183 research outputs found

    Seasonal hydrological and suspended sediment transport dynamics in proglacial streams, James Ross Island, Antarctica

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    Rapid warming of the Antarctic Peninsula is producing accelerated glacier mass loss and can be expected to have significant impacts on meltwater runoff regimes and proglacial fluvial activity. This study presents analysis of the hydrology and suspended sediment dynamics of two proglacial streams on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Mean water discharge during 8 January 2015 to 18 February 2015 reached 0.19 m3 s−1 and 0.06 m3 s−1 for Bohemian Stream and Algal Stream, respectively, equivalent to specific runoff of 76 and 60 mm month−1. The daily discharge regime strongly correlated with air and ground temperatures. The effect of global radiation on proglacial water discharge was found low to negligible. Suspended sediment concentrations of Bohemian Stream were very high (up to 2927 mg L−1) due to aeolian supply and due to the high erodibility of local rocks. Total sediment yield (186 t km−2 yr−1) was high for (nearly) deglaciated catchments, but relatively low in comparison with streams draining more glaciated alpine and arctic catchments. The sediment provenance was mostly local Cretaceous marine and aeolian sediments; volcanic rocks are not an important source for suspended load. High Rb/Sr ratios for some samples suggested chemical weathering. Overall, this monitoring of proglacial hydrological and suspended sediment dynamics contributes to the dearth of such data from Antarctic environments and offers an insight to the nature of the proglacial fluvial activity, which is likely to be in a transient state with ongoing climate change

    JulianA: An automatic treatment planning platform for intensity-modulated proton therapy and its application to intra- and extracerebral neoplasms

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    Creating high quality treatment plans is crucial for a successful radiotherapy treatment. However, it demands substantial effort and special training for dosimetrists. Existing automated treatment planning systems typically require either an explicit prioritization of planning objectives, human-assigned objective weights, large amounts of historic plans to train an artificial intelligence or long planning times. Many of the existing auto-planning tools are difficult to extend to new planning goals. A new spot weight optimisation algorithm, called JulianA, was developed. The algorithm minimises a scalar loss function that is built only based on the prescribed dose to the tumour and organs at risk (OARs), but does not rely on historic plans. The objective weights in the loss function have default values that do not need to be changed for the patients in our dataset. The system is a versatile tool for researchers and clinicians without specialised programming skills. Extending it is as easy as adding an additional term to the loss function. JulianA was validated on a dataset of 19 patients with intra- and extracerebral neoplasms within the cranial region that had been treated at our institute. For each patient, a reference plan which was delivered to the cancer patient, was exported from our treatment database. Then JulianA created the auto plan using the same beam arrangement. The reference and auto plans were given to a blinded independent reviewer who assessed the acceptability of each plan, ranked the plans and assigned the human-/machine-made labels. The auto plans were considered acceptable in 16 out of 19 patients and at least as good as the reference plan for 11 patients. Whether a plan was crafted by a dosimetrist or JulianA was only recognised for 9 cases. The median time for the spot weight optimisation is approx. 2 min (range: 0.5 min - 7 min)

    The causal ladder and the strength of K-causality. I

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    A unifying framework for the study of causal relations is presented. The causal relations are regarded as subsets of M x M and the role of the corresponding antisymmetry conditions in the construction of the causal ladder is stressed. The causal hierarchy of spacetime is built from chronology up to K-causality and new characterizations of the distinction and strong causality properties are obtained. The closure of the causal future is not transitive, as a consequence its repeated composition leads to an infinite causal subladder between strong causality and K-causality - the A-causality subladder. A spacetime example is given which proves that K-causality differs from infinite A-causality.Comment: 16 pages, one figure. Old title: ``On the relationship between K-causality and infinite A-causality''. Some typos fixed; small change in the proof of lemma 4.

