3 research outputs found

    Projekt SAKE – verejná správa využívajúca manažment znalostí

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    Informatizácia spoločnosti rýchlo napreduje a preniká aj do verejnej správy. Je to proces prirodzený vzhľadom na prechod k znalostnej ekonomike. Organizácie verejnej správy patria medzi organizácie založené na (právnych, ekonomických a pod.) znalostiach, a teda ich pracovníci majú štatút znalostných pracovníkov. Zároveň v rámci verejnej správy často dochádza k zmenám (legislatívy, kompetencií, organizačnej štruktúry a pod.). Elektronizácia verejnej správy (e-government) dokáže vyriešiť niektoré z týchto problémov. Jeden z prístupov prezentuje projekt SAKE financovaný v rámci 6. Rámcového programu EÚ, ktorého cieľom je vytvoriť jednotný priestor na uchovávanie znalostí namiesto súboru izolovaných zdrojov a systém manažmentu zmien.Information Society is progressing and is “penetrating” also public administration. This process is correlated with development of the knowledge-based economy. Public administration organizations are knowledge-based institutions and thus public servants have the status of knowledge workers. Knowledge within PA is subject of frequent changes, what can cause several problems . E-government can contribute to solution to some of these problems. One of possible approaches is presented by the EU funded SAKE project, which is aimed at development of an integrated knowledge space, instead of a set of isolated and heterogeneous knowledge resources. The project will also create a suitable change management system

    Integration of Government Services using Semantic Technologies

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    The paper describes an approach to semantic interoperability of eGovernment services applied within the 027020 FP6 IST Access-eGov project. The goal of the project was to improve accessibility and connectivity of governmental services for citizens and businesses by means of creating integrated scenarios and providing guidance to users while following this scenario. The scenario helps the user to identify and fulfil any needed electronic or real governmental services in a selected life situation. The Access-eGov project has developed software tools enabling service integration using semantic technologies. In addition to that, a methodology providing guidance to the user-driven process of creating ontologies was developed. Sample ontologies were prepared for trial applications. The developed tools support browsing, discovery, and execution of government services according to a selected life event or goal. The project successfully developed and tested the proposed solutions. The software developed within the project is available as open source software