11 research outputs found
A Contrastive Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in English and Indonesian Language
Human beings are social creatures. They need a language for communication. A human being who came from different country has different language for communication. Although the languages are different, those have some similarities. The similarities of languages make the students easy to learn the languages as second or foreign languages. However, the differences of languages cause students face some difficulties to learn other languages. This research has analyzed some differences of interrogative sentences in English and Indonesian language in order to contribute positively in language learning and teaching. This research uses a method to know the differences between two languages. The method is contrastive analysis. Contrastive Analysis is a method of language analysis that popular in linguistic study in middle of 20th century. This method is used to contrast between two languages that have differences. Through this method, linguists or language learners find the differences which make them find the difficulties of languages which make them find the conveniences in learning. Interrogative sentences that have been analyzed in this research are sentences have essential roles in communications and learning language process too. Through this sentence, questioners obtain some information from respondent and teachers also invite the students' idea. Before analyze the differences between two languages, this research presents the data presentation that explains the kinds of interrogative sentences in English and Indonesian language clearly. Then, researcher contrast two languages to find out differences of them. The differences between two languages are found, such as in placing of question words, the use of “who”, the form of interrogative sentences, tag questions. Based on this analysis can be known that interrogative sentences in English and Indonesian language have brief differences. The research findings have been found based on the structure and the uses of sentences
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPS Berbantu Multimedia Berbasis Heritage Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Siswa SMP Negeri Kota Madiun
The development of modern utilization of diverse applications today are quite varied and gives educators the opportunity to design a teaching component particularly interesting learning media. But regarding utilization rarely seen in junior Madiun. Based on observations obtained information that a lack of media development utilization of multimedia components and aspects of the material has not yet exploiting the potential of the surrounding environment for learning resources. The aim of research to develop multimedia media heritage until a prototype that has been tested media. This type of research is R & D. The research concludes that the scale is expanded in SMPN 6 Madiun showed a significant difference before and after applied multimedia heritage. Proven grades pre-test and post-test 64.64 93.21 to 0.05 then tested statistical models Paired Samples T Test. Respect of the rules of statistical hypothesis value of these calculations is <0.05, then rejected. Conclusion The hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant increase in student scores before and after a given multimedia heritage. It can be concluded that developed media effectively to improve student learning outcomes
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPS Sejarah melalui Aplikasi Sway Berkonten Indis di SMP Negeri 8 Madiun
Education in Indonesia is seen from the perspective of the present field experiencing many multicomplex problems. The role of educators in utilizing learning conditions through the composition of teaching tools has not been powerless. Minimnya in designing models, strategies or media that are not adequate. This condition is often seen in SMP Negeri 8 Madiun. Based on the observations mention First, the teaching model of IPS History is still conventional with the lecture method. Educators have not taken advantage of interesting and interactive media variations leading to saturation. Second, the limitations of resource utilization. Whereas the surrounding environment learning source can be used for learning IPS History such as Indis building (Housing Employee KA, SMPN 1 Madiun School Building, City Hall, Giringan PLTA, pagotan sugar factory and kawedanan Uteran or Kandangan coffee garden). The purpose of this research is to develop the media office Sway berkonten Indis to form a draft prototype that has been tested. Research type is Research and Development. The result of this research is limited test at SMP Negeri 10 Madiun got average score 4,23, produce very good score (X => 4,21) so media is considered feasible. The expanded scale test at SMP Negeri 8 Madiun shows the average of 60,35 (pre-test) and 94,46 (post-test), and statistic test of Paired Samples T Test. The result of significance value is 0.00, so the result shows less than 0.05 and means rejected so that there has been a significant increase
PKM Bagi Siswa SMK Wijaya Kusuma Kabupaten Madiun melalui Pelatihan Ecopreneur
Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan lulusan SMK guna menciptakan lapangan kerja dengan meemanfaatkan alih IPTEKS ke berbasis ecopreneur (lingkungan). Kegiatan ecopreneur adalah pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis lingkungan untuk SMK Wijaya Kusuma Madiun. Metode pelaksanaan PKM ini: (a) Pelatihan keterampilan melalui program lokakarya ecopreneur dengan materi wirausaha dan motivasi hidup milenial, (b) pelatihan ecopreneur. Hasil kegiatan PKM adalah a). membuat pewarna alami menggunakan kunyit dan kulit kayu mahoni. Kain yang digunakan adalah primisima. Hari pertama, memberikan peningkatan pemahaman pentingnya menjadi pengusaha muda yang tetap memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, b), kegiatan membuat motif batik pada kain primisima, dan c). proses pewarnaan dari ekstrak kunyit dan mahoni. Berdasarkan evaluasi bahwa workshop ecopreneur serta pelatihan memanfaatkan pelestarian alam seperti kunyit dan kulit kayu mahoni memberikan dampak pengetahuan siswa tentang pewarna alam dari lingkungan hidup. Keberadaan ecopreneur dapat menambah kecintaan proses pelestarian alam dan tidak harus menggunakan pewarna tekstil (bahan kimia) yang berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan
Tathwir Maddah Maharah Al Kalam Ala Asas Tandur Fii Markaz Tarqiyati Al Lughah Bi Jamiati Sulthan Syarif Qasim Al Islamiyah Al Hukumiyah Riau
Ideally, students of Arabic Education Program can speak Arabic fluently. In fact, there are some students of UIN Suska Riau lack speaking skill in Arabic that may caused by lack of practice in their daily communication. Therefore, in this study, the researcher wants to develop a new teaching method as a solution in improving students' speaking skill. This study uses Research and Development method which focused on the development of a new teaching method called TANDUR. The development of this method is done by analyzing the needs of students, developing the components of the method, presenting it in front of experts, having a field testing, and revising it based on the advice given by the experts. The result of this study shows that Tandur method brings positive effect in improving students' Arabic speaking skill
MENJADI JATMIKA; Nilai Kejatmikaan pada Perempuan Samin di Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan peran perempuan Samin dalam ketahanan nilai-nilai kejatmikaan di Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kandungan nilai-nilai ajaran kejatmikaan Samin diantaranya adalah pengendalian diri, beribadah dan menghormati, mawas diri dan menyelaraskan, adanya bencana merupakan cobaan, memegang budi sejati. Sifat pengendalian diri dengan nafsu. Pengendalian diri mengajarkan jangan sampai hidup dengan memprioritaskan kehendak nafsu belaka. Sifat menghormati ke sesama makhluk Tuhan merupakan wujud toleransi. Selain itu, manusai harus mawas diri tehadap lingkungan sekitar. Hidup menyatukan dengan alam menjadi kekhasan dari ajaran ini. Ajaran kejatmikaan berhubungan erat dengan sifat Ketuhanan. Semua cobaan datangnya dari Tuhan. Konsekuensinya yaitu sebagai manusia harus memiliki jiwa kesabaran yang kuat. Pada akhirya akan manusia tersebut akan memiliki budi pekerti yang sejat
Penambahan Probiotik Lactobacillus Acidophilus dan Bifidobacterium SP terhadap Analisis Usaha Ayam Petelur yang Diinfeksi Escherichia Coli
The purpose of this study was to determine the use of probiotics Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium sp on variable cost, income and profit layers hens was infected with Escherichia coli. About 120 layers at 25 weeks of age were randomized into six treatments. The treatment consisted of factors a (infection and non-infection Escherichia coli) and factor b (basal feed, AGP and probiotics). The results of the study gave probiotics an effect (p 0.05) on variable cost. There was interaction between probiotic and infection factors (p 0.05) between probiotic and infection factors on variable cost. The highest variable cost was found in the treatment of non-infectious probiotics is Rp 13.594, the highest income was treated with non-infectious probiotics is Rp 26.564, the highest profit was treated with non-infectious probiotics is Rp 12.969. It could be concluded that the administration of probiotics can produce good production performance
Design of Automatic Cooking Machine Equipped with Temperature, Timer, Speed Control
The purpose The purpose of this study is to provide solutions to existing problems in SME Fried Onion in Sidoarjo Region on the process of frying still conventional and often experience gap. Methodology The method used is to utilize technology TTS (Temperature, Timer, Speed Control) on the onion parser to produce fried onions with good quality and stable cooking temperature. Result, The expected result is to improve the quality of fried onion frying result which will affect the productivity of SME BawangGoreng can increase up to 2 times which initially only able to fry onion as much as 2 kg, can become 4 kg in one process of frying. The findings, The findings of this study are the use of Temperature, Timer, and Speed Control (TTS) technology to overcome the problems of conventional frying process and onion garlic during frying process.
Keywords: frying machine, fried onion, thermocontrol, timer, speed regulato
Machine type communications:key drivers and enablers towards the 6G era
The recently introduced 5G New Radio is the first wireless standard natively designed to support critical and massive machine type communications (MTC). However, it is already becoming evident that some of the more demanding requirements for MTC cannot be fully supported by 5G networks. Alongside, emerging use cases and applications towards 2030 will give rise to new and more stringent requirements on wireless connectivity in general and MTC in particular. Next generation wireless networks, namely 6G, should therefore be an agile and efficient convergent network designed to meet the diverse and challenging requirements anticipated by 2030. This paper explores the main drivers and requirements of MTC towards 6G, and discusses a wide variety of enabling technologies. More specifically, we first explore the emerging key performance indicators for MTC in 6G. Thereafter, we present a vision for an MTC-optimized holistic end-to-end network architecture. Finally, key enablers towards (1) ultra-low power MTC, (2) massively scalable global connectivity, (3) critical and dependable MTC, and (4) security and privacy preserving schemes for MTC are detailed. Our main objective is to present a set of research directions considering different aspects for an MTC-optimized 6G network in the 2030-era