17 research outputs found

    Seasonality of crime in Croatia: A relationship with tourism

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    Peace, safety, and security are the primary conditions for successful tourism development and security threats such as terrorism, crime or potential war conflicts can strongly affect tourism. Of these threats, crime is the most widespread. Certain types of crime are seasonal and some criminal offences are more often committed at a particular time of the year, week or day. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a connection between the seasonality of crime and tourism in Croatia. In order to achieve this aim, the correlation analysis was applied on monthly data from 2007 to 2018, using Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to measure the strength of the relationship between crime and tourism. The analysis covered reported criminal offences that may be related to tourism. The conducted analysis found a statistically significant correlation between the tourist arrivals and stays and almost all types of reported criminal offences, and this correlation was stronger for property crimes and weaker for violent crimes. The obtained results can help law enforcement agencies to allocate police officers in specific periods of time and thus to provide adequate resources to respond to crime, such as additional police officers during the summer or other seasons

    Public Policy Transfer in the Policy of Funding Political Parties: A Comparison Between Germany, the Netherlands and Croatia

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    U radu se analizira transfer javnih politika u okviru politike financiranja političkih stranaka. Analiza transfera fokusirana je na tri dimenzije transfera javnih politika: uzroke transfera, sam proces transfera te sadržaj transfera u Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj i Hrvatskoj. Analizirajući proces transfera, autor poseban naglasak stavlja na domaće strukturalne faktore koji su utjecali na transfer javnih politika: ideje o političkim strankama i policy-stil, te pokazuje kako su ti faktori u nekim zemljama olakÅ”avali, a u drugima otežavali transfer javnih politika.The paper analyses the transfer of public policies within the framework of the policy of funding political parties. The analysis of the transfer is focused on three dimensions of public policy transfer: the causes of the transfer, the very process of the transfer, and the substance of the transfer in Germany, the Netherlands and Croatia. In analysing the process of the transfer, the author lays particular emphasis on domestic structural factors that shaped the transfer of public policies: ideas about political parties and policy style, and he shows that these factors facilitated public policy transfer in some countries and made it more difficult in others

    Wild Animal Attacks on Humans in Croatia

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    Contacts between humans and wild animals are common and frequent, but very rarely end in attacks by wild animals on humans. The aim of this paper is to identify the circumstances of wildlife attacks on humans in Croatia, while the idea behind the paper is that a better understanding of interactions between humans and wildlife should subsequently lead to fewer attacks. As there is no database on attacks by wild animals on humans in Croatia, the data for this analysis was collected from scientific publications, media, and relevant reports. The variables analysed refer to the type of attacks and the victims of the attacks. The results showed that there were 33 attacks by wild animals on humans in Croatia in the period from 2005 to 2023; the most frequent were attacks by wild boars, brown bears, and grey wolves. The characteristics of the attacks differ depending on the animal that perpetrated the attacks, but there are some common characteristics: the attacks mainly took place in rural areas; the victims were mostly male and over 40 years old; in almost all attacks they suffered minor injuries; and during the attacks the victims were in most cases hunting, walking dogs or herding livestock. The data obtained from this analysis can be used to develop preventive measures and define appropriate behaviour in areas with wildlife

    Kriptovalute - sofisticirani kodovi manipulacije

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    Predmet ovog rada je prikaz manipulativnih aktivnosti u segmentu informatičke tehnologije. Autori opisuju područja primjene kriptovaluta, te investicijskih aktivnosti povezanih s njima, pri čemu je naglasak stavljen na Bitcoin. Cilj rada je prepoznavanje upozoravajućih znakova (tzv. red flags) o postojanju ekonomskog mjehura i Ponzi sheme. U kontekstu ekonomskog mjehura, analizira se trend kretanja vrijednosti Bitcoina i pojedinih ekonomskih mjehura, kao Å”to je bio dot-com bubble, s ciljem identifikacije potencijalnog financijskog rizika. Drugi dio rada usmjeren je na povezivanje Bitcoina s Ponzi shemom. Prikazane su prijevare u kojima je koriÅ”ten Bitcoin, a posebno je dan osvrt na prijevare osmiÅ”ljene poput Ponzi sheme, te se pokazalo da Ponzi shema može biti uspjeÅ”no primijenjena i u okviru kompleksne informacijske tehnologije poput blockchaina

    Croatiaā€™s participation in the Seventh Framework Programme: a Moderate Success?

