39 research outputs found

    Effects of Randomness on the Field-Induced Phase Transition in the S=1 Bond-Alternating Spin Chain NTENP

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    We report novel effects of randomness in the S=1 bond-alternating antiferromagnetic chain compound with a dimer-singlet ground state [Ni(N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)propane-1,3-diamine(mu-NO2]ClO4 abbreviated as NTENP. The 15N NMR spectra develop a continuum with sharply peaked edges at low temperatures, indicating an inhomogeneous staggered magnetization induced by magnetic field. We attribute this to random anisotropic interactions due to disorder of NO2 groups in the chains. The field-induced antiferromagnetic transition exhibits remarkably anisotropic behavior. We propose that a field-induced incoherent magnetization is transformed into a coherent antiferromagnetic moment with spatially fluctuating amplitude.Comment: 4pages, 5 figues, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Possibility of spontaneous parity violation in hot QCD

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    We suggest that for QCD in the limit of a large number of colors, N, the axial U(1) symmetry of massless quarks is effectively restored at the deconfining=chiral phase transition. If the deconfining transition is of second order, then the chiral transition is weakly first order. In this case, metastable states in which parity is spontaneously broken appear at temperatures below the phase transition. The production of these metastable states would have dramatic signatures, including enhanced production of eta and eta' mesons, which can decay through parity violating decay processes such as eta -> pi^0 pi^0, and global parity odd asymmetries for charged pions. Using a nonlinear sigma model, in QCD these metastable states only appear rather near the phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Thermal and magnetic properties of integrable spin-1 and spin-3/2 chains with applications to real compounds

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    The ground state and thermodynamic properties of spin-1 and spin-3/2 chains are investigated via exactly solved su(3) and su(4) models with physically motivated chemical potential terms. The analysis involves the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and the High Temperature Expansion (HTE) methods. For the spin-1 chain with large single-ion anisotropy, a gapped phase occurs which is significantly different from the valence-bond-solid Haldane phase. The theoretical curves for the magnetization, susceptibility and specific heat are favourably compared with experimental data for a number of spin-1 chain compounds. For the spin-3/2 chain a degenerate gapped phase exists starting at zero external magnetic field. A middle magnetization plateau can be triggered by the single-ion anisotropy term. Overall, our results lend further weight to the applicability of integrable models to the physics of low-dimensional quantum spin systems. They also highlight the utility of the exact HTE method.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure

    Large N_c, chiral approach to M_eta' at finite temperature

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    We study the temperature dependence of the eta and eta' meson masses within the framework of U(3)_L x U(3)_R chiral perturbation theory, up to next-to-leading order in a simultaneous expansion in momenta, quark masses and number of colours. We find that both masses decrease at low temperatures, but only very slightly. We analyze higher order corrections and argue that large N_c suggests a discontinuous drop of M_eta' at the critical temperature of deconfinement T_c, consistent with a first order transition to a phase with approximate U(1)_A symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. 2 footnotes added, 1 reference changed and 1 typo corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    One-Dimensional Quantum Liquids: Beyond the Luttinger Liquid Paradigm

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    For many years, the Luttinger liquid theory has served as a useful paradigm for the description of one-dimensional (1D) quantum fluids in the limit of low energies. This theory is based on a linearization of the dispersion relation of the particles constituting the fluid. We review the recent progress in understanding 1D quantum fluids beyond the low-energy limit, where the nonlinearity of the dispersion relation becomes essential. The novel methods which have been developed to tackle such systems combine phenomenology built on the ideas of the Fermi edge singularity and the Fermi liquid theory, perturbation theory in the interaction strength, and a new way of treating finite-size integrable models. These methods can be applied to a wide variety of 1D fluids, from 1D spin liquids to electrons in quantum wires to cold atoms confined to a 1D trap. We review existing results for various dynamic correlation functions, in particular the density structure factor and the spectral function. Moreover, we show how a dispersion nonlinearity leads to finite particle lifetimes, and discuss its impact on the transport properties of 1D systems at finite temperatures. The conventional Luttinger liquid theory is a special limit of the new theory, and we explain the relation between the two.Comment: 61 pages, 18 figures, published version, minor typos correcte

    Fully Gapped Single-Particle Excitations in the Lightly Doped Cuprates

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    The low-energy excitations of the lightly doped cuprates were studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. A finite gap was measured over the entire Brillouin zone, including along the d_{x^2 - y^2} nodal line. This effect was observed to be generic to the normal states of numerous cuprates, including hole-doped La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} and Ca_{2-x}Na_{x}CuO_{2}Cl_{2} and electron-doped Nd_{2-x}Ce_{x}CuO_{4}. In all compounds, the gap appears to close with increasing carrier doping. We consider various scenarios to explain our results, including the possible effects of chemical disorder, electronic inhomogeneity, and a competing phase.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Interplay of Electron-Phonon Interaction and Electron Correlation in High Temperature Superconductivity

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    We study the electron-phonon interaction in the strongly correlated superconducting cuprates. Two types of the electron-phonon interactions are introduced in the tJt-J model; the diagonal and off-diagonal interactions which modify the formation energy of the Zhang-Rice singlet and its transfer integral, respectively. The characteristic phonon-momentum (q)(\vec q) and electron-momentum (k)(\vec k) dependence resulted from the off-diagonal coupling can explain a variety of experiments. The vertex correction for the electron-phonon interaction is formulated in the SU(2) slave-boson theory by taking into account the collective modes in the superconducting ground states. It is shown that the vertex correction enhances the attractive potential for the d-wave paring mediated by phonon with q=(π(1δ),0)\vec q=(\pi(1-\delta), 0) around δ0.3\delta \cong 0.3 which corresponds to the half-breathing mode of the oxygen motion.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Dynamical relaxation of the CP phases in next-to-minimal supersymmetry

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    After promoting the phases of the soft masses to dynamical fields corresponding to Goldstone bosons of spontaneously broken global symmetries in the supersymmetry breaking sector, the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model is found to solve the μ\mu problem and the strong CP problem simultaneously with an invisible axion. The domain wall problem persists in the form of axionic domain formation. Relaxation dynamics of the physical CP-violating phases is determined only by the short-distance physics and their relaxation values are not necessarily close to the CP-conserving points. Having observable supersymmetric CP violation and avoiding the axionic domain walls both require nonminimal flavor structures.Comment: 13 pp, 3 figs, published versio

    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the cuprate superconductors

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    This paper reviews the most recent ARPES results on the cuprate superconductors and their insulating parent and sister compounds, with the purpose of providing an updated summary of the extensive literature in this field. The low energy excitations are discussed with emphasis on some of the most relevant issues, such as the Fermi surface and remnant Fermi surface, the superconducting gap, the pseudogap and d-wave-like dispersion, evidence of electronic inhomogeneity and nano-scale phase separation, the emergence of coherent quasiparticles through the superconducting transition, and many-body effects in the one-particle spectral function due to the interaction of the charge with magnetic and/or lattice degrees of freedom. The first part of the paper introduces photoemission spectroscopy in the context of strongly interacting systems, along with an update on the state-of-the-art instrumentation. The second part provides a brief overview of the scientific issues relevant to the investigation of the low energy electronic structure by ARPES. The rest of the paper is devoted to the review of experimental results from the cuprates and the discussion is organized along conceptual lines: normal-state electronic structure, interlayer interaction, superconducting gap, coherent superconducting peak, pseudogap, electron self energy and collective modes. Within each topic, ARPES data from the various copper oxides are presented.Comment: Reviews of Modern Physics, in press. A HIGH-QUALITY pdf file is available at http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~damascel/RMP_ARPES.pd