2 research outputs found


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    Through a historical perspective, the Swiss franc has frequently been accepted as acurrency safe haven the investors sought shelter in while trying to avoid the globalmacroeconomic or geopolitical risks. The unexpected removal of the CHF / EURexchange rate cap by the Swiss National Bank in January 2015 agitated the globalfinancial markets, with the consequent reaction being an overestimation of CHF ofabout 30%. Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the entire region alsosuffered from significant effects of such SNB action. The results of the research of thispaper provided for the accomplishment of the primary research mission: to promoteknowledge of the monetary policy of the SNB, but also of its impact on the citizensof B&H. The paper details the most important features of the monetary policy, itsmodels, samples and instruments, as well as the monetary policy of the SNB. In thecourse of writing this article, particular attention was paid to the effects of SNB’smonetary policy to B&H citizens, but also to different approaches to solving theproblem of loans denominated in CHF. Likewise, a possible future overview of loansdenominated in CHF has been elaborated at the very end of the paper

    Manipulation: The Key Success of the World’s Quasi Lords

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    Ponekad je vrlo teško prepoznati manipulaciju, ali mnogi je ljudi mogu spoznati nakon što je provedena. Nažalost, stupanj manipulacije postao je toliko visok da se može reći kako je gotovo svaka aktivnost na neki način vezana uz nju. Pojedinci, obitelji, narodi, države, svi su pod utjecajem manipulacije „kvazigospodara svijeta“, koji djeluju pretežno iz vlastitih interesa i spremni su nepošteno djelovati kako bi ostvarili svoje ciljeve. Ipak, društvo i pojedinci koji teže ljudskom blagostanju mogu pronaći način da se izbore s manipulacijom. Prema tome, primarni je cilj ovog članka afirmacija borbe protiv manipulacije, posebno u slučaju Bosne i Hercegovine ali i cijeloga svijeta. Kako bi ostvario taj cilj članak predstavlja najvažnije karakteristike manipulacije. Prilikom znanstvenog obrazlaganja teme i dokazivanja postavljene hipoteze o manipulaciji i njenom utjecaju na društvo posebna je pažnja posvećena tipovima manipulacije te metodama i strategijama manipulacije. Na kraju članka predlažu se mjere koje, pomoću imunizacije, vode smanjenju podložnosti manipulaciji.It is very challenging to recognize manipulation as such; however, once humanoids become aware of it, they realize that they were subjected to manipulation. Sadly, the degree of manipulation is skyrocketing to the point that someone could argue that almost all activities are more or less manipulated. Individuals, families, nations, states – almost all are impacted by manipulation of world’s quasi lords who are driven by their own personal interests and are willing and ready to break all rules of humanity and decency for the benefits of their own personal interests and agendas. The primary aim of this paper is to demonstrate that there is a need to fight manipulation, particulary manipulation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the whole world. In order to do that, this paper elaborates on the most important charateristics of manipulation. An emphasis is paid to the types, methods and strategies of manipulation so to understand the implications of manipulation. Lastly, this paper proposes measures such as immunization in order to reduce humanoid proclivity to be manipulated