    A Unified Generation-Registration Framework for Improved MR-based CT Synthesis in Proton Therapy

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    Background: In MR-guided proton therapy planning, aligning MR and CT images is key for MR-based CT synthesis, especially in mobile regions like the head-and-neck. Misalignments here can lead to less accurate synthetic CT (sCT) images, impacting treatment precision. Purpose: This study introduces a novel network that cohesively unifies image generation and registration processes to enhance the quality and anatomical fidelity of sCTs derived from better-aligned MR images. Methods: The approach synergizes a generation network (G) with a deformable registration network (R), optimizing them jointly in MR-to-CT synthesis. This goal is achieved by alternately minimizing the discrepancies between the generated/registered CT images and their corresponding reference CT counterparts. The generation network employs a UNet architecture, while the registration network leverages an implicit neural representation of the Deformable Vector Fields (DVFs). We validated this method on a dataset comprising 60 Head-and-Neck patients, reserving 12 cases for holdout testing. Results: Compared to the baseline Pix2Pix method with MAE 124.95\pm 30.74 HU, the proposed technique demonstrated 80.98\pm 7.55 HU. The unified translation-registration network produced sharper and more anatomically congruent outputs, showing superior efficacy in converting MR images to sCTs. Additionally, from a dosimetric perspective, the plan recalculated on the resulting sCTs resulted in a remarkably reduced discrepancy to the reference proton plans. Conclusions: This study conclusively demonstrates that a holistic MR-based CT synthesis approach, integrating both image-to-image translation and deformable registration, significantly improves the precision and quality of sCT generation, particularly for the challenging body area with varied anatomic changes between corresponding MR and CT

    A motion model-guided 4D dose reconstruction for pencil beam scanned proton therapy.

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    Objective.4D dose reconstruction in proton therapy with pencil beam scanning (PBS) typically relies on a single pre-treatment 4DCT (p4DCT). However, breathing motion during the fractionated treatment can vary considerably in both amplitude and frequency. We present a novel 4D dose reconstruction method combining delivery log files with patient-specific motion models, to account for the dosimetric effect of intra- and inter-fractional breathing variability.Approach.Correlation between an external breathing surrogate and anatomical deformations of the p4DCT is established using principal component analysis. Using motion trajectories of a surface marker acquired during the dose delivery by an optical tracking system, deformable motion fields are retrospectively reconstructed and used to generate time-resolved synthetic 4DCTs ('5DCTs') by warping a reference CT. For three abdominal/thoracic patients, treated with respiratory gating and rescanning, example fraction doses were reconstructed using the resulting 5DCTs and delivery log files. The motion model was validated beforehand using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) with subsequent 4D dose evaluations. Moreover, besides fractional motion, fractional anatomical changes were incorporated as proof of concept.Main results.For motion model validation, the comparison of 4D dose distributions for the original 4DCT and predicted LOOCV resulted in 3%/3 mm gamma pass rates above 96.2%. Prospective gating simulations on the p4DCT can overestimate the target dose coverage V95%by up to 2.1% compared to 4D dose reconstruction based on observed surrogate trajectories. Nevertheless, for the studied clinical cases treated with respiratory-gating and rescanning, an acceptable target coverage was maintained with V95%remaining above 98.8% for all studied fractions. For these gated treatments, larger dosimetric differences occurred due to CT changes than due to breathing variations.Significance.To gain a better estimate of the delivered dose, a retrospective 4D dose reconstruction workflow based on motion data acquired during PBS proton treatments was implemented and validated, thus considering both intra- and inter-fractional motion and anatomy changes

    Divergent mathematical treatments in utility theory

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    In this paper I study how divergent mathematical treatments affect mathematical modelling, with a special focus on utility theory. In particular I examine recent work on the ranking of information states and the discounting of future utilities, in order to show how, by replacing the standard analytical treatment of the models involved with one based on the framework of Nonstandard Analysis, diametrically opposite results are obtained. In both cases, the choice between the standard and nonstandard treatment amounts to a selection of set-theoretical parameters that cannot be made on purely empirical grounds. The analysis of this phenomenon gives rise to a simple logical account of the relativity of impossibility theorems in economic theory, which concludes the paper

    GPU accelerated Monte Carlo scoring of positron emitting isotopes produced during proton therapy for PET verification.

