2,661 research outputs found

    The Lending-Deposit Rate Relationship in Eastern European Countries: Evidence from the Rank Test for Non-linear Cointegration

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    This study carries out an examination of the potential non-linear cointegration between the lending and deposit rates of eight Eastern European countries using the non-parametric rank tests proposed by Breitung (2001). Based upon our adoption in this study of the threshold error-correction model (TECM), we find solid evidence of an asymmetric price transmission effect, in both the short term and the long term, between lending and deposit rates. Thus, our results reveal that there are indeed such long-run non-linear cointegration relationships between the lending and deposit rates in these Eastern European countries. Furthermore, we go on to successfully capture the dynamic adjustment of the spread.lending-deposit rates, rank test, non-linearity

    The Relationship between Stock Price and EPS: Evidence Based on Taiwan Panel Data

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    [[abstract]]In this study, we use panel cointegration methods to investigate the relationship between stock prices and earnings-per-share (EPS). Furthermore, we consider whether stock prices respond to EPS under the different level of growth rate of operating revenue. The empirical result indicated that the cointegration relationship existed between stock prices and EPS in the long-run. Furthermore, we found that for the firm with a high level of growth rate, EPS has less power in explaining the stock prices however, for the firm with a low level of growth rate, EPS has a strong impact in stock prices.[[booktype]]電子

    Does Rational Bubbles Exist in the Taiwan Stock Market? Evidence from a Nonparametric Cointegration Test

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    In this study, we revisit the issue as to the presence of rational bubbles in the Taiwan stock market during the June 1991 to February 2005 period using the Bierens (1997) nonparametric cointegration tests. The results from the Bierens nonparametric cointegration test attest to the absence of rational bubbles in the Taiwan stock market.Rational Bubbles Taiwan Stock Market Nonparametric Cointegration Test

    The Relationship between Stock Price and EPS: Evidence Based on Taiwan Panel Data

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    In this study, we use panel cointegration methods to investigate the relationship between stock prices and earnings-per-share (EPS). Furthermore, we consider whether stock prices respond to EPS under the different level of growth rate of operating revenue. The empirical result indicated that the cointegration relationship existed between stock prices and EPS in the long-run. Furthermore, we found that for the firm with a high level of growth rate, EPS has less power in explaining the stock prices however, for the firm with a low level of growth rate, EPS has a strong impact in stock prices.Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC)

    Application of Finite Element Analysis in Dentistry

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    A nexus between the rule of law, green innovation, growth and sustainable environment in top Asian countries: fresh insights from heterogeneous panel estimation

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    The intricacies revolving around Environmental Governance is the prime issue of this century. For this, researchers and practitioners have always strived for viable solutions that are not just efficient in terms of their productivity, but are also innovative in nature, so that they have the least possible repercussions to the ecological wellbeing. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the relevancy of the rule of law and green innovation, while also ascertaining the economic growth among the top Asian countries from 1995 to 2018. Moreover, the relevancy of the Environment Kuznets Curve (EKC) is also validated by the help of the advanced and latest estimation techniques; specifically, the Cross-section augmented autoregressive distributed lags test (CS-ARDL). Based on the findings from the CS-ARDL, the rule of law, and the concept of green innovation have been reported to have a negative association with each other. Additionally, the EKC hypothesis is found to be legitimate and relevant as well. Based on the findings, creating awareness has been recommended for establishing the rule of law. Whereas, more assistance and investments have also been recommended in order to achieve a higher level of Research and Development, which can then enhance the level of green innovation

    An Empirical Study of the Taiwan’s Bond Market Based on the Nonlinear Dynamic Model

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    [[notice]]本書目待補正[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20071212~20071214[[conferencelocation]]Kowloon Tong, HongKon

    The Lending-Deposit Rate Relationship in Eastern European Countries: Evidence from the Rank Test for Non-linear Cointegration

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    [[abstract]]This study carries out an examination of the potential non-linear cointegration between the lending and deposit rates of eight Eastern European countries using the non-parametric rank tests proposed by Breitung (2001). Based upon our adoption in this study of the threshold error-correction model (TECM), we find solid evidence of an asymmetric price transmission effect, in both the short term and the long term, between lending and deposit rates. Thus, our results reveal that there are indeed such long-run non-linear cointegration relationships between the lending and deposit rates in these Eastern European countries. Furthermore, we go on to successfully capture the dynamic adjustment of the spread

    UREDNIČKI OPOZIV RADA: Fleksibilni Fourierov stacionarni test BDP-a po stanovniku za Srednjoistočne europske zemlje

