164 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance and Firm Performance of Listed Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance of small and medium-sized firms in China. Based on data analysis from a sample of 517 listed small and medium-sized firms over a five-year period (2016-2020), this dissertation suggests that corporate governance has a considerable impact on the performance of listed small and medium-sized enterprises in China. According to the findings of the data analysis, board size, CEO age, CEO compensation, board independence, CEO duality, and insider ownership have a substantial impact on the performance of listed small and medium-sized firms in China, whereas CEO tenure does not appear to be a significant determinant of firm performance. This dissertation advances our understanding of the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance and has significant consequences for business executives, policymakers, and academics who prescribe corporate governance for small and medium-sized enterprises. Keywords: Financial performance, Corporate governance, Listed small and medium-sized enterprises, Chin

    VeRi3D: Generative Vertex-based Radiance Fields for 3D Controllable Human Image Synthesis

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    Unsupervised learning of 3D-aware generative adversarial networks has lately made much progress. Some recent work demonstrates promising results of learning human generative models using neural articulated radiance fields, yet their generalization ability and controllability lag behind parametric human models, i.e., they do not perform well when generalizing to novel pose/shape and are not part controllable. To solve these problems, we propose VeRi3D, a generative human vertex-based radiance field parameterized by vertices of the parametric human template, SMPL. We map each 3D point to the local coordinate system defined on its neighboring vertices, and use the corresponding vertex feature and local coordinates for mapping it to color and density values. We demonstrate that our simple approach allows for generating photorealistic human images with free control over camera pose, human pose, shape, as well as enabling part-level editing

    Towards Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation

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    Referring Expression Segmentation (RES) is an emerging task in computer vision, which segments the target instances in images based on text descriptions. However, its development is plagued by the expensive segmentation labels. To address this issue, we propose a new learning task for RES called Omni-supervised Referring Expression Segmentation (Omni-RES), which aims to make full use of unlabeled, fully labeled and weakly labeled data, e.g., referring points or grounding boxes, for efficient RES training. To accomplish this task, we also propose a novel yet strong baseline method for Omni-RES based on the recently popular teacher-student learning, where the weak labels are not directly transformed into supervision signals but used as a yardstick to select and refine high-quality pseudo-masks for teacher-student learning. To validate the proposed Omni-RES method, we apply it to a set of state-of-the-art RES models and conduct extensive experiments on a bunch of RES datasets. The experimental results yield the obvious merits of Omni-RES than the fully-supervised and semi-supervised training schemes. For instance, with only 10% fully labeled data, Omni-RES can help the base model achieve 100% fully supervised performance, and it also outperform the semi-supervised alternative by a large margin, e.g., +14.93% on RefCOCO and +14.95% on RefCOCO+, respectively. More importantly, Omni-RES also enable the use of large-scale vision-langauges like Visual Genome to facilitate low-cost RES training, and achieve new SOTA performance of RES, e.g., 80.66 on RefCOCO

    Parameter and Computation Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-Language Pre-trained Models

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    With ever increasing parameters and computation, vision-language pre-trained (VLP) models exhibit prohibitive expenditure in downstream task adaption. Recent endeavors mainly focus on parameter efficient transfer learning (PETL) for VLP models by only updating a small number of parameters. However, excessive computational overhead still plagues the application of VLPs. In this paper, we aim at parameter and computation efficient transfer learning (PCETL) for VLP models. In particular, PCETL not only needs to limit the number of trainable parameters in VLP models, but also to reduce the computational redundancy during inference, thus enabling a more efficient transfer. To approach this target, we propose a novel dynamic architecture skipping (DAS) approach towards effective PCETL. Instead of directly optimizing the intrinsic architectures of VLP models, DAS first observes the significances of their modules to downstream tasks via a reinforcement learning (RL) based process, and then skips the redundant ones with lightweight networks, i.e., adapters, according to the obtained rewards. In this case, the VLP model can well maintain the scale of trainable parameters while speeding up its inference on downstream tasks. To validate DAS, we apply it to two representative VLP models, namely ViLT and METER, and conduct extensive experiments on a bunch of VL tasks. The experimental results not only show the great advantages of DAS in reducing computational complexity, e.g. -11.97% FLOPs of METER on VQA2.0, but also confirm its competitiveness against existing PETL methods in terms of parameter scale and performance. Our source code is given in our appendix

    Dynamic graph learning: A structure-driven approach

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    The purpose of this paper is to infer a dynamic graph as a global (collective) model of time-varying measurements at a set of network nodes. This model captures both pairwise as well as higher order interactions (i.e., more than two nodes) among the nodes. The motivation of this work lies in the search for a connectome model which properly captures brain functionality across all regions of the brain, and possibly at individual neurons. We formulate it as an optimization problem, a quadratic objective functional and tensor information of observed node signals over short time intervals. The proper regularization constraints reflect the graph smoothness and other dynamics involving the underlying graph’s Laplacian, as well as the time evolution smoothness of the underlying graph. The resulting joint optimization is solved by a continuous relaxation of the weight parameters and an introduced novel gradient-projection scheme. While the work may be applicable to any time-evolving data set (e.g., fMRI), we apply our algorithm to a real-world dataset comprising recorded activities of individual brain cells. The resulting model is shown to be not only viable but also efficiently computable

