12 research outputs found

    Nature of Topological Phase Transition of Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids

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    We investigate the nature of the topological quantum phase transition between the gapless and gapped Kitaev quantum spin liquid phases away from the exactly solvable point. The transition is driven by anisotropy of the Kitaev couplings. At the critical point the two Dirac points of the gapless Majorana modes merge, resulting in the formation of a semi-Dirac point with quadratic and linear band touching directions. We derive an effective Gross-Neveu-Yukawa type field theory that describes the topological phase transition in the presence of additional magnetic interactions. We obtain the infrared scaling form of the propagator of the dynamical Ising order parameter field and perform a renormalization-group analysis. The universality of the transition is found to be different to that of symmetry-breaking phase transitions of semi-Dirac electrons. However, as in the electronic case, the Majorana fermions acquire an anomalous dimension, indicative of the breakdown of the fractionalized quasiparticle description.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Magnetic hard-direction ordering in anisotropic Kondo systems

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    We present a generic mechanism that explains why many Kondo materials show magnetic ordering along directions that are not favoured by the crystal-field anisotropy. Using a renormalization-group (RG) analysis of single impurity Kondo models with single-ion anisotropy, we demonstrate that strong fluctuations above the Kondo temperature drive a moment re-orientation over a wide range of parameters, e.g. for different spin values SS and number of Kondo channels NN. In tetragonal systems this can happen for both easy-plane or easy axis anisotropy. The characteristic crossing of magnetic susceptibilities is not an artefact of the weak-coupling RG treatment but can be reproduced in brute-force perturbation theory. Employing numerical renormalization group (NRG), we show that for an under-screened moment (S=1S=1, N=1N=1) with easy-plane anisotropy, a crossing of magnetic susceptibilities can also occur in the strong-coupling regime (below the Kondo temperature). This suggests that collective magnetic ordering of such under-screened moments would develop along the magnetic hard axis

    Stability of the Néel quantum critical point in the presence of Dirac fermions

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    We investigate the stability of the Néel quantum critical point of two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets, described by a nonlinear σ model, in the presence of a Kondo coupling to Nf flavors of two-component Dirac fermion fields. The long-wavelength order parameter fluctuations are subject to Landau damping by electronic particle-hole fluctuations. Using the momentum-shell renormalization group (RG), we demonstrate that the Landau damping is weakly irrelevant at the Néel quantum critical point, despite the fact that the corresponding self-energy correction dominates over the quadratic gradient terms in the IR limit. In the ordered phase, the Landau damping increases under the RG, indicative of damped spin-wave excitations. Although the Kondo coupling is weakly relevant, sufficiently strong Landau damping renders the Néel quantum critical point quasistable for Nf 4 and thermodynamically stable for Nf < 4. In the latter case, we identify a multicritical point which describes the transition between the Néel critical and Kondo runaway regimes. The symmetry breaking at this fixed point results in the opening of a gap in the Dirac fermion spectrum. Approaching the multicritical point from the disordered phase, the fermionic quasiparticle residue vanishes, giving rise to non-Fermi-liquid behavior

    Majorana Fermion Mean-Field Theories of Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids

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    We determine the phase diagrams of anisotropic Kitaev-Heisenberg models on the honeycomb lattice using parton mean-field theories based on different Majorana fermion representations of the S=1/2S=1/2 spin operators. Firstly, we use a two-dimensional Jordan-Wigner transformation (JWT) involving a semi-infinite snake string operator. In order to ensure that the fermionized Hamiltonian remains local we consider the limit of extreme Ising exchange anisotropy in the Heisenberg sector. Secondly, we use the conventional Kitaev representation in terms of four Majorana fermions subject to local constraints, which we enforce through Lagrange multipliers. For both representations we self-consistently decouple the interaction terms in the bond and magnetization channels and determine the phase diagrams as a function of the anisotropy of the Kitaev couplings and the relative strength of the Ising exchange. While both mean-field theories produce identical phase boundaries for the topological phase transition between the gapless and gapped Kitaev quantum spin liquids, the JWT fails to correctly describe the the magnetic instability and finite-temperature behavior. Our results show that the magnetic phase transition is first order at low temperatures but becomes continuous above a certain temperature. At this energy scale we also observe a finite temperature crossover on the quantum spin-liquid side, from a fractionalized paramagnet at low temperatures, in which gapped flux excitations are frozen out, to a conventional paramagnet at high temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted versio

    Monitoring the Chl-a Distribution Details in the Yangtze River Mouth Using Satellite Remote Sensing

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    The distribution of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in the Yangtze River Mouth area was analyzed using a new Chl-a inversion model (PMS-C) based on the relationship between in situ Chl-a and GF-4 PMS band combinations. Combining GF-4 PMS with HY-C CZI, this paper revealed that: (1) Chl-a concentration in Yangtze River Mouth was in the range of 2&ndash;6 &micro;g/L, being higher in the west than in the east. The high Chl-a area was mainly distributed near the mouth of the Yangtze River and the Chl-a value was in the range of 3.7 &micro;g/L to 5.9 &micro;g/L. Chl-a concentration is higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter, with a Chl-a concentration difference of 1&ndash;2 &micro;g/L. Chl-a downstream of islands and bridges increased by 0.5&ndash;1.7 &micro;g/L compared with upstream. (2) Short-term (within 3 h) changes of Chl-a concentration were effectively detected. In summer and autumn, Chl-a obtained at 13:30 in the noon was generally lower than Chl-a obtained at around 10:30 in the morning and it decreased by nearly 0.1&ndash;4 &mu;g/L within three hours on the same day. In winter, the concentration of Chl-a decreased in the range of 0&ndash;1.9 &mu;g/L. Generally, within three hours, Chl-a in the downstream of the island decreased significantly from 5 &mu;g/L to about 3.8 &mu;g/L, and Chl-a downstream of piers decreased from 3.7 &mu;g/L to about 3 &mu;g/L. (3) Environmental factors including seawater temperature, illumination, and nutrients, as well as dynamic factors such as wind and tidal current can induce Chl-a change in the Yangtze River Mouth. Short-term change of Chl-a concentration is closely related to the specific hydrodynamic conditions, nutrients, and lighting conditions

