86,894 research outputs found

    The asymmetric structure of the Galactic halo

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    Using the stellar photometry catalogue based on the latest data release (DR4) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), a study of the Galactic structure using star counts is carried out for selected areas of the sky. The sample areas are selected along a circle at a Galactic latitude of +60^\circ, and 10 strips of high Galactic latitude along different longitudes. Direct statistics of the data show that the surface densities of \ell from 180180^{\circ} to 360360^{\circ} are systematically higher than those of \ell from 00^{\circ} to 180180^{\circ}, defining a region of overdensity (in the direction of Virgo) and another one of underdensity (in the direction of Ursa Major) with respect to an axisymmetric model. It is shown by comparing the results from star counts in the (gr)(g-r) colour that the density deviations are due to an asymmetry of the stellar density in the halo. Theoretical models for the surface density profile are built and star counts are performed using a triaxial halo of which the parameters are constrained by observational data. Two possible reasons for the asymmetric structure are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, MNRAS accepte

    Gluon GPDs and Exclusive Photoproduction of a Quarkonium in Forward Region

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    Forward photoproduction of J/ψJ/\psi can be used to extract Generalized Parton Distributions(GPD's) of gluons. We analyze the process at twist-3 level and study relevant classifications of twist-3 gluon GPD's. At leading power or twist-2 level the produced J/ψJ/\psi is transversely polarized. We find that at twist-3 the produced J/ψJ/\psi is longitudinally polarized. Our study shows that in high energy limit the twist-3 amplitude is only suppressed by the inverse power of the heavy quark mass relatively to the twist-2 amplitude. This indicates that the power correction to the cross-section of unpolarized J/ψJ/\psi can have a sizeable effect. We have also derived the amplitude of the production of hch_c at twist-3, but the result contains end-point singularities. The production of other quarkonia has been briefly discussed.Comment: Discussions of results are adde

    The entanglement beam splitter: a quantum-dot spin in a double-sided optical microcavity

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    We propose an entanglement beam splitter (EBS) using a quantum-dot spin in a double-sided optical microcavity. In contrast to the conventional optical beam splitter, the EBS can directly split a photon-spin product state into two constituent entangled states via transmission and reflection with high fidelity and high efficiency (up to 100 percent). This device is based on giant optical circular birefringence induced by a single spin as a result of cavity quantum electrodynamics and the spin selection rule of trion transition (Pauli blocking). The EBS is robust and it is immune to the fine structure splitting in a realistic quantum dot. This quantum device can be used for deterministically creating photon-spin, photon-photon and spin-spin entanglement as well as a single-shot quantum non-demolition measurement of a single spin. Therefore, the EBS can find wide applications in quantum information science and technology.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Fluctuations of the vacuum energy density of quantum fields in curved spacetime via generalized zeta functions

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    For quantum fields on a curved spacetime with an Euclidean section, we derive a general expression for the stress energy tensor two-point function in terms of the effective action. The renormalized two-point function is given in terms of the second variation of the Mellin transform of the trace of the heat kernel for the quantum fields. For systems for which a spectral decomposition of the wave opearator is possible, we give an exact expression for this two-point function. Explicit examples of the variance to the mean ratio Δ=(2)/(2)\Delta' = (-^2)/(^2) of the vacuum energy density ρ\rho of a massless scalar field are computed for the spatial topologies of Rd×S1R^d\times S^1 and S3S^3, with results of Δ(Rd×S1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2\Delta'(R^d\times S^1) =(d+1)(d+2)/2, and Δ(S3)=111\Delta'(S^3) = 111 respectively. The large variance signifies the importance of quantum fluctuations and has important implications for the validity of semiclassical gravity theories at sub-Planckian scales. The method presented here can facilitate the calculation of stress-energy fluctuations for quantum fields useful for the analysis of fluctuation effects and critical phenomena in problems ranging from atom optics and mesoscopic physics to early universe and black hole physics.Comment: Uses revte

    Decoherence in Quantum Gravity: Issues and Critiques

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    An increasing number of papers have appeared in recent years on decoherence in quantum gravity at the Planck energy. We discuss the meaning of decoherence in quantum gravity starting from the common notion that quantum gravity is a theory for the microscopic structures of spacetime, and invoking some generic features of quantum decoherence from the open systems viewpoint. We dwell on a range of issues bearing on this process including the relation between statistical and quantum, noise from effective field theory, the meaning of stochasticity, the origin of non-unitarity and the nature of nonlocality in this and related contexts. To expound these issues we critique on two representative theories: One claims that decoherence in quantum gravity scale leads to the violation of CPT symmetry at sub-Planckian energy which is used to explain today's particle phenomenology. The other uses this process in place with the Brownian motion model to prove that spacetime foam behaves like a thermal bath.Comment: 25 pages, proceedings of DICE06 (Piombino

    Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations for mixed d- and s-wave superconductors

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    A set of coupled time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations (TDGL) for superconductors of mixed d- and s-wave symmetry are derived microscopically from the Gor'kov equations by using the analytical continuation technique. The scattering effects due to impurities with both nonmagnetic and magnetic interactions are considered. We find that the d- and s-wave components of the order parameter can have very different relaxation times in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities. This result is contrary to a set of phenomenologically proposed TDGL equations and thus may lead to new physics in the dynamics of flux motion.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures are available upon request, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum correlation functions and the classical limit

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    We study the transition from the full quantum mechanical description of physical systems to an approximate classical stochastic one. Our main tool is the identification of the closed-time-path (CTP) generating functional of Schwinger and Keldysh with the decoherence functional of the consistent histories approach. Given a degree of coarse-graining in which interferences are negligible, we can explicitly write a generating functional for the effective stochastic process in terms of the CTP generating functional. This construction gives particularly simple results for Gaussian processes. The formalism is applied to simple quantum systems, quantum Brownian motion, quantum fields in curved spacetime. Perturbation theory is also explained. We conclude with a discussion on the problem of backreaction of quantum fields in spacetime geometry.Comment: 30 pages, latex; minor changes, added some explanations and refeence

    The 6-vertex model of hydrogen-bonded crystals with bond defects

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    It is shown that the percolation model of hydrogen-bonded crystals, which is a 6-vertex model with bond defects, is completely equivalent with an 8-vertex model in an external electric field. Using this equivalence we solve exactly a particular 6-vertex model with bond defects. The general solution for the Bethe-like lattice is also analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; added references for section

    Giant optical Faraday rotation induced by a single electron spin in a quantum dot: Applications to entangling remote spins via a single photon

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    We propose a quantum non-demolition method - giant Faraday rotation - to detect a single electron spin in a quantum dot inside a microcavity where negatively-charged exciton strongly couples to the cavity mode. Left- and right-circularly polarized light reflected from the cavity feels different phase shifts due to cavity quantum electrodynamics and the optical spin selection rule. This yields giant and tunable Faraday rotation which can be easily detected experimentally. Based on this spin-detection technique, a scalable scheme to create an arbitrary amount of entanglement between two or more remote spins via a single photon is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure