282 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal second-order quantum correlations of surface plasmon polaritons

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    We present an experimental methodology to observe spatio-temporal second-order quantum coherence of surface plasmon polaritons which are emitted by nitrogen vacancy color centers attached at the apex of an optical tip. The approach relies on leakage radiation microscopy in the Fourier space and we use this approach to test wave-particle duality for surface plasmon polaritons

    Single and dual fiber nano-tip optical tweezers: trapping and analysis

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    An original optical tweezers using one or two chemically etched fiber nano-tips is developed. We demonstrate optical trapping of 1 micrometer polystyrene spheres at optical powers down to 2 mW. Harmonic trap potentials were found in the case of dual fiber tweezers by analyzing the trapped particle position fluctuations. The trap stiffness was deduced using three different models. Consistent values of up to 1 fN/nm were found. The stiffness linearly decreases with decreasing light intensity and increasing fiber tip-to-tip distance

    Large variation in the boundary-condition slippage for a rarefied gas flowing between two surfaces

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    We study the slippage of a gas along mobile rigid walls in the sphere-plane confined geometry and find that it varies considerably with pressure. The classical no-slip boundary condition valid at ambient pressure changes continuously to an almost perfect slip condition in a primary vacuum. Our study emphasizes the key role played by the mean free-path of the gas molecules on the interaction between a confined fluid and solid surfaces and further demonstrates that the macroscopic hydrodynamics approach can be used with confidence even in a primary vacuum environment where it is intuitively expected to fail

    Casimir force measurements in Au-Au and Au-Si cavities at low temperature

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    We report on measurements of the Casimir force in a sphere-plane geometry using a cryogenic force microscope to move the force probe in situ over different materials. We show how the electrostatic environment of the interacting surfaces plays an important role in weak force measurements and can overcome the Casimir force at large distance. After minimizing these parasitic forces, we measure the Casimir force between a gold-coated sphere and either a gold-coated or a heavily doped silicon surface in the 100-400 nm distance range. We compare the experimental data with theoretical predictions and discuss the consequence of a systematic error in the scanner calibration on the agreement between experiment and theory. The relative force over the two surfaces compares favorably with theory at short distance, showing that this Casimir force experiment is sensitive to the dielectric properties of the interacting surfaces.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Near-field microscopy with a scanning nitrogen-vacancy color center in a diamond nanocrystal: A brief review

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    We review our recent developments of near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) that uses an active tip made of a single fluorescent nanodiamond (ND) grafted onto the apex of a substrate fiber tip. The ND hosting a limited number of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers, such a tip is a scanning quantum source of light. The method for preparing the ND-based tips and their basic properties are summarized. Then we discuss theoretically the concept of spatial resolution that is achievable in this special NSOM configuration and find it to be only limited by the scan height over the imaged system, in contrast with the standard aperture-tip NSOM whose resolution depends critically on both the scan height and aperture diameter. Finally, we describe a scheme we have introduced recently for high-resolution imaging of nanoplasmonic structures with ND-based tips that is capable of approaching the ultimate resolution anticipated by theory.Comment: AD, AC, OM, MB and SH wish to dedicate this brief review article to their co-author and colleague Yannick Sonnefraud who passed away in September 2014. Yannick initiated this research in 200

    Plasmonic interferometry: probing launching dipoles in scanning-probe plasmonics

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    We develop a semi-analytical method for analyzing surface plasmon interferometry using near-field scanning optical sources. We compare our approach to Young double hole interferometry experiments using scanning tunneling microscope (STM) discussed in the literature and realize experiments with an aperture near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) source positioned near a ring like aperture slit milled in a thick gold film. In both cases the agreement between experiments and model is very good. We emphasize the role of dipole orientations and discuss the role of magnetic versus electric dipole contributions to the imaging process as well as the directionality of the effective dipoles associated with the various optical and plasmonic sources.Comment: To appear in Journal of Applied Physics (2014

    Highly efficient singular surface plasmon generation by achiral apertures

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    We report a highly efficient generation of singular surface plasmon (SP) field by an achiral plasmonic structure consisting of Λ\Lambda-shaped apertures. Our quantitative analysis based on leakage radiation microscopy (LRM) demonstrates that the induced spin-orbit coupling can be tuned by adjusting the apex angle of the Λ\Lambda-shaped aperture. Specifically, the array of Λ\Lambda-shaped apertures with the apex angle 60∘60^\circ is shown to give rise to the directional coupling efficiency. The ring of Λ\Lambda-shaped apertures with the apex angle 60∘60^\circ realized to generate the maximum extinction ratio (ER=11) for the SP singularities between two different polarization states. This result provides a more efficient way for developing SP focusing and SP vortex in the field of nanophotonics such as optical tweezers
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