    Monitoring the Chl-a Distribution Details in the Yangtze River Mouth Using Satellite Remote Sensing

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    The distribution of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in the Yangtze River Mouth area was analyzed using a new Chl-a inversion model (PMS-C) based on the relationship between in situ Chl-a and GF-4 PMS band combinations. Combining GF-4 PMS with HY-C CZI, this paper revealed that: (1) Chl-a concentration in Yangtze River Mouth was in the range of 2–6 µg/L, being higher in the west than in the east. The high Chl-a area was mainly distributed near the mouth of the Yangtze River and the Chl-a value was in the range of 3.7 µg/L to 5.9 µg/L. Chl-a concentration is higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter, with a Chl-a concentration difference of 1–2 µg/L. Chl-a downstream of islands and bridges increased by 0.5–1.7 µg/L compared with upstream. (2) Short-term (within 3 h) changes of Chl-a concentration were effectively detected. In summer and autumn, Chl-a obtained at 13:30 in the noon was generally lower than Chl-a obtained at around 10:30 in the morning and it decreased by nearly 0.1–4 μg/L within three hours on the same day. In winter, the concentration of Chl-a decreased in the range of 0–1.9 μg/L. Generally, within three hours, Chl-a in the downstream of the island decreased significantly from 5 μg/L to about 3.8 μg/L, and Chl-a downstream of piers decreased from 3.7 μg/L to about 3 μg/L. (3) Environmental factors including seawater temperature, illumination, and nutrients, as well as dynamic factors such as wind and tidal current can induce Chl-a change in the Yangtze River Mouth. Short-term change of Chl-a concentration is closely related to the specific hydrodynamic conditions, nutrients, and lighting conditions

    Transformation of the Topological Phase and the Edge Modes of Double-Bilayer Bismuthene with Inter-Bilayer Spacing

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    The transformations of the topological phase and the edge modes of a double-bilayer bismuthene were investigated with first-principles calculations and Green&#8217;s function as the inter-bilayer spacing increased from 0 &#197; to 10 &#197;. At a critical spacing of 2 &#197;, a topological phase transition from a topological insulator to a band insulator resulting from a band inversion between the highest valence band and the second lowest conduction band, was observed, and this was understood based on the particular orbital characters of the band inversion involved states. The edge modes of double-bilayer bismuthene survived the phase transition. When d was 2 &#197; &lt; d &lt; 4 &#197;, the interaction between the edge modes of two separated bismuthene bilayers induced an anti-crossing gap and resulted in a trivial band connection. At and beyond 4 &#197;, the two bilayers behavior decoupled entirely. The results demonstrate the transformability of the topological phase and the edge modes with the inter-bilayer spacing in double-bilayer bismuthene, which may be useful for spintronic applications

    Topological phase stability and transformation of bismuthene

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    Two-dimensional topological materials, in the form of ultrathin films grown on substrates, are outstanding candidates for spintronic applications. Their electronic structures including the topological class can be tuned or altered by strain and isoelectronic substitutional alloying. First-principles calculations show that the topological order of a monolayer Bi, bismuthene, is unusually robust against strain and changes in spin-orbit coupling strength. The phase diagram shows a large area in which the system is a topological insulator; phase boundaries for transforming into other phases, trivial or not, are mapped out

    Transplantation Site Affects the Outcomes of Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Retinal Degeneration

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    Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) have shown a strong protective effect on retinal degenerative diseases (RDD) after being transplanted into the subretinal space in an animal model. Recently, several clinical trials have been conducted to treat RDD with intravitreal transplantation of stem cells, including ASCs. However, the outcomes of the clinical trials were not satisfactory. To investigate if the transplantation site alters the outcome of stem cell-based therapy for RDD, we isolated rat ASCs (rASCs) and labeled them with green fluorescent protein. Autologous rASCs were grafted into the vitreous chamber or subretinal space in a rat RDD model induced by sodium iodate (SI). The electric response was recorded by ERG. The anatomic structure of the retina was observed in cryosections of rat eyes at posttransplantation weeks 1, 2, and 4. Neural retina apoptosis and epiretinal membrane- (ERM-) like structure formation were investigated by immunostaining. The intravitreal transplantation of rASCs resulted in an extinguished electric response, although the rosette formation and apoptosis of neural retina were reduced. However, the rASCs that grafted in the subretinal space protected the retina from the damage caused by SI, including a partial recovering of the electric response and a reduction in rosette formation. Intravitreally grafted rASCs formed a membrane, resulting in retina folding at the injection site. Müller cells, retinal pigment epithelial cells, and microglial cells migrated from the retina to the rASC-formed membrane and subsequently formed an ERM-like structure. Furthermore, vitreous fluid promoted rASC migration, and rASC-conditioned medium enhanced Müller cell migration as indicated by in vitro studies. These data suggested that the vitreous chamber is not a good transplantation site for ASC-based therapy for RDD and that a deliberate decision should be made before transplantation of stem cells into the vitreous chamber to treat RDD in clinical trials