1,171 research outputs found

    Double-stranded DNA organization in bacteriophage heads: an alternative toroid-based model

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    Studies of the organization of double-stranded DNA within bacteriophage heads during the past four decades have produced a wealth of data. However, despite the presentation of numerous models, the true organization of DNA within phage heads remains unresolved. The observations of toroidal DNA structures in electron micrographs of phage lysates have long been cited as support for the organization of DNA in a spool-like fashion. This particular model, like all other models, has not been found to be consistent will all available data. Recently we proposed that DNA within toroidal condensates produced in vitro is organized in a manner significantly different from that suggested by the spool model. This new toroid model has allowed the development of an alternative model for DNA organization within bacteriophage heads that is consistent with a wide range of biophysical data. Here we propose that bacteriophage DNA is packaged in a toroid that is folded into a highly compact structure

    Cooperative Methodologies for the Lookaside Buffer

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    Information theorists agree that low-energy the- ory are an interesting new topic in the field of cyberinformatics and scholars concur In our research we prove the deployment of redun- dancy In order to fulfill this objective we dis- prove not only that von Neumann machines and von Neumann machines are generally incompat- ible but that the same is true for 802 11

    An Essay on Eden

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    Innovation budgeting over the business cycle and innovation performance

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    The global economic crisis of 2008/2009 hit many firms hard. Faced with rapidly declining sales and highly uncertain economic prospects, firms had to cut costs and reconsider their business strategies. With respect to innovation, cost cutting often means to stop or underresource innovation projects which may harm a firm’s long-term competitiveness. Firms may therefore refrain from reducing innovation budgets during crises but rather deliberately allocate more resources to innovation activities in order to update their product portfolio for the following recovery. Our analysis examines the effects of changes in innovation budgets during the most recent economic crisis on firms’ post-crisis innovation performance. Based on firm-level panel data from the German Innovation Survey covering the period 2006 to 2012, we find a positive effect of crisis adjustment. Raising the ratio of innovation expenditure to sales does increase subsequent sales of market novelties, but not of product imitations. Our findings are dependent upon the way business cycle effects are measured, however. While the results hold for macroeconomic business cycle indicators (change in real GDP), they do not for demand changes in a firm’s primary sales market. This may imply that lower opportunity costs of innovation during an economic crisis are transferred into higher post-crisis new product sales by firms in markets less strongly affected by the crisis


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    ABSTRAK Kata Kunci: Materi yang Sulit, Strategi Belajar Mengajar (SBM) Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis materi yang sulit pada mata kuliah Strategi Belajar Mengajar (SBM) di Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui (1) materi yang sulit dipahami oleh mahasiswa (2) penyebab kesulitan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi pada mata kuliah SBM di Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia. Tehnik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa angket. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 47 orang mahasiswa dari Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Tahun Akademik 2015/2016.. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rumus persentase. Hasil persentase kesulitan yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis data terhadap angket tanggapan mahasiswa untuk masing-masing materi yaitu (1) hakikat SBM 33,33%; (2) teori belajar 46,81%; (3) tahapan mengajar 43,25%; (4) keterampilan dasar mengajar 63,83%; (5) model, pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran 70,21%; (6) tahapan mengajar 43,25%; (7) simulasi pembelajaran 42,55%; (8) sumber belajar 37,23%; (9) pengelolaan kelas 45,74%; (10) remedial dan pengayaan 26,6%. Kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa pada tiap materi SBM berdasarkan persentase yang terbesar (1) mahasiswa sulit menyesuaikan antara model, pendekatan dan ketrampilan mengajar (2) mengidentifikasi kesesuaian antara materi dengan teori belajar, (3) mahasiswa masih bingung mengaplikasikan ketrampilan mengajar, (4) menyusun langkah-langkah yang sesuai dengan model yang dipilih. Hal ini disebabkan (1) dosen sedikit memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk melakukan simulasi pembelajaran, (2) contoh ketrampilan dasar mengajar yang diberikan masih sedikit, (3) penjelasan tentang materi masih bersifat universal, (4) dosen tidak mengaplikasikan secara langsung di dalam proses pembelajaran

    Health and recreation center design with the study of concrete strength

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    У дипломній роботі розроблено проект профілакторію. Запропоновано об’ємно-планувальні та архітектурно-конструктивні рішення. Виконано розрахунок основних несучих конструкцій за двома групами граничних станів. Розроблено технологічні карти, календарний графік, будівельний генеральний план. Встановлено вплив на експлуатаційну стійкість та довговічність рухомості суміші, активності цементу, пористості. Визначено доцільність використання коефіцієнту конструктивної якості для експрес оцінки бетону. З’ясовано ряд технологічних прийомів, що збільшують міцність бетонів. Розроблено заходи по охороні праці, цивільному захисту населення при пожежі та зменшенню негативного впливу будівництва профілакторію на навколишнє середовище.Гудь М.І. Проект профілакторію з дослідженням міцності бетону. – Дипломна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» за спеціальністю 192 «Будівництво та цивільна інженерія». Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, м. Тернопіль, 2018 р

    The Effect of Parents’ Education toward Students’ Achievement

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    The effect of parents’education toward student s’ achievement serves  as the focus of this research since  there is a contradictory fact found in the field stating  that educational success is determined by several factors,  one of which is   parents. Parents’ education is the first and primary education for children to achieve life goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parents’ education toward students’ achievement." This study was conducted at State Junior High School  (SMP Negeri) 4 District Kayoa involving 83 students and 73 parents. The  data of this study included the data about  parents’ education level and the data of students’   achievement which were analyzed by using percentage technique. The results showed that 1) the education level of parents of students of SMP Negeri 4 Keecamatan Kayoa was generally still low. 2) the level of parents education has a very close relationship with student achievement. Keywords: the level of parents’ education and dan students’ achievemen