31 research outputs found

    SOT-MRAM-Enabled Probabilistic Binary Neural Networks for Noise-Tolerant and Fast Training

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    We report the use of spin-orbit torque (SOT) magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) to implement a probabilistic binary neural network (PBNN) for resource-saving applications. The in-plane magnetized SOT (i-SOT) MRAM not only enables field-free magnetization switching with high endurance (> 10^11), but also hosts multiple stable probabilistic states with a low device-to-device variation (< 6.35%). Accordingly, the proposed PBNN outperforms other neural networks by achieving an 18* increase in training speed, while maintaining an accuracy above 97% under the write and read noise perturbations. Furthermore, by applying the binarization process with an additional SOT-MRAM dummy module, we demonstrate an on-chip MNIST inference performance close to the ideal baseline using our SOT-PBNN hardware

    Pseudorabies gD protein protects mice and piglets against lethal doses of pseudorabies virus

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    IntroductionPseudorabies (PR) is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the pseudorabies virus (PRV), which can cause disease in a wide range of domestic and wild animals. Studies have shown that new mutant strains have emerged in pig farms in many regions and that commercial inactivated and live attenuated vaccines are becoming less effective at protecting pigs.MethodsPorcine pseudorabies glycoprotein D (gD) gene (GenBank: QEY95774.1) with hexa-His tag to the C terminus for further purification processes was cloned into the lentiviral expression plasmid pLV-CMV-eGFP by restriction enzyme, the resulting plasmid was designated as pLV-CMV-gD. HEK-293T cells with robust and stable expression of recombinant gD protein was established by infection with recombinant lentivirus vector pLV-CMV-gD. We expressed porcine pseudorabies virus gD protein using HEK-293T cells.ResultsWe describe in this study that individual gD proteins produced by a mammalian cell expression system are well immunogenic and stimulate high levels of PRV-specific and neutralizing antibodies in mice and piglets. All mice and piglets survived lethal doses of PRV, significantly reducing the amount of PRV virus in piglets’ lymph nodes, lungs, spleen, and other tissues. It also significantly reduced the time cycle and amount of viral excretion from piglets to the environment through the nasal and anal cavities.DiscussionThe results suggest that PRV gD protein is expected to be a potential candidate for the preparation of genetically engineered PR vaccines for the prevention of PRV infection and the control of PR epidemics

    Curing mechanism of furan resin modified with different agents and their thermal strength

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    The curing mechanism of furfuryl alcohol and urea-formaldehyde furan resins was investigated using infrared spectroscopy (IR) technique. The curing productions of urea-formaldehyde furan resins modified with different agents (i.e. sorbitol, polyester polyol, phenol and acetone) and the productions of incomplete curing were characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermal gravity analysis (TG). The results indicate that except for polyester polyol, the other modifiers have little effect on the thermal strength of urea-formaldehyde furan resin. Furthermore, the thermal strength can be improved at a temperature of higher than 550℃

    Engineered Skin Substitute Regenerates the Skin with Hair Follicle Formation

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    Currently, engineered skin substitutes (ESS) are unable to regenerate cutaneous appendages. Recent studies have shown that skin-derived precursors (SKPs), which are extensively available, have the potential to induce hair follicle neogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that ESS consisting of culture-expanded SKPs and epidermal stem cells (Epi-SCs) reconstitute the skin with hair follicle regeneration after grafting into nude mice. SKPs seeded in a C-GAG matrix proliferated and expressed higher levels of hair induction signature genes—such as Akp2, Sox2, CD133 and Bmp6—compared to dermal fibroblasts. Moreover, when ESS prepared by seeding a mixture of culture-expanded murine SKPs and human adult Epi-SCs into a C-GAG matrix was grafted into full-thickness skin wounds in nude mice, black hairs were generated within 3 weeks. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the SKPs were localized to the dermal papillae of the newly-formed hair follicle. Our results indicate that SKPs can serve as the hair-inductive cells in ESS to furnish it with hair genesis potentia