106,026 research outputs found

    Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar states in a chiral quark model

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    The S-wave Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar states with isospin I=1/2 and spin S=1/2 are dynamically investigated within the framework of a chiral constituent quark model by solving a resonating group method (RGM) equation. The results show that the interaction between Sigma_c and Dbar is attractive, which consequently results in a Sigma_c Dbar bound state with the binding energy of about 5-42 MeV, unlike the case of Lambda_c Dbar state, which has a repulsive interaction and thus is unbound. The channel coupling effect of Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar is found to be negligible due to the fact that the gap between the Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar thresholds is relatively large and the Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar transition interaction is weak.Comment: 7 pages,2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:nucl-th/0606056 by other author

    Quantum state engineering with flux-biased Josephson phase qubits by Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passages

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    In this paper, the scheme of quantum computing based on Stark chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP) technique [L. F. Wei et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 113601 (2008)] is extensively applied to implement the quantum-state manipulations in the flux-biased Josephson phase qubits. The broken-parity symmetries of bound states in flux-biased Josephson junctions are utilized to conveniently generate the desirable Stark-shifts. Then, assisted by various transition pulses universal quantum logic gates as well as arbitrary quantum-state preparations could be implemented. Compared with the usual PI-pulses operations widely used in the experiments, the adiabatic population passage proposed here is insensitive the details of the applied pulses and thus the desirable population transfers could be satisfyingly implemented. The experimental feasibility of the proposal is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Real time hand gesture recognition including hand segmentation and tracking

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    In this paper we present a system that performs automatic gesture recognition. The system consists of two main components: (i) A unified technique for segmentation and tracking of face and hands using a skin detection algorithm along with handling occlusion between skin objects to keep track of the status of the occluded parts. This is realized by combining 3 useful features, namely, color, motion and position. (ii) A static and dynamic gesture recognition system. Static gesture recognition is achieved using a robust hand shape classification, based on PCA subspaces, that is invariant to scale along with small translation and rotation transformations. Combining hand shape classification with position information and using DHMMs allows us to accomplish dynamic gesture recognition

    Subtle pH differences trigger single residue motions for moderating conformations of calmodulin

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    This study reveals the essence of ligand recognition mechanisms by which calmodulin (CaM) controls a variety of Ca2+ signaling processes. We study eight forms of calcium-loaded CaM each with distinct conformational states. Reducing the structure to two degrees of freedom conveniently describes main features of the conformational changes of CaM via simultaneous twist-bend motions of the two lobes. We utilize perturbation-response scanning (PRS) technique, coupled with molecular dynamics simulations. PRS is based on linear response theory, comprising sequential application of directed forces on selected residues followed by recording the resulting protein coordinates. We analyze directional preferences of the perturbations and resulting conformational changes. Manipulation of a single residue reproduces the structural change more effectively than that of single/pairs/triplets of collective modes of motion. Our findings also give information on how the flexible linker acts as a transducer of binding information to distant parts of the protein. Furthermore, by perturbing residue E31 located in one of the EF hand motifs in a specific direction, it is possible to induce conformational change relevant to five target structures. Independently, using four different pKa calculation strategies, we find this particular residue to be the charged residue (out of a total of 52), whose ionization state is most sensitive to subtle pH variations in the physiological range. It is plausible that at relatively low pH, CaM structure is less flexible. By gaining charged states at specific sites at a pH value around 7, such as E31 found in the present study, local conformational changes in the protein will lead to shifts in the energy landscape, paving the way to other conformational states. These findings are in accordance with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) measured shifts in conformational distributions towards more compact forms with decreased pH. They also corroborate mutational studies and proteolysis results which point to the significant role of E31 in CaM dynamics

    High efficiency tomographic reconstruction of quantum states by quantum nondemolition measurements

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    We propose a high efficiency tomographic scheme to reconstruct an unknown quantum state of the qubits by using a series of quantum nondemolition (QND) measurements. The proposed QND measurements of the qubits are implemented by probing the the stationary transmissions of the dispersively-coupled resonator. It is shown that only one kind of QND measurements is sufficient to determine all the diagonal elements of the density matrix of the detected quantum state. The remaining non-diagonal elements of the density matrix can be determined by other spectral measurements by beforehand transferring them to the diagonal locations using a series of unitary operations. Compared with the pervious tomographic reconstructions based on the usual destructively projective (DP) measurements (wherein one kind of such measurements could only determine one diagonal element of the density matrix), the present approach exhibits significantly high efficiency for N-qubit (N > 1). Specifically, our generic proposal is demonstrated by the experimental circuit-quantumelectrodynamics (circuit-QED) systems with a few Josephson charge qubits.Comment: 9pages,4figure

    Plasmon assisted transmission of high dimensional orbital angular momentum entangled state

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    We present an experimental evidence that high dimensional orbital angular momentum entanglement of a pair of photons can be survived after a photon-plasmon-photon conversion. The information of spatial modes can be coherently transmitted by surface plasmons. This experiment primarily studies the high dimensional entangled systems based on surface plasmon with subwavelength structures. It maybe useful in the investigation of spatial mode properties of surface plasmon assisted transmission through subwavelength hole arrays.Comment: 7 pages,6 figure

    Observational constraints on patch inflation in noncommutative spacetime

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    We study constraints on a number of patch inflationary models in noncommutative spacetime using a compilation of recent high-precision observational data. In particular, the four-dimensional General Relativistic (GR) case, the Randall-Sundrum (RS) and Gauss-Bonnet (GB) braneworld scenarios are investigated by extending previous commutative analyses to the infrared limit of a maximally symmetric realization of the stringy uncertainty principle. The effect of spacetime noncommutativity modifies the standard consistency relation between the tensor spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. We perform likelihood analyses in terms of inflationary observables using new consistency relations and confront them with large-field inflationary models with potential V \propto \vp^p in two classes of noncommutative scenarios. We find a number of interesting results: (i) the quartic potential (p=4) is rescued from marginal rejection in the class 2 GR case, and (ii) steep inflation driven by an exponential potential (p \to \infty) is allowed in the class 1 RS case. Spacetime noncommutativity can lead to blue-tilted scalar and tensor spectra even for monomial potentials, thus opening up a possibility to explain the loss of power observed in the cosmic microwave background anisotropies. We also explore patch inflation with a Dirac-Born-Infeld tachyon field and explicitly show that the associated likelihood analysis is equivalent to the one in the ordinary scalar field case by using horizon-flow parameters. It turns out that tachyon inflation is compatible with observations in all patch cosmologies even for large p.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; v2: updated references, minor corrections to match the Phys. Rev. D versio