3 research outputs found

    Impaired IGF-I signalling of hypertrophic hearts in the developmental phase of hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats

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    Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) signalling is reported to contribute to the modulation of blood pressure and set survival and hypertrophic responses in cardiac tissue. However, whether IGF-I signalling normally acts in cardiac tissues of hypertensive rats is unknown. In this study, using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SPSHR), both with early blood pressure increases, and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats as controls, we measured the hypertrophic and IGF-I signalling activity changes in rat hearts at 4, 6 and 12 weeks of age. Both SHR and SPSHR were found to have significantly increased blood pressures and ratios of heart- and left ventricle- to body weight at 12 weeks of age. However, IGF-IR and its downstream signalling, including the protein levels of PI3K and phosphorylated Akt, known to maintain physiological cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomyocyte survival, were downregulated. The results of dot blotting showed that cardiac mRNA levels of IGF-I in hypertensive rats were higher than those in controls starting from the age of 4 weeks. This difference suggests the increased ligand IGF-I mRNA levels may be a compensatory response caused by the impaired IGF-I signalling. Moreover, enhanced cardiac cytosolic cytochrome-c, a mitochondria-dependent apoptotic pathway component, tended to occur in both hypertensive rats, although it did not reach a significant level. These findings indicate that impaired IGF-IR signalling occurs at early stages, and it may contribute, at least partially, to the development of hypertension and pathological cardiac hypertrophy and to cardiomyocyte apoptosis at later stages in SHR and SPSHR. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    BNIP3 induces IL6 and calcineurin/NFAT3 hypertrophic-related pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

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    Ischemia/reperfusion injury causes cardiomyocyte apoptosis, ventricular remodeling, leading to a dilated heart. Hypoxia is one of the causes involved in ischemia damage, and BNIP3 is a hypoxia-inducible marker and also a sensor to induce mitochondria-dependent apoptosis. Recent reports discussed ablating BNIP3 can restrain cardiomyocytes apoptosis and post-infarction remodeling. BNIP3 is a crucial therapeutic target. However, the BNIP3-induced hypertrophy aspect is rarely investigated. Here, we transiently transfected BNIP3 plasmids into H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells to evaluate the molecular signaling and hypertrophy markers using Western blot. We measured the cell size change using actin staining. We disclose that BNIP3 overexpression induced an increase in cell size, activated the pathological-related hypertrophy signaling pathways, such as IL6-MEK5-ERK5, IL6-JAK2-STAT1/3, calcineurin/NFAT3 and p38 beta MAPK resulting in the fetal genes, ANP and BNP expressing. Concluding above, BNIP3 acts as a pathological hypertrophy inducer, which might be a potential therapeutic target for heart damage prevention

    E4BP4 is a cardiac survival factor and essential for embryonic heart development

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    The bZIP transcription factor E4BP4, has been demonstrated to be a survival factor in pro-B lymphocytes. GATA factors play important roles in transducing the IL-3 survival signal and transactivating the downstream survival gene, E4BP4. In heart, GATA sites are essential for proper transcription of several cardiac genes, and GATA-4 is a mediator of cardiomyocyte survival. However, the role E4BP4 plays in heart is still poorly understood. In this study, Dot-blot hybridization assays using Dig-labeled RNA probes revealed that the E4BP4 gene was expressed in cardiac tissue from several species including, monkey, dog, rabbit, and human. Western blot analysis showed that the E4BP4 protein was consistently present in all of these four species. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry revealed that the E4BP4 protein was overexpressed in diseased heart tissue in comparison with normal heart tissue. In addition, the overexpression of E4BP4 in vitro activated cell survival signaling pathway of cardiomyocytes. At last, siRNA-mediated knock down of E4BP4 in zebrafish resulted in malformed looping of the embryonic heart tube and decreased heart beating. Based on these results, we conclude that E4BP4 plays as a survival factor in heart and E4BP4 is essential for proper embryonic heart development