6 research outputs found

    Phylogenetics and Genetic Variation of Heligmosomoides thomomyos in Western Pocket Gophers (Thomomys spp.)

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    The host specificities and systematics of North American Heligmosomoides species remain particularly uncertain. The primary aim of this study was to verify that a species described previously based only on morphology, H. thomomyos, from pocket gopher (Rodentia: Geomyidae) hosts in Oregon represented a monophyletic lineage. In order to address this aspect, as well as to further understand relationships and geographic patterns, we carried out phylogenetic, genetic diversity, and population dynamic analyses using partial 18S rRNA and COI mtDNA sequences of Heligmosomoides specimens. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that there are likely multiple Heligmosomoides species present in these hosts. This was supported by the high degree of divergence and differentiation found among populations, significant population structure between locations, and a modest positive association between geographic and genetic distances. This study serves as the first molecular characterization and first phylogenetic report of H. thomomyos, and documents two new host records for this parasite. The relationship of H. thomomyos among pocket gopher hosts and to other Heligmosomoides species, however, warrants continued study

    First Report of Molecular Characterization and Phylogeny of Trichuris fossor Hall, 1916 (Nematoda: Trichuridae)

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    Because species of Trichuris are morphologically similar and ranges of host preference are variable, using molecular data to evaluate species delineations is essential for properly quantifying biodiversity of and relationships within Trichuridae. Trichuris fossor has been reported from Thomomys spp. (Rodentia: Geomyidae, ‘pocket gophers’) hosts based on morphological features alone. Partial 18S rRNA sequences for specimens identified as T. fossor based on morphology, along with sequences from 26 additional taxa, were used for a phylogenetic analysis. Evolutionary histories were constructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. In both analyses, the specimens fell within the Trichuris clade with 100% support and formed a distinct subclade with 100% support. These results confirm that T. fossor is a distinct species and represent the first molecular report for it. Relatedness among species within the family were well resolved in the BI tree. This study represents an initial effort to obtain a more comprehensive view of Trichuridae by including a new clade member, T. fossor. A better understanding of Trichuridae phylogeny could contribute to further characterization of host-associations, including species that infect livestock and humans

    Genetic Variation within a Species of Parasitic Nematode, Skrjabingylus chitwoodorum, in Skunks

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    Carnivores in the families Mustelidae and Mephitidae are essential hosts for the cranial roundworm genus Skrjabingylus. A high prevalence of Skrjabingylus chitwoodorum has been observed in the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis. Genetic barcoding studies of other nematodes have successfully used the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene to analyze genetic variation and divergence. We tested the hypothesis that low population structuring occurs within S. chitwoodorum because M. mephitis is widespread across much of North America and has high levels of gene flow. We extracted DNA from 38 samples of Skrjabingylus removed from the sinuses of M. mephitis and one from the plains spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius interrupta, for amplification and sequencing of COI. Analysis of 492 base pairs confirmed all samples were S. chitwoodorum and showed low genetic divergence (1.0%) within Texas, but high haplotype diversity. Supporting our hypothesis, no obvious divergent lineages based on geographic location were recovered within the samples based on Maximum Likelihood analysis and median joining haplotype network analysis. In fact, samples of Skrjabingylus from New York and South Dakota showed little difference compared with samples from Texas