2 research outputs found

    The job finding methods of young people

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    V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali načine iskanja zaposlitve med mladimi. Iskanje zaposlitve je tema, ki je v današnjem času, ko situacija na trgu dela ni enostavna, zelo pomembna. Opisali smo značilnosti trga delovne sile, značilnosti mladih in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na položaj mladih na trgu delovne sile. Opisali smo tudi metode iskanja dela. Raziskavo smo izvedli na območju Radomelj in okoliških krajev, ki spadajo v občino Domžale. V raziskavi nas je predvsem zanimalo, katero skupino metod, pasivne ali aktivne, mladi v največji meri uporabljajo pri iskanju zaposlitve. Zanimalo nas je tudi v kolikšni meri se mladi poslužujejo mreženja ter v kolikšni meri je razširjena uporaba spletnih socialnih omrežij med mladimi. Ugotovili smo, da med mladimi prevladuje uporaba pasivnih metod. Med aktivnimi pa v največji meri uporabljajo mreženje, kateremu mladi pripisujejo kar precejšnji pomen. Kljub zavedanju pomembnosti uporabe spletnih socialnih omrežij kot orodij, s katerimi širimo svojo mrežo poznanstev, mladi spletna socialna omrežja s tem namenom pregledujejo le redko.The present diploma thesis focuses on the methods of searching for employment among the young people. Searching for employment presents an issue which is very important, especially these days when the situation on the labour market is very complex. The thesis describes characteristics of the labour market, characteristics of young people and factors that impact the position of young people on the labour market. It also describes the methods of searching for employment. The research was conducted in Radomlje area and in nearby towns falling under the Domžale municipality. The main focus of the research was which group of methods, passive or active, is predominantly applied by the young people when they search for employment. Another focal point was to what extent the young people use networking and how frequent they use the social media. The conclusion was that the young people mostly use passive methods. When applying the active ones, the emphasis is on networking which the young people find quite relevant. However, despite being aware of the importance of using the social media as one of the tools that facilitate spreading the network of acquaintances, the young people only rarely use social media for this particular purpose

    Enhanced detection of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury by composite biomarker panel in patients with normal preoperative kidney function

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    We have shown recently that minor subclinical creatinine dynamic changes enable excellent de-tection of acute kidney injury (AKI) within 6-12 hours after cardiac surgery. The aim of the pre-sent study was to examine combination of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), cystatin C (CysC) and creatinine for enhanced AKI detection early after cardiac surgery. Elective patients with normal renal function undergoing cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass were enrolled. Concentrations of plasma NGAL, serum CysC and serum creatinine concentra-tions were determined after induction of general anaesthesia, at termination of cardiopulmo-nary bypass and 2 hours thereafter. Out of 119 enrolled patients 51 (43%) developed AKI. A model utilizing NGAL, CysC and creatinine triple biomarker panel including sequential rela-tive changes provides better prediction of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury then any biomarker alone already 2 hours after the termination of cardiopulmonary bypass. The area under receiver-operator curve was 0.77, sensitivity 77% and specificity 68%