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    Objective.Verification of delivered proton therapy treatments is essential for reaping the many benefits of the modality, with the most widely proposedin vivoverification technique being the imaging of positron emitting isotopes generated in the patient during treatment using positron emission tomography (PET). The purpose of this work is to reduce the computational resources and time required for simulation of patient activation during proton therapy using the GPU accelerated Monte Carlo code FRED, and to validate the predicted activity against the widely used Monte Carlo code GATE.Approach.We implement a continuous scoring approach for the production of positron emitting isotopes within FRED version 5.59.9. We simulate treatment plans delivered to 95 head and neck patients at Centrum Cyklotronowe Bronowice using this GPU implementation, and verify the accuracy using the Monte Carlo toolkit GATE version 9.0.Main results.We report an average reduction in computational time by a factor of 50 when using a local system with 2 GPUs as opposed to a large compute cluster utilising between 200 to 700 CPU threads, enabling simulation of patient activity within an average of 2.9 min as opposed to 146 min. All simulated plans are in good agreement across the two Monte Carlo codes. The two codes agree within a maximum of 0.95σon a voxel-by-voxel basis for the prediction of 7 different isotopes across 472 simulated fields delivered to 95 patients, with the average deviation over all fields being 6.4 × 10-3σ.Significance.The implementation of activation calculations in the GPU accelerated Monte Carlo code FRED provides fast and reliable simulation of patient activation following proton therapy, allowing for research and development of clinical applications of range verification for this treatment modality using PET to proceed at a rapid pace

    Ten Misconceptions from the History of Analysis and Their Debunking

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    The widespread idea that infinitesimals were "eliminated" by the "great triumvirate" of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass is refuted by an uninterrupted chain of work on infinitesimal-enriched number systems. The elimination claim is an oversimplification created by triumvirate followers, who tend to view the history of analysis as a pre-ordained march toward the radiant future of Weierstrassian epsilontics. In the present text, we document distortions of the history of analysis stemming from the triumvirate ideology of ontological minimalism, which identified the continuum with a single number system. Such anachronistic distortions characterize the received interpretation of Stevin, Leibniz, d'Alembert, Cauchy, and others.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figures; Foundations of Science (2012). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1108.2885 and arXiv:1110.545

    Impact of perioperative chemotherapy on survival in patients with advanced primary urethral cancer: results of the international collaboration on primary urethral carcinoma

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    This is the first series that suggests a prognostic benefit of neoadjuvant treatment in a consecutive series of patients who underwent perioperative chemotherapy plus surgery for advanced primary urethral carcinoma. Further studies should yield a better understanding of how perioperative chemotherapy exerts a positive effect on survival in order to selectively advocate its use in advanced primary urethral carcinom

    Proving Ground Confluence of Equational Specifications Modulo Axioms

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    Terminating functional programs should be deterministic, i.e., should evaluate to a unique result, regardless of the evaluation order. For equational functional programs such determinism is exactly captured by the ground confluence property. For terminating equations this is equivalent to ground local confluence, which follows from local confluence. Checking local confluence by computing critical pairs is the standard way to check ground confluence. The problem is that some perfectly reasonable equational programs are not locally confluent and it can be very hard or even impossible to make them so by adding more equations. We propose a three-step strategy to prove that an equational program as is is ground confluent: First: apply the strategy proposed in [8] to use non-joinable critical pairs as completion hints to either achieve local confluence or reduce the number of critical pairs. Second: use the inductive inference system proposed in this paper to prove the remaining critical pairs ground joinable. Third: to show ground confluence of the original specification, prove also ground joinable the equations added. These methods apply to order-sorted and possibly conditional equational programs modulo axioms such as, e.g., Maude functional modules.This work has been partially supported by NRL under contract number N00173-17-1-G002.Ope