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    Statement of Retraction (Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2012 • vol. 30 • sv. 2 • 219-219, http://www.efri.uniri.hr/dokumenti/zbornik-2012-2-retraction.pdf): This is to notify our respectful reading public that the Editorial Board of the journal Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci, časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/ Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business has retracted the following article from publication: “Flexible Fourier Stationary Test in GDP per capita for Central Eastern European Countries“, by Hsu-Ling Chang, Chi-Wei Su, Meng-Nan Zhu, published in our journal Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci, časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/ Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, 2011, vol. 29 (1), pp. 51-63 and almost concurrently published in the journal Eastern European Economics, 2011, vol. 49 (3), pp. 54-65. Being in contact with Josef C Brada, Professor Emeritus, Editor of the journal Eastern European Economics (EEE), we realized that the paper had been sent to both journals, although first published in the EEE and then in our Journal. According to professor Brada’s and our analysis, the paper published in these two journals is exactly the same, except for minor differences in wording, most likely due to editing the text before publication. The outstanding differences are in the title and the fact that the paper published in our Journal has three authors and in EEE journal has two. Whatsoever, owing to the fact that the article had been sent to both journals almost at the same time, it had been impossible to find out the case during the review procedure. Due to this unpleasant situation, our Editorial Board would like to inform our valuable readers that all the necessary measures to retract the paper from our publication have been undertaken and according to publishing ethical principles, cooperation with the authors of the retracted paper have been stopped. Although, in this case neither EEE nor our Journal had any chance to envisage and prevent this double publication in time, we do ask our readers to accept our deepest apology. Ivo Sever, PhD Editor- in- ChiefStatement of Retraction (Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2012 • vol. 30 • sv. 2 • 219-219, http://www.efri.uniri.hr/dokumenti/zbornik-2012-2-retraction.pdf): Želimo obavijestiti poštovane čitatelje da je Urednički odbor časopisa Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci, časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/ Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business povukao sljedeći članak iz publikacije: “Flexible Fourier Stationary Test in GDP per capita for Central Eastern European Countries” grupe autora Hsu-Ling Chang, Chi-Wei Su, Meng-Nan Zhu, objavljenog u našem časopisu Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci, časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/ Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, Journal of Economics and Business, 2011, vol. 29 (1), str. 51-63 i gotovo istovremeno u časopisu Eastern European Economics, 2011, vol. 49 (3), str. 54-65. U kontaktu s urednikom časopisa Eastern European Economics (EEE), profesorom Josefom C Bradom otkrili smo da je spomenuti članak istovremeno poslan u oba časopisa, s tim da je prije objavljen u EEE, a potom u našem časopisu. Zajedničkom analizom s profesorom Bradom, ustanovili smo da se radi o potpuno istom članku ako se izuzmu neznatne razlike vjerojatno nastale tijekom uredničke obrade prije objavljivanja. Nadalje, jedina uočljiva razlika je u naslovu i u činjenici da su u našem časopisu navedena tri autora, a u EEE-u dva. Ovdje želimo napomenuti da je sama činjenica istovremenog prosljeđivanja članka u oba časopisa dovela do nemogućnosti detektiranja tog slučaja za vrijeme postupka recenzije. Urednički odbor želi obavijestiti svoje uvaženo čitateljstvo da smo poduzeli sve potrebne mjere da se objavljeni članak povuče iz publikacije prema svim etičkim načelima uz napomenu da je svaka daljnja suradnja s autorima članka prekinuta. Iako u ovom slučaju ni EEE niti naš časopis nisu imali mogućnost spriječiti dvostruko objavljivanje, upućujemo svojim čitateljima duboku ispriku. Prof.dr.sc. Ivo Sever Glavni i odgovorni uredni

    COVID-19 post-implications for sustainable banking sector performance: evidence from emerging Asian economies

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    The novel COVID-19 virus, and the pandemic that has followed its spread, has had a massive impact on the banking industry on a global level. Therefore, considering this context, this study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the banking sector’s performance in the Asian emerging economics, over a time span ranging from 2016Q1–2021Q2. For this purpose, this study makes use of the FE, RE, 2SLS, and PPML regression models. The empirical findings show that the GDP and banking size are positively related to bank performance in the pre-COVID era, and the COVID pandemics era thus far in the Asian emerging economies. In addition to this, the findings also reveal that the impact of GDP and bank size on banking performance is lower in the pandemic period, as compared to the pre-COVID period. Furthermore, the results show that the COVID pandemic has significantly affected the banking sector performance in the Asian emerging economies. Findings have also suggested that the central bank should shift their focus on the banking industry in the Asian emerging economies. Various other policy implications have also been suggested under the present study