905 research outputs found

    On Feedback Control in Kelly Betting: An Approximation Approach

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    In this paper, we consider a simple discrete-time optimal betting problem using the celebrated Kelly criterion, which calls for maximization of the expected logarithmic growth of wealth. While the classical Kelly betting problem can be solved via standard concave programming technique, an alternative but attractive approach is to invoke a Taylor-based approximation, which recasts the problem into quadratic programming and obtain the closed-form approximate solution. The focal point of this paper is to fill some voids in the existing results by providing some interesting properties when such an approximate solution is used. Specifically, the best achievable betting performance, positivity of expected cumulative gain or loss and its associated variance, expected growth property, variance of logarithmic growth, and results related to the so-called survivability (no bankruptcy) are provided.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA

    On Inefficiency of Markowitz-Style Investment Strategies When Drawdown is Important

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    The focal point of this paper is the issue of "drawdown" which arises in recursive betting scenarios and related applications in the stock market. Roughly speaking, drawdown is understood to mean drops in wealth over time from peaks to subsequent lows. Motivated by the fact that this issue is of paramount concern to conservative investors, we dispense with the classical variance as the risk metric and work with drawdown and mean return as the risk-reward pair. In this setting, the main results in this paper address the so-called "efficiency" of linear time-invariant (LTI) investment feedback strategies which correspond to Markowitz-style schemes in the finance literature. Our analysis begins with the following principle which is widely used in finance: Given two investment opportunities, if one of them has higher risk and lower return, it will be deemed to be inefficient or strictly dominated and generally rejected in the marketplace. In this framework, with risk-reward pair as described above, our main result is that classical Markowitz-style strategies are inefficient. To establish this, we use a new investment strategy which involves a time-varying linear feedback block K(k), called the drawdown modulator. Using this instead of the original LTI feedback block K in the Markowitz scheme, the desired domination is obtained. As a bonus, it is also seen that the modulator assures a worst-case level of drawdown protection with probability one.Comment: This paper has been published in Proceedings of 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 201

    On Solving Robust Log-Optimal Portfolio: A Supporting Hyperplane Approximation Approach

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    A {log-optimal} portfolio is any portfolio that maximizes the expected logarithmic growth (ELG) of an investor's wealth. This maximization problem typically assumes that the information of the true distribution of returns is known to the trader in advance. However, in practice, the return distributions are indeed {ambiguous}; i.e., the true distribution is unknown to the trader or it is partially known at best. To this end, a {distributional robust log-optimal portfolio problem} formulation arises naturally. While the problem formulation takes into account the ambiguity on return distributions, the problem needs not to be tractable in general. To address this, in this paper, we propose a {supporting hyperplane approximation} approach that allows us to reformulate a class of distributional robust log-optimal portfolio problems into a linear program, which can be solved very efficiently. Our framework is flexible enough to allow {transaction costs}, {leverage and shorting}, {survival trades}, and {diversification considerations}. In addition, given an acceptable approximation error, an efficient algorithm for rapidly calculating the optimal number of hyperplanes is provided. Some empirical studies using historical stock price data are also provided to support our theory.Comment: submitted for possible publicatio

    On Control of Epidemics with Application to COVID-19

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    At the time of writing, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), had already resulted in more than thirty-two million cases infected and more than one million deaths worldwide. Given the fact that the pandemic is still threatening health and safety, it is in the urgency to understand the COVID-19 contagion process and know how it might be controlled. With this motivation in mind, in this paper, we consider a version of a stochastic discrete-time Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Death~(SIRD)-based epidemiological model with two uncertainties: The uncertain rate of infected cases which are undetected or asymptomatic, and the uncertain effectiveness rate of control. Our aim is to study the effect of an epidemic control policy on the uncertain model in a control-theoretic framework. We begin by providing the closed-form solutions of states in the modified SIRD-based model such as infected cases, susceptible cases, recovered cases, and deceased cases. Then, the corresponding expected states and the technical lower and upper bounds for those states are provided as well. Subsequently, we consider two epidemic control problems to be addressed: One is almost sure epidemic control problem and the other average epidemic control problem. Having defined the two problems, our main results are a set of sufficient conditions on a class of linear control policy which assures that the epidemic is "well-controlled"; i.e., both of the infected cases and deceased cases are upper bounded uniformly and the number of infected cases converges to zero asymptotically. Our numerical studies, using the historical COVID-19 contagion data in the United States, suggest that our appealingly simple model and control framework can provide a reasonable epidemic control performance compared to the ongoing pandemic situation.Comment: Submitted to the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimizatio

    Kelly Betting Can Be Too Conservative

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    Kelly betting is a prescription for optimal resource allocation among a set of gambles which are typically repeated in an independent and identically distributed manner. In this setting, there is a large body of literature which includes arguments that the theory often leads to bets which are "too aggressive" with respect to various risk metrics. To remedy this problem, many papers include prescriptions for scaling down the bet size. Such schemes are referred to as Fractional Kelly Betting. In this paper, we take the opposite tack. That is, we show that in many cases, the theoretical Kelly-based results may lead to bets which are "too conservative" rather than too aggressive. To make this argument, we consider a random vector X with its assumed probability distribution and draw m samples to obtain an empirically-derived counterpart Xhat. Subsequently, we derive and compare the resulting Kelly bets for both X and Xhat with consideration of sample size m as part of the analysis. This leads to identification of many cases which have the following salient feature: The resulting bet size using the true theoretical distribution for X is much smaller than that for Xhat. If instead the bet is based on empirical data, "golden" opportunities are identified which are essentially rejected when the purely theoretical model is used. To formalize these ideas, we provide a result which we call the Restricted Betting Theorem. An extreme case of the theorem is obtained when X has unbounded support. In this situation, using X, the Kelly theory can lead to no betting at all.Comment: Accepted in 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC

    On Adaptive Portfolio Management with Dynamic Black-Litterman Approach

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    This paper presents a novel framework for adaptive portfolio management that combines a dynamic Black-Litterman optimization with the general factor model and Elastic Net regression. This integrated approach allows us to systematically generate investors' views and mitigate potential estimation errors. Our empirical results demonstrate that this combined approach can lead to computational advantages as well as promising trading performances.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The Impact of Execution Delay on Kelly-Based Stock Trading: High-Frequency Versus Buy and Hold

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    Stock trading based on Kelly's celebrated Expected Logarithmic Growth (ELG) criterion, a well-known prescription for optimal resource allocation, has received considerable attention in the literature. Using ELG as the performance metric, we compare the impact of trade execution delay on the relative performance of high-frequency trading versus buy and hold. While it is intuitively obvious and straightforward to prove that in the presence of sufficiently high transaction costs, buy and hold is the better strategy, is it possible that with no transaction costs, buy and hold can still be the better strategy? When there is no delay in trade execution, we prove a theorem saying that the answer is ``no.'' However, when there is delay in trade execution, we present simulation results using a binary lattice stock model to show that the answer can be ``yes.'' This is seen to be true whether self-financing is imposed or not.Comment: Has been accepted to the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 201
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