    Adapting Pre-trained Language Models to Vision-Language Tasks via Dynamic Visual Prompting

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    Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have played an increasing role in multimedia research. In terms of vision-language (VL) tasks, they often serve as a language encoder and still require an additional fusion network for VL reasoning, resulting in excessive memory overhead. In this paper, we focus on exploring PLMs as a stand-alone model for VL reasoning tasks. Inspired by the recently popular prompt tuning, we first prove that the processed visual features can be also projected onto the semantic space of PLMs and act as prompt tokens to bridge the gap between single- and multi-modal learning. However, this solution exhibits obvious redundancy in visual information and model inference, and the placement of prompt tokens also greatly affects the final performance. Based on these observations, we further propose a novel transfer learning approach for PLMs, termed Dynamic Visual Prompting (DVP). Concretely, DVP first deploys a cross-attention module to obtain text-related and compact visual prompt tokens, thereby greatly reducing the input length of PLMs. To obtain the optimal placement, we also equip DVP with a reinforcement-learning based search algorithm, which can automatically merge DVP with PLMs for different VL tasks via a very short search process. In addition, we also experiment DVP with the recently popular adapter approach to keep the most parameters of PLMs intact when adapting to VL tasks, helping PLMs achieve a quick shift between single- and multi-modal tasks. We apply DVP to two representative PLMs, namely BERT and T5, and conduct extensive experiments on a set of VL reasoning benchmarks including VQA2.0, GQA and SNLIVE. The experimental results not only show the advantage of DVP on efficiency and performance, but also confirm its superiority in adapting pre-trained language models to VL tasks

    Towards Efficient Visual Adaption via Structural Re-parameterization

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    Parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) is an emerging research spot aimed at inexpensively adapting large-scale pre-trained models to downstream tasks. Recent advances have achieved great success in saving storage costs for various vision tasks by updating or injecting a small number of parameters instead of full fine-tuning. However, we notice that most existing PETL methods still incur non-negligible latency during inference. In this paper, we propose a parameter-efficient and computationally friendly adapter for giant vision models, called RepAdapter. Specifically, we prove that the adaption modules, even with a complex structure, can be seamlessly integrated into most giant vision models via structural re-parameterization. This property makes RepAdapter zero-cost during inference. In addition to computation efficiency, RepAdapter is more effective and lightweight than existing PETL methods due to its sparse structure and our careful deployment. To validate RepAdapter, we conduct extensive experiments on 27 benchmark datasets of three vision tasks, i.e., image and video classifications and semantic segmentation. Experimental results show the superior performance and efficiency of RepAdapter than the state-of-the-art PETL methods. For instance, by updating only 0.6% parameters, we can improve the performance of ViT from 38.8 to 55.1 on Sun397. Its generalizability is also well validated by a bunch of vision models, i.e., ViT, CLIP, Swin-Transformer and ConvNeXt. Our source code is released at https://github.com/luogen1996/RepAdapter

    Approximated Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Pre-trained Models

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    Prompt tuning is a parameter-efficient way to deploy large-scale pre-trained models to downstream tasks by adding task-specific tokens. In terms of vision-language pre-trained (VLP) models, prompt tuning often requires a large number of learnable tokens to bridge the gap between the pre-training and downstream tasks, which greatly exacerbates the already high computational overhead. In this paper, we revisit the principle of prompt tuning for Transformer-based VLP models and reveal that the impact of soft prompt tokens can be actually approximated via independent information diffusion steps, thereby avoiding the expensive global attention modeling and reducing the computational complexity to a large extent. Based on this finding, we propose a novel Approximated Prompt Tuning (APT) approach towards efficient VL transfer learning. To validate APT, we apply it to two representative VLP models, namely ViLT and METER, and conduct extensive experiments on a bunch of downstream tasks. Meanwhile, the generalization of APT is also validated on CLIP for image classification. The experimental results not only show the superior performance gains and computation efficiency of APT against the conventional prompt tuning methods, e.g., +6.6% accuracy and -64.62% additional computation overhead on METER, but also confirm its merits over other parameter-efficient transfer learning approaches

    Quantifying Causes of Arctic Amplification via Deep Learning based Time-series Causal Inference

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    The warming of the Arctic, also known as Arctic amplification, is led by several atmospheric and oceanic drivers. However, the details of its underlying thermodynamic causes are still unknown. Inferring the causal effects of atmospheric processes on sea ice melt using fixed treatment effect strategies leads to unrealistic counterfactual estimations. Such models are also prone to bias due to time-varying confoundedness. Further, the complex non-linearity in Earth science data makes it infeasible to perform causal inference using existing marginal structural techniques. In order to tackle these challenges, we propose TCINet - time-series causal inference model to infer causation under continuous treatment using recurrent neural networks and a novel probabilistic balancing technique. Through experiments on synthetic and observational data, we show how our research can substantially improve the ability to quantify leading causes of Arctic sea ice melt, further paving paths for causal inference in observational Earth science
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