157 research outputs found

    Dark Matter Induced Nucleon Decay: Model and Signatures

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    If dark matter (DM) carries anti-baryon number, a DM particle may annihilate with a nucleon by flipping to anti-DM. Inspired by Hylogenesis models, we introduce a single component DM model where DM is asymmetric and carries B and L as -1/2. It can annihilate with a nucleon to an anti-lepton and an anti-DM at leading order or with an additional meson at sub-leading order. Such signals may be observed in proton decay experiments. If DM is captured in the Sun, the DM induced nucleon decay can generate a large flux of anti-neutrinos, which could be observed in neutrino experiments. Furthermore, the anti-DM particle in the final state obtains a relatively large momentum (few hundred MeV), and escapes the Sun. These fast-moving anti-DM particles could also induce interesting signals in various underground experiments.Comment: Discussion about (g-2) is added. References are updated. Introduction is expanded. Accepted by JHE

    An effective formalism for testing extensions to General Relativity with gravitational waves

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    The recent direct observation of gravitational waves (GW) from merging black holes opens up the possibility of exploring the theory of gravity in the strong regime at an unprecedented level. It is therefore interesting to explore which extensions to General Relativity (GR) could be detected. We construct an Effective Field Theory (EFT) satisfying the following requirements. It is testable with GW observations; it is consistent with other experiments, including short distance tests of GR; it agrees with widely accepted principles of physics, such as locality, causality and unitarity; and it does not involve new light degrees of freedom. The most general theory satisfying these requirements corresponds to adding to the GR Lagrangian operators constructed out of powers of the Riemann tensor, suppressed by a scale comparable to the curvature of the observed merging binaries. The presence of these operators modifies the gravitational potential between the compact objects, as well as their effective mass and current quadrupoles, ultimately correcting the waveform of the emitted GW.Comment: v1: 43+16 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; v2: minor corrections; v3: minor corrections, JHEP published versio

    Dark photon vortex formation and dynamics

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    We study the formation and evolution of vortices in U(1)U(1) dark photon dark matter and dark photon clouds that arise through black hole superradiance. We show how the production of both longitudinal mode and transverse mode dark photon dark matter can lead to the formation of vortices. After vortex formation, the energy stored in the dark photon dark matter will be transformed into a large number of vortex strings, eradicating the coherent dark photon dark matter field. In the case where a dark photon magnetic field is produced, bundles of vortex strings are formed in a superheated phase transition, and evolve towards a configuration consisting of many string loops that are uncorrelated on large scales, analogous to a melting phase transition in condensed matter. In the process, they dissipate via dark photon and gravitational wave emission, offering a target for experimental searches. Vortex strings were also recently shown to form in dark photon superradiance clouds around black holes, and we discuss the dynamics and observational consequences of this phenomenon with phenomenologically motivated parameters. In that case, the string loops ejected from the superradiance cloud, apart from producing gravitational waves, are also quantised magnetic flux lines and can be looked for with magnetometers. We discuss the connection between the dynamics in these scenarios and similar vortex dynamics found in type II superconductors.Comment: 40 pages, 19 figures, updated to the journal version, with emphasis on the depletion of dark photon dark matter after vortex formatio

    Unified maximally natural supersymmetry

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    Maximally Natural Supersymmetry, an unusual weak-scale supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model based upon the inherently higher-dimensional mechanism of Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking (SSSB), possesses remarkably good fine tuning given present LHC limits. Here we construct a version with precision SU(2)LΓ—U(1)YSU(2)_{\rm L} \times U(1)_{\rm Y} unification: sin⁑2ΞΈW(MZ)≃0.231\sin^2 \theta_W(M_Z) \simeq 0.231 is predicted to Β±2%\pm 2\% by unifying SU(2)LΓ—U(1)YSU(2)_{\rm L} \times U(1)_{\rm Y} into a 5D SU(3)EWSU(3)_{\rm EW} theory at a Kaluza-Klein scale of 1/R5∼4.4 TeV1/R_5 \sim 4.4\,{\rm TeV}, where SSSB is simultaneously realised. Full unification with SU(3)CSU(3)_{\rm C} is accommodated by extending the 5D theory to a N=4N=4 supersymmetric SU(6)SU(6) gauge theory on a 6D rectangular orbifold at 1/R6∼40 TeV1/R_6 \sim 40 \,{\rm TeV}. TeV-scale states beyond the SM include exotic charged fermions implied by SU(3)EWSU(3)_{\rm EW} with masses lighter than ∼1.2 TeV\sim 1.2\,{\rm TeV}, and squarks in the mass range 1.4 TeVβˆ’2.3 TeV1.4\,{\rm TeV} - 2.3\,{\rm TeV}, providing distinct signatures and discovery opportunities for LHC run II

    A small weak scale from a small cosmological constant

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    We propose a framework in which Weinberg's anthropic explanation of the cosmological constant problem also solves the hierarchy problem. The weak scale is selected by chiral dynamics that controls the stabilization of an extra dimension. When the Higgs vacuum expectation value is close to a fermion mass scale, the radius of an extra dimension becomes large, and develops an enhanced number of vacua available to scan the cosmological constant down to its observed value. At low energies, the radion necessarily appears as an unnaturally light scalar, in a range of masses and couplings accessible to fifth-force searches as well as scalar dark matter searches with atomic clocks and gravitational-wave detectors. The fermion sector that controls the size of the extra dimension consists of a pair of electroweak doublets and several singlets. These leptons satisfy approximate mass relations related to the weak scale and are accessible to the LHC and future colliders.Comment: 58 pages, 16 figure
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