918 research outputs found

    A theory of dark energy that matches dark matter

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    In this paper, a theory of dark energy is proposed that matches dark matter. The relativistic quantum mechanics equations reveal that free particles can have negative energies. We think that the negative energy is the dark energy which behaviors as dark photons with negative energies. In this work, the photon number states are extended to the cases where the photon number can be negative integers, called negative integer photon states, the physical meaning of which are that the photons in such a state are of negative energy, i.e., dark photons. The dark photons constitute dark radiation, also called negative radiation. The formulism of the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of the dark radiation is presented. This version of dark energy is of negative temperature and negative pressure, the latter regarded as responsible for the accelerate expansion of the universe. It is believed that there is a symmetry of energy-dark energy in the universe. In our previous work, the theory of the motion of the matters with negative kinetic energy was presented. In our opinion, the negative kinetic energy matter is dark matter. In the present work, we demonstrate that the dark substances absorb and release dark energy. In this view, the dark matter and dark energy match. Therefore, there is a symmetry of matter-energy match and dark matter-dark energy match in the universe. We present the reasons why the negative kinetic energy systems and negative radiation are dark to us

    Liouville equation in statistical mechanics is not applicable to gases composed of colliding molecules

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    Liouville equation is a fundamental one in statistical mechanics. It is rooted in ensemble theory. By ensemble theory, the variation of the system's microscopic state is indicated by the moving of the phase point, and the moving trajectory is believed continuous. Thus, the ensemble density is thought to be a smooth function, and it observes continuity equation. When the Hamiltonian canonical equations of the molecules are applied to the continuity equation, Liouville equation can be obtained. We carefully analyze a gas composed of a great number of molecules colliding with each other. The defects in deriving Liouville equation are found. Due to collision, molecules' momenta changes discontinuously, so that the trajectories of the phase points are actually not continuous. In statistical mechanics, infinitesimals in physics and in mathematics should be distinguished. In continuity equation that the ensemble density satisfies, the derivatives with respect to space and time should be physical infinitesimals, while in Hamiltonian canonical equations that every molecule follows, the derivatives take infinitesimals in mathematics. In the course of deriving Liouville equation, the infinitesimals in physics are unknowingly replaced by those in mathematics. The conclusion is that Liouville equation is not applicable to gases.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Many-body theories for negative kinetic energy systems

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    In the author's previous works, it is derived from the Dirac equation that particles can have negative kinetic energy (NKE) solutions, and they should be treated on an equal footing as the positive kinetic energy (PKE) solutions. More than one NKE particles can make up a stable system by means of interactions between them and such a system has necessarily negative temperature. Thus, many-body theories for NKE systems are desirable. In this work, the many-body theories for NKE systems are presented. They are Thomas-Fermi method, Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, Khon-Sham self-consistent equations, and Hartree-Fock self-consistent equations. They are established imitating the theories for PKE systems. In each theory, the formalism of both zero temperature and finite negative temperature are given. In order to verify that tunneling electrons are of NKE and real momentum, an experiment scenario is suggested that lets PKE electrons collide with tunneling electrons.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    The behaviors of the wave functions of small molecules with negative kinetic energies

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    According to relativistic quantum mechanics, particles can be of negative kinetic energies (NKE). The author asserts in his previous works that the NKE substances are dark matters. Some NKE particles, say a pair of NKE electrons, can constitute a stable system by means of the repulsive interaction between them. In the present work, two simplest three-particle systems are investigated. One consists of two NKE positrons and one NKE proton, called dark hydrogen anion. The other is composed of two NKE protons and one NKE positron, called dark hydrogen molecule cation. They are so named because the Hamiltonians of them can correspond to those of the hydrogen anion and hydrogen molecule cation. In evaluating the dark hydrogen molecule cation, the famous Born-Oppenheimer approximation does not apply, i.e., the NKE of the protons cannot be neglected. Without the NKE, the system cannot be stable. Our study reveals that in a NKE system, the particles with the same kind of electric charge combine tightly. This is to enhance the repulsive Coulomb potential so as to raise the total energy as far as possible. A great amount of NKE particles can compose a dense and dark macroscopic NKE body. Thus, it is conjectured that some remote dark celestial bodies may be NKE ones other than the well-known black holes. The discrepancies between the black holes and macroscopic NKE bodies are pointed out.Comment: 22 pages, 3 table

    A generalized scattering theory in quantum mechanics

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    In quantum mechanics textbooks, a single-particle scattering theory is introduced. In the present work, a generalized scattering theory is presented, which can be in principle applied to the scattering problems of arbitrary number of particle. In laboratory frame, a generalized Lippmann-Schwinger scattering equation is derived. We emphasized that the derivation is rigorous, even for treating infinitesimals. No manual operation such as analytical continuation is allowed. In the case that before scattering N particles are plane waves and after the scattering they are new plane waves, the transition amplitude and transition probability are given and the generalized S matrix is presented. It is proved that the transition probability from a set of plane waves to a new set of plane waves of the N particles equal to that of the reciprocal process. The generalized theory is applied to the cases of one- and two-particle scattering as two examples. When applied to single-particle scattering problems, our generalized formalism degrades to that usually seen in the literature. When our generalized theory is applied to two-particle scattering problems, the formula of the transition probability of two-particle collision is given. It is shown that the transition probability of the scattering of two free particles is identical to that of the reciprocal process. This transition probability and the identity are needed in deriving Boltzmann transport equation in statistical mechanics. The case of identical particles is also discussed.Comment: 35 pages, 3figure

    There is no vacuum zero-point energy in our universe for massive particles within the scope of relativistic quantum mechanics

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    It was long believed that there is a zero-point energy in the form of h\omega/2 for massive particles, which is obtained from Schr\"odinger equation for the harmonic oscillator model. In this paper, it is shown, by the Dirac oscillator, that there is no such a zero-point energy. It is argued that when a particle's wave function can spread in the whole space, it can be static. This does neither violate wave-particle duality nor uncertainty relationship. Dirac equation correctly describes physical reality, while Schr\"odinger equation does not when it is not the nonrelativistic approximation of Dirac equation with a certain model. The conclusion that there is no zero-point energy in the form of h\omega/2 is applied to solve the famous cosmological constant problem for massive particles.Comment: 14 pages, 1 tabl
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