28 research outputs found

    Management guru

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    This thesis considers how the reader can become a management guru. To this end, it examines the history of management ideas in the period 1890-1990, and identifies those which have achieved widespread popularity. A management idea is the generic term used to refer to any research finding, theory, concept, framework or prescription that maintains currency within the world of management and management education and training. The thesis accounts for the popularity of these ideas. It argues that four sets of factors contribute to the establishment of the popularity of a management idea. First, the idea has to be timely, that is, in tune with social, economic and political concerns of the period. Second, it has to achieve a high level of visibility in order to gain managers’ awareness of its existence. Third, it should address the relatively stable and enduring set of managerial needs. Fourth, the idea should, in its content and design, be perceived by the managers as capable of fulfilling those needs. Five literature reviews were carried out. The first identified the six most popular management idea "families". The second was a historical review of the social, economic and political factors which formed the historical milieus from which these idea families evolved. The third literature review uncovered twelve recurring features of these popular management ideas. The fourth examined managers’ needs for such ideas, and the fifth examined how management ideas were marketed by companies and consultants. These literature reviews produced a set of hypotheses, some of which were tested in the empirical part of the study. These related primarily to the link between management needs and the characteristics of the ideas themselves. Both business school academics’ and managers’ reactions to different management ideas were assessed from a phenomenological perspective. This utilised self-completed questionnaires and the analysis of interview transcripts. The research conclusions are that the popularity of a management idea can both be predicted and planned for by enterprising and aspiring management gurus, be they business school faculty or management consultants. The application of the principles described in this thesis should secure for them, both fame and fortune

    Influencing Within Organizations. : Getting in, rising up and moving on.

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    Londonxiv, 300 p, 24 cm

    Performance through intervention using organizational change methods

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    Organizational change methods (also frequently referred to as management fads, panaceas and quickfixes), are gaining in importance as European companies seek out ways of improving their productivity and product quality. The author, who has carried out a study of these techniques, suggests that they can be a valuable tool provided that managers use the techniques, rather than allow themselves to be used by them.

    Management Development Methods

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    Organizational behaviour

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