272 research outputs found

    Equivalent D=3 Supergravity Amplitudes from Double Copies of Three-Algebra and Two-Algebra Gauge Theories

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    We show that three-dimensional supergravity amplitudes can be obtained as double copies of either three-algebra super-Chern-Simons matter theory or that of two-algebra super-Yang-Mills theory, when either theory is organized to display the color-kinematics duality. We prove that only helicity-conserving four-dimensional gravity amplitudes have nonvanishing descendants when reduced to three dimensions; implying the vanishing of odd-multiplicity S-matrix elements, in agreement with Chern-Simons matter theory. We explicitly verify the double-copy correspondence at four and six points for N=12,10,8 supergravity theories and discuss its validity for all multiplicity.Comment: 5 pages, published version in PR

    ABJM amplitudes and the positive orthogonal grassmannian

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    A remarkable connection between perturbative scattering amplitudes of four-dimensional planar SYM, and the stratification of the positive grassmannian, was revealed in the seminal work of Arkani-Hamed et. al. Similar extension for three-dimensional ABJM theory was proposed. Here we establish a direct connection between planar scattering amplitudes of ABJM theory, and singularities there of, to the stratification of the positive orthogonal grassmannian. In particular, scattering processes are constructed through on-shell diagrams, which are simply iterative gluing of the fundamental four-point amplitude. Each diagram is then equivalent to the merging of fundamental OG_2 orthogonal grassmannian to form a larger OG_k, where 2k is the number of external particles. The invariant information that is encoded in each diagram is precisely this stratification. This information can be easily read off via permutation paths of the on-shell diagram, which also can be used to derive a canonical representation of OG_k that manifests the vanishing of consecutive minors as the singularity of all on-shell diagrams. Quite remarkably, for the BCFW recursion representation of the tree-level amplitudes, the on-shell diagram manifests the presence of all physical factorization poles, as well as the cancellation of the spurious poles. After analytically continuing the orthogonal grassmannian to split signature, we reveal that each on-shell diagram in fact resides in the positive cell of the orthogonal grassmannian, where all minors are positive. In this language, the amplitudes of ABJM theory is simply an integral of a product of dlog forms, over the positive orthogonal grassmannian.Comment: 52 pages: v2, typos corrected, published version in JHE

    A new integral formula for supersymmetric scattering amplitudes in three dimensions

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    We propose a new integral formula for all tree-level scattering amplitudes of N=6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory. It resembles the Roiban-Spradlin-Volovich-Witten formula for N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory based on a twistor string theory formulation. Our formula implies that the (2k)-point tree-level amplitude is closely related to degree (k-1) curves in CP^{k-1}.Comment: 4 pages; v2. references adde

    S-matrix singularities and CFT correlation functions

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    In this note, we explore the correspondence between four-dimensional flat space S-matrix and two-dimensional CFT proposed by Pasterski et al. We demonstrate that the factorization singularities of an n-point cubic diagram reproduces the AdS Witten diagrams if mass conservation is imposed at each vertex. Such configuration arises naturally if we consider the 4-dimensional S-matrix as a compactified massless 5-dimensional theory. This identification allows us to rewrite the massless S-matrix in the CHY formulation, where the factorization singularities are re-interpreted as factorization limits of a Riemann sphere. In this light, the map is recast into a form of 2d/2d correspondence.Comment: 18 page

    Scattering Amplitudes For All Masses and Spins

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    We introduce a formalism for describing four-dimensional scattering amplitudes for particles of any mass and spin. This naturally extends the familiar spinor-helicity formalism for massless particles to one where these variables carry an extra SU(2) little group index for massive particles, with the amplitudes for spin S particles transforming as symmetric rank 2S tensors. We systematically characterise all possible three particle amplitudes compatible with Poincare symmetry. Unitarity, in the form of consistent factorization, imposes algebraic conditions that can be used to construct all possible four-particle tree amplitudes. This also gives us a convenient basis in which to expand all possible four-particle amplitudes in terms of what can be called "spinning polynomials". Many general results of quantum field theory follow the analysis of four-particle scattering, ranging from the set of all possible consistent theories for massless particles, to spin-statistics, and the Weinberg-Witten theorem. We also find a transparent understanding for why massive particles of sufficiently high spin can not be "elementary". The Higgs and Super-Higgs mechanisms are naturally discovered as an infrared unification of many disparate helicity amplitudes into a smaller number of massive amplitudes, with a simple understanding for why this can't be extended to Higgsing for gravitons. We illustrate a number of applications of the formalism at one-loop, giving few-line computations of the electron (g-2) as well as the beta function and rational terms in QCD. "Off-shell" observables like correlation functions and form-factors can be thought of as scattering amplitudes with external "probe" particles of general mass and spin, so all these objects--amplitudes, form factors and correlators, can be studied from a common on-shell perspective.Comment: 79 page

    Worldgraph Approach to Yang-Mills Amplitudes from N=2 Spinning Particle

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    By coupling the N=2 spinning particle to background vector fields, we construct Yang-Mills amplitudes for trees and one loop. The vertex operators are derived through coupling the BRST charge; therefore background gauge invariance is manifest, and the Yang-Mills ghosts are automatically included in loop calculations by worldline ghosts. Inspired by string calculations, we extend the usual worldline approach to incorporate more "generalized" 1D manifolds. This new approach should be useful for constructing higher-point and higher-loop amplitudes.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; v2: 22 pages, 5 figures, major changes in section V, typos correcte