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    Background: The Framework Programme (FP7) is the main instrument of the EU for financing research, and participation in the programme benefits greatly to countriesā€™ technological development. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to assess the participation of Croatian organisations in FP7 in terms of specific programmes, funding schemes and the coordinator organisations. Methods: In order to assess this participation, two analyses have been done: the first is the analysis of participation itself analysing the basic characteristics of Croatian participation in FP7 using participation data. The second analysis is the analysis of external conditions for participation, i.e. a framework that influenced the quantity and the quality of participation in FP7. Results: Participation of Croatian institutions in the FP7 has the following features: the positive rate of the national and the EU financial contribution; an unequal regional distribution; a small number of projects coordinated by Croatian participants; a low success rate and rare participation in large research projects. Conclusions: Support should be provided to researchers in order to increase the participation in future funding programmes. First, researchers should perform only research and not the project administration since it requires well-educated and trained administration staff. Second, participants in future projects, especially coordinators, should be financially rewarded


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    U članku se prikazuje regulacija financiranja stranaka i izbora kao jednog od najvažnijih segmenata zakonske regulacije djelovanja stranaka. Autori ukazuju na sve dimenzije regulacije financiranja stranaka i izbora ā€“ rashode i prihode financiranja, pravila o transparentnosti i provođenju institucionalnog nadzora i ograničenja u tom financiranju. U radu se poseban značaj posvećuje ulozi neovisne provedbene agencije koja bi trebala nadzirati vjerodostojnost javno priloženih izvjeŔća o financiranju stranaka i predizbornih kampanja. U drugom dijelu teksta usporedo se razmatraju načini regulacije političkih financija u Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj i Nizozemskoj.This papers deals with the regulation of political party and election campaign financing as one of the most important segments of legal regulation of party activity. The authors elucidate all dimensions thereof ā€“ the expenses and gains of financing, the rules of transparency and implementation of institutional supervision and limitation of financing. Particular significance is ascribed to the role of an independent implementation agency which is supposed to supervise the authenticity of publicly submitted reports on the financing of political parties and election campaigns. The second part of the text comprises a comparative inquiry into the ways of regulation of political finances in Croatia, Germany and the Netherlands


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    Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj frekvencije hranidbe sjenažom lucerne u količini od 80 grama suhe tvari (ST) d-1 kg-1 metaboličke tjelesne mase (M0,75) ponuđene u 1, 2, 4 ili 8 obroka d-1 na ad libitum konzumaciju ST i in vivo probavljivost ST u hranidbi kastriranih ovnova. Sjenaža lucerne je sadržavala 423 g ST kg-1 svježeg uzorka, 168 g SP kg-1 ST i 492 g neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV) kg-1 ST. Frekvencija hranidbe nije utjecala na konzumaciju svježeg obroka (g d-1) (P>0,05), na konzumaciju ST obroka (g d-1) niti na probavljivost ST (g kg-1). Utvrđena je veća konzumacija ST obroka (g kg-1 M0,75) kod frekvencije hranidbe 1x d-1 i 8x d-1 u usporedbi s frekvencijom hranidbe 2x d-1 i 4x d-1 dnevno. .The objective of the research was to determine the effect of the feeding frequency on alfalfa dry matter (DM) ad libitum intake and in vivo digestibility in wether sheep. Wethers were fed 80 grams of DM d-1 kg-1 metabolic liveweight (M0.75) in 1,2, 4 or 8 meals d-1. Alfalfa haylage contained 423 g DM kg-1 fresh sample, 168 g CP kg-1 DM, 492 g neutral detergent fibre (NDF) kg-1 DM. The frequency of feeding have no effect on fresh matter ad libitum intake (g d-1) (P>0,05), on DM intake (g d-1) neither on DM digestibility (g kg-1). The feeding frequency of 1x d-1 and 8x d-1 increased DM intake (g kg-1 M0,75) (P<0.05) in comparison with the feeding frequency of 2x d-1 and 4x d-1

    The impact of crime on security in tourism

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    Tourism has become one of the main economic sectors of the 21st century. Today, tourism is facing various security threats such as terrorism, crime and potential armed conflicts, and the most common security threat to tourism is crime. The aim of this paper is to analyse how crime affects security in tourism and to describe the consequences of crime for tourism. A descriptive method was used in this paper to explain the concept of security in tourism and to analyse the relationship between tourism and crime. The data was drawn from the scientific and professional literature and policy documents on this subject. The impact of crime on tourism can be seen on two levels: the macro and micro levels. The impact of crime on the macro level refers to its effects on society in general, on the social community or tourist destination, and the impact of crime at the micro level refers to the effects of crime on individuals. The most significant impact of crime on a tourist destination is the negative image of the destination, resulting in reduced tourist demand. The impact of crime on the micro level is evident in the influence on the behaviour and attitudes of tourists, and their decision to visit or revisit a destination where criminal incidents happen. Crime can have a very negative impact on tourism and security in tourism can not be taken for granted, so it is necessary to make significant efforts to ensure a safe environment for tourists. In order to prevent crime and to create a safe environment for tourists, it is necessary to ensure the cooperation all stakeholders involved in tourism: the tourism industry, local community, national authorities, police and state agencies