295 research outputs found

    Inferring Concise Specifications of APIs

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    Modern software relies on libraries and uses them via application programming interfaces (APIs). Correct API usage as well as many software engineering tasks are enabled when APIs have formal specifications. In this work, we analyze the implementation of each method in an API to infer a formal postcondition. Conventional wisdom is that, if one has preconditions, then one can use the strongest postcondition predicate transformer (SP) to infer postconditions. However, SP yields postconditions that are exponentially large, which makes them difficult to use, either by humans or by tools. Our key idea is an algorithm that converts such exponentially large specifications into a form that is more concise and thus more usable. This is done by leveraging the structure of the specifications that result from the use of SP. We applied our technique to infer postconditions for over 2,300 methods in seven popular Java libraries. Our technique was able to infer specifications for 75.7% of these methods, each of which was verified using an Extended Static Checker. We also found that 84.6% of resulting specifications were less than 1/4 page (20 lines) in length. Our technique was able to reduce the length of SMT proofs needed for verifying implementations by 76.7% and reduced prover execution time by 26.7%

    Repairing Deep Neural Networks: Fix Patterns and Challenges

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    Significant interest in applying Deep Neural Network (DNN) has fueled the need to support engineering of software that uses DNNs. Repairing software that uses DNNs is one such unmistakable SE need where automated tools could be beneficial; however, we do not fully understand challenges to repairing and patterns that are utilized when manually repairing DNNs. What challenges should automated repair tools address? What are the repair patterns whose automation could help developers? Which repair patterns should be assigned a higher priority for building automated bug repair tools? This work presents a comprehensive study of bug fix patterns to address these questions. We have studied 415 repairs from Stack overflow and 555 repairs from Github for five popular deep learning libraries Caffe, Keras, Tensorflow, Theano, and Torch to understand challenges in repairs and bug repair patterns. Our key findings reveal that DNN bug fix patterns are distinctive compared to traditional bug fix patterns; the most common bug fix patterns are fixing data dimension and neural network connectivity; DNN bug fixes have the potential to introduce adversarial vulnerabilities; DNN bug fixes frequently introduce new bugs; and DNN bug localization, reuse of trained model, and coping with frequent releases are major challenges faced by developers when fixing bugs. We also contribute a benchmark of 667 DNN (bug, repair) instances

    Building scalable software systems in the multicore era

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    Software systems must face two challenges today: growing complexity and increasing parallelism in the underlying computational models. The problem of increased complexity is often solved by dividing systems into modules in a way that permits analysis of these modules in isolation. The problem of lack of concurrency is often tackled by dividing system execution into tasks that permits execution of these tasks in isolation. The key challenge in software design is to manage the explicit and implicit dependence between modules that decreases modularity. The key challenge for concurrency is to manage the explicit and implicit dependence between tasks that decreases parallelism. Even though these challenges appear to be strikingly similar, current software design practices and languages do not take advantage of this similarity. The net effect is that the modularity and concurrency goals are often tackled mutually exclusively. Making progress towards one goal does not naturally contribute towards the other. My position is that for programmers that are not formally and rigorously trained in the concurrency discipline the safest and most productive way to get scalability in their software is by improving modularity of their software using programming language features and design practices that reconcile modularity and concurrency goals. I briefly discuss preliminary efforts of my group, but we have only touched the tip of the iceberg

    Boa: Ultra-large-scale software repository and source-code mining

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    In today’s software-centric world, ultra-large-scale software repositories, e.g. SourceForge, GitHub, and Google Code, are the new library of Alexandria. They contain an enormous corpus of software and related information. Scientists and engineers alike are interested in analyzing this wealth of information. However, systematic extraction and analysis of relevant data from these repositories for testing hypotheses is hard, and best left for mining software repository (MSR) experts! Specifically, mining source code yields significant insights into software development artifacts and processes. Unfortunately, mining source code at a large-scale remains a difficult task. Previous approaches had to either limit the s cope of the projects studied, limit the scope of the mining task to be more coarse-grained, or sacrifice studying the history of the code. In this paper we address mining source code: a) at a very large scale; b) at a fine-grained level of detail; and c) with full history information. To address these challenges, we present domain-specific language features for source code mining in our language and infrastructure called Boa. The goal of Boa is to ease testing MSR-related hypotheses. Our evaluation demonstrates that Boa substantially reduces programming efforts, thus lowering the barrier to entry. We also show drastic improvements in scalabilit

    Reconciling Trust and Modularity Goals in Web Services

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    Web services are distributed software components, that are decoupled from each other using interfaces with specified functional behaviors. However, such behavioral specifications are insufficient to demonstrate compliance with certain temporal non-functional policies. We show an example demonstrating that a patient\u27s health-related query sent to a health care service is answered only by a doctor (and not by a secretary). Demonstrating compliance with such policies is important for satisfying governmental privacy regulations. It is often necessary to expose the internals of the web service implementation for demonstrating such compliance, which may compromise modularity. In this work, we provide a language design that enables such demonstrations, while hiding majority of the service\u27s source code. The key idea is to use greybox specifications to allow service providers to selectively hide and expose parts of their implementation. The overall problem of showing compliance is then reduced to two subproblems: whether the desired properties are satisfied by the service\u27s greybox specification, and whether this greybox specification is satisfied by the service\u27s implementation. We specify policies using LTL and solve the first problem by model checking. We solve the second problem by refinement techniques