in the case of quantum statistical estimation leads to a set of higher order corrections to the Heisenberg uncertainty relations for canonically conjugate observables.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex file, Extended version to include quantum measurement theor

    Spontaneous Collapse of Unstable Quantum Superposition State: A Single-Particle Model of Modified Quantum Dynamics

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    We propose a modified dynamics of quantum mechanics, in which classical mechanics of a point mass derives intrinsically in a massive limit of a single-particle model. On the premise that a position basis plays a special role in wavefunction collapse, we deduce to formalize spontaneous localization of wavefunction on the analogy drawn from thermodynamics, in which a characteristic energy scale and a time scale are introduced to separate quantum and classical regimes.Comment: 2figs., contribution to Xth ICQO 200

    Martingale Models for Quantum State Reduction

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    Stochastic models for quantum state reduction give rise to statistical laws that are in most respects in agreement with those of quantum measurement theory. Here we examine the correspondence of the two theories in detail, making a systematic use of the methods of martingale theory. An analysis is carried out to determine the magnitude of the fluctuations experienced by the expectation of the observable during the course of the reduction process and an upper bound is established for the ensemble average of the greatest fluctuations incurred. We consider the general projection postulate of L\"uders applicable in the case of a possibly degenerate eigenvalue spectrum, and derive this result rigorously from the underlying stochastic dynamics for state reduction in the case of both a pure and a mixed initial state. We also analyse the associated Lindblad equation for the evolution of the density matrix, and obtain an exact time-dependent solution for the state reduction that explicitly exhibits the transition from a general initial density matrix to the L\"uders density matrix. Finally, we apply Girsanov's theorem to derive a set of simple formulae for the dynamics of the state in terms of a family of geometric Brownian motions, thereby constructing an explicit unravelling of the Lindblad equation.Comment: 30 pages LaTeX. Submitted to Journal of Physics

    Quantum noise and stochastic reduction

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    In standard nonrelativistic quantum mechanics the expectation of the energy is a conserved quantity. It is possible to extend the dynamical law associated with the evolution of a quantum state consistently to include a nonlinear stochastic component, while respecting the conservation law. According to the dynamics thus obtained, referred to as the energy-based stochastic Schrodinger equation, an arbitrary initial state collapses spontaneously to one of the energy eigenstates, thus describing the phenomenon of quantum state reduction. In this article, two such models are investigated: one that achieves state reduction in infinite time, and the other in finite time. The properties of the associated energy expectation process and the energy variance process are worked out in detail. By use of a novel application of a nonlinear filtering method, closed-form solutions--algebraic in character and involving no integration--are obtained for both these models. In each case, the solution is expressed in terms of a random variable representing the terminal energy of the system, and an independent noise process. With these solutions at hand it is possible to simulate explicitly the dynamics of the quantum states of complicated physical systems.Comment: 50 page

    Interest Rates and Information Geometry

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    The space of probability distributions on a given sample space possesses natural geometric properties. For example, in the case of a smooth parametric family of probability distributions on the real line, the parameter space has a Riemannian structure induced by the embedding of the family into the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions, and is characterised by the Fisher-Rao metric. In the nonparametric case the relevant geometry is determined by the spherical distance function of Bhattacharyya. In the context of term structure modelling, we show that minus the derivative of the discount function with respect to the maturity date gives rise to a probability density. This follows as a consequence of the positivity of interest rates. Therefore, by mapping the density functions associated with a given family of term structures to Hilbert space, the resulting metrical geometry can be used to analyse the relationship of yield curves to one another. We show that the general arbitrage-free yield curve dynamics can be represented as a process taking values in the convex space of smooth density functions on the positive real line. It follows that the theory of interest rate dynamics can be represented by a class of processes in Hilbert space. We also derive the dynamics for the central moments associated with the distribution determined by the yield curve.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment is impossible

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    The claim of quantum cryptography has always been that it can provide protocols that are unconditionally secure, that is, for which the security does not depend on any restriction on the time, space or technology available to the cheaters. We show that this claim does not hold for any quantum bit commitment protocol. Since many cryptographic tasks use bit commitment as a basic primitive, this result implies a severe setback for quantum cryptography. The model used encompasses all reasonable implementations of quantum bit commitment protocols in which the participants have not met before, including those that make use of the theory of special relativity.Comment: 4 pages, revtex. Journal version replacing the version published in the proceedings of PhysComp96. This is a significantly improved version which emphasis the generality of the resul

    Quantization of Nonstandard Hamiltonian Systems

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    The quantization of classical theories that admit more than one Hamiltonian description is considered. This is done from a geometrical viewpoint, both at the quantization level (geometric quantization) and at the level of the dynamics of the quantum theory. A spin-1/2 system is taken as an example in which all the steps can be completed. It is shown that the geometry of the quantum theory imposes restrictions on the physically allowed nonstandard quantum theories.Comment: Revtex file, 23 pages, no figure

    A generalized quantum microcanonical ensemble

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    We discuss a generalized quantum microcanonical ensemble. It describes isolated systems that are not necessarily in an eigenstate of the Hamilton operator. Statistical averages are obtained by a combination of a time average and a maximum entropy argument to resolve the lack of knowledge about initial conditions. As a result, statistical averages of linear observables coincide with values obtained in the canonical ensemble. Non-canonical averages can be obtained by taking into account conserved quantities which are non-linear functions of the microstate.Comment: improved version, new titl

    Alternative new notation for quantum information theory

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    A new notation has been introduced for the quantum information theory. By this notation,some calculations became simple in quantum information theory such as quantum swapping, quantum teleportation.Comment: submitte

    Teleportation and Secret Sharing with Pure Entangled States

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    We present two optimal methods of teleporting an unknown qubit using any pure entangled state. We also discuss how such methods can also have succesful application in quantum secret sharing with pure multipartite entangled states.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, submitted to PRA. One sub section already appeared in the archive: quant-ph /990701