6 research outputs found

    Deep Manifold Transformation for Protein Representation Learning

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    Protein representation learning is critical in various tasks in biology, such as drug design and protein structure or function prediction, which has primarily benefited from protein language models and graph neural networks. These models can capture intrinsic patterns from protein sequences and structures through masking and task-related losses. However, the learned protein representations are usually not well optimized, leading to performance degradation due to limited data, difficulty adapting to new tasks, etc. To address this, we propose a new \underline{d}eep \underline{m}anifold \underline{t}ransformation approach for universal \underline{p}rotein \underline{r}epresentation \underline{l}earning (DMTPRL). It employs manifold learning strategies to improve the quality and adaptability of the learned embeddings. Specifically, we apply a novel manifold learning loss during training based on the graph inter-node similarity. Our proposed DMTPRL method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on diverse downstream tasks across popular datasets. This validates our approach for learning universal and robust protein representations. We promise to release the code after acceptance.Comment: This work has been accepted by ICASSP 202

    Segment Anything in Defect Detection

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    Defect detection plays a crucial role in infrared non-destructive testing systems, offering non-contact, safe, and efficient inspection capabilities. However, challenges such as low resolution, high noise, and uneven heating in infrared thermal images hinder comprehensive and accurate defect detection. In this study, we propose DefectSAM, a novel approach for segmenting defects on highly noisy thermal images based on the widely adopted model, Segment Anything (SAM)\cite{kirillov2023segany}. Harnessing the power of a meticulously curated dataset generated through labor-intensive lab experiments and valuable prompts from experienced experts, DefectSAM surpasses existing state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms and achieves significant improvements in defect detection rates. Notably, DefectSAM excels in detecting weaker and smaller defects on complex and irregular surfaces, reducing the occurrence of missed detections and providing more accurate defect size estimations. Experimental studies conducted on various materials have validated the effectiveness of our solutions in defect detection, which hold significant potential to expedite the evolution of defect detection tools, enabling enhanced inspection capabilities and accuracy in defect identification

    A Lightweight Spatial and Temporal Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Defect Detection

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    This article proposes a hybrid multi-dimensional features fusion structure of spatial and temporal segmentation model for automated thermography defects detection. In addition, the newly designed attention block encourages local interaction among the neighboring pixels to recalibrate the feature maps adaptively. A Sequence-PCA layer is embedded in the network to provide enhanced semantic information. The final model results in a lightweight structure with smaller number of parameters and yet yields uncompromising performance after model compression. The proposed model allows better capture of the semantic information to improve the detection rate in an end-to-end procedure. Compared with current state-of-the-art deep semantic segmentation algorithms, the proposed model presents more accurate and robust results. In addition, the proposed attention module has led to improved performance on two classification tasks compared with other prevalent attention blocks. In order to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed model, experimental studies have been carried out for defects detection on four different datasets. The demo code of the proposed method can be linked soon: http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/gaobin/zh_CN/lwcg/153392/list/index.ht

    A Chaotic Oscillator Based on HP Memristor Model

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    This paper proposes a simple autonomous memristor-based oscillator for generating periodic signals. Applying an external sinusoidal excitation to the autonomous system, a nonautonomous oscillator is obtained, which contains HP memristor model and four linear circuit elements. This memristor-based oscillator can generate periodic, chaotic, and hyperchaotic signals under the periodic excitation and an appropriate set of circuit parameters. It also shows that the system exhibits alternately a hidden attractor with no equilibrium and a self-excited attractor with a line equilibrium as time goes on. Furthermore, some specialties including burst chaos, irregular periodic bifurcations, and nonintermittence chaos of the circuit are found by theoretical analysis and numerical simulations. Finally, a discrete model for the HP memristor is given and the main statistical properties of this memristor-based oscillator are verified via DSP chip experiments and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) tests

    Bang-Bang Control Of A Tail-less Morphing Wing Flight

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    Bats' dynamic morphing wings are known to be extremely high-dimensional, and they employ the combination of inertial dynamics and aerodynamics manipulations to showcase extremely agile maneuvers. Bats heavily rely on their highly flexible wings and are capable of dynamically morphing their wings to adjust aerodynamic and inertial forces applied to their wing and perform sharp banking turns. There are technical hardware and control challenges in copying the morphing wing flight capabilities of flying animals. This work is majorly focused on the modeling and control aspects of stable, tail-less, morphing wing flight. A classical control approach using bang-bang control is proposed to stabilize a bio-inspired morphing wing robot called Aerobat. Robot-environment interactions based on horseshoe vortex shedding and Wagner functions is derived to realistically evaluate the feasibility of the bang-bang control, which is then implemented on the robot in experiments to demonstrate first-time closed-loop stable flights of Aerobat

    Mole-BERT: Rethinking Pre-training Graph Neural Networks for Molecules

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    Recent years have witnessed the prosperity of pre-training graph neural networks (GNNs) for molecules. Typically, atom types as node attributes are randomly masked and GNNs are then trained to predict masked types as in AttrMask \citep{hu2020strategies}, following the Masked Language Modeling (MLM) task of BERT~\citep{devlin2019bert}. However, unlike MLM where the vocabulary is large, the AttrMask pre-training does not learn informative molecular representations due to small and unbalanced atom `vocabulary\u27. To amend this problem, we propose a variant of VQ-VAE~\citep{van2017neural} as a context-aware tokenizer to encode atom attributes into chemically meaningful discrete codes. This can enlarge the atom vocabulary size and mitigate the quantitative divergence between dominant (e.g., carbons) and rare atoms (e.g., phosphorus). With the enlarged atom `vocabulary\u27, we propose a novel node-level pre-training task, dubbed Masked Atoms Modeling (MAM), to mask some discrete codes randomly and then pre-train GNNs to predict them. MAM also mitigates another issue of AttrMask, namely the negative transfer. It can be easily combined with various pre-training tasks to improve their performance. Furthermore, we propose triplet masked contrastive learning (TMCL) for graph-level pre-training to model the heterogeneous semantic similarity between molecules for effective molecule retrieval. MAM and TMCL constitute a novel pre-training framework, Mole-BERT, which can match or outperform state-of-the-art methods in a fully data-driven manner. We release the code at \textcolor{magenta}{\url{https://github.com/junxia97/Mole-BERT}}