1 research outputs found

    Efek Hepatoprotektor Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pucuk Merah (Syzygium campanulatum (Korth) dan Daun Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L. M. Perry) pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi Paracetamol

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    Syzygium campanulatum and Syzygium aromaticum contains antioxidant components suchas flavonoids, phenolic, and terpenoids. May have hepatoprotective properties in reducing SGPT and SGOT activity. This research wants to determine the potency of hepatoprotective of ethanolic extract of Syzygium campanulatum (Korth) and Syzygium aromaticum leaf compared with curcuma tablets. This research uses 24 male Wistar rats divided into 6 groups: I, II, III (as a normal, induction, and compared control), group IV, V, VI were treated 105, 210, and 420 mg/kg BW respectively. The study was conducted for 9 days. After 7 days of treatment, treated groups were exposed by hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol (2000 mg/kg BW). The SGPT and SGOT activity of all groups was measured by enzimatic assay. The result can be concluded that Syzygium campanulatum extract was found to be active as hepatoprotective agent with 210 mg/kg BW dosage (SGPT 21.76 ± 3.98 U/L and SGOT 7.32±6.74U/L) as eff ective as with the curcuma tablets (SGPT 23.91 ± 4.41 U/L and SGOT 14.12±5.37 U/L) and the hepatoprotective activity of Syzygium campanulatum extract at a dosage 420 mg/kg BW better than curcuma tablets (SGPT 12.43 ± 6.51 U/L and SGOT 6.64 ± 5.88 U/L). While the hepatoprotec Syzygium campanulatum and Syzygium aromaticum contains antioxidant components such as flavonoids, phenolic, and terpenoids.May have hepatoprotective properties in reducing SGPT and SGOT activity. This research wants to determine the potency of hepatoprotective of ethanolic extract of Syzygium campanulatum (Korth) and Syzygium aromaticum leaf compared with curcuma tablets. This research uses 24 male Wistar rats divided into 6 groups: I, II, III (as a normal, induction, and compared control), group IV, V, VI were treated 105, 210, and 420 mg/kg BW respectively. The study was conducted for 9 days. After 7 days of treatment, treated groups were exposed by hepatotoxic dose of paracetamol (2000 mg/kg BW). The SGPT and SGOT activity of all groups was measured by enzimatic assay. The result can be concluded that Syzygium campanulatum extract was found to be active as hepatoprotective agent with 210 mg/kg BW dosage (SGPT 21.76 ± 3.98 U/L and SGOT 7.32±6.74U/L) as eff ective as with the curcuma tablets (SGPT 23.91 ± 4.41 U/L and SGOT 14.12±5.37 U/L) and the hepatoprotective activity of Syzygium campanulatum extract at a dosage 420 mg/kg BW better than curcuma tablets (SGPT 12.43 ± 6.51 U/L and SGOT 6.64 ± 5.88 U/L). While the hepatoprotective activity of Syzygium aromaticum extracts eff ective as with curcuma tablets at all dosage variation.Daun cengkeh dan daun pucuk merah mengandung komponen antioksidan seperti flavonoid,fenolik, dan terpenoid sehingga diduga memiliki efek hepatoprotektor dalam mengurangi SGPT dan SGOT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek hepatoprotektor dan menentukan potensi hepatoprotektif dari ekstrak etanol daun pucuk merah dan daun cengkeh yang dibandingkan dengan tablet Curcuma. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus jantan galur wistar yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok. Kelompok I, II, III (sebagai kontrol normal, kontrol induksi, dan kontrol pembanding), kelompok IV, V, VI diberi ekstrak uji dengan dosis 105, 210, dan 420 mg/kg BB. Penelitian dilakukan selama 9 hari. Setelah 7 hari diberi perlakuan, semua kelompok diberi parasetamol dosis hepatotoksik kecuali kelompok kontrol normal. Setelah 48 jam diinduksi oleh parasetamol, dilakukan pengukuran SGPT dan SGOT terhadap semua kelompok. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun pucuk merah mempunyai aktivitas sebagai hepatoprotektor pada dosis 210 mg/kg BB yang sebanding dengan tablet curcuma (SGPT 21,76±3,98 U/L dan SGOT 7,32±6,74 U/L) dan pada dosis 420 mg/kg BB ekstrak daun pucuk merah memiliki aktivitas hepatoprotektor yang lebih baik dari tablet curcuma (SGPT 12,43±6,51 U/L dan SGOT 6,64±5,88 U/L). Sedangkan ekstrak etanol daun cengkeh mempunyai aktivitas hepatoprotektor yang sebanding dengan tablet curcuma pada dosis 105, 210, dan 420 mg/kgBB