55 research outputs found
Karakteristike i odrednice međugeneracijskih financijskih transfera unutar obitelji koje se koriste mješovitom skrbi za starije osobe
The provision of care to dependent elderly parents or parents-in-
-law is an important part of intergenerational exchange within
families, especially in countries where the long-term care system
is based predominantly on family care. However, in mixed-care
networks, care tasks are shared between family members and
formal carers. Additionally, adult children may need to financially
help their parents, especially due to the financial burden that
formal care places on the elderly. We used the Slovenian national
survey of social home care users and their family members,
collected in 2013, to observe the characteristics and determinants
of intergenerational financial transfers in families that use mixed
care, within dyads comprising a care recipient and a family
caregiver. The findings show that there is a considerable
proportion of financial exchange among the observed dyads.
Furthermore, among the determinants, the income of the elderly
person and amount of care received are important for financial
flows upward (to the elderly parent) and downward (from the
elderly parent). The concurrent flows differ; their main
determinants are the carer\u27s age, household size and education.Pružanje skrbi starijim roditeljima ili roditeljima partnera važan je
dio međugeneracijske solidarnosti unutar obitelji, osobito u zemljama
u kojima se dugoročni sustav skrbi zasniva pretežno na
obiteljskoj skrbi. Međutim, u sustavima mješovite skrbi potrebnu
skrb zajedno pružaju članovi obitelji i pružatelji formalne skrbi.
Osim toga, odrasla će djeca možda morati i financijski pomagati
svojim roditeljima, posebno zbog financijskoga tereta što ga formalna
skrb nameće starijim osobama. Rad se temelji na Slovenskom
nacionalnom istraživanju korisnika socijalne skrbi i članova
njihovih obitelji. Podaci su prikupljeni 2013. godine radi promatranja
karakteristika i odrednica međugeneracijskih financijskih
transfera u obiteljima koje se koriste mješovitom skrbi, unutar dijada
koje uključuju primatelja skrbi i obiteljskoga skrbnika. Rezultati
pokazuju da postoji osjetna financijska razmjena između promatranih
dijada. Nadalje, odrednice važne za financijske tijekove
prema gore (starijem roditelju) i prema dolje (od starijega roditelja)
jesu prihod starijih osoba i iznos primljene skrbi, dok se kod
istodobnih tijekova sredstava one razlikuju; glavne su odrednice
starost pružatelja skrbi, veličina kućanstva i obrazovanje
Politika skrbi u Sloveniji: različiti trendovi i usklađeni stavovi
Slovenia makes a compelling case for care policy analysis since it is marked by extreme dichotomy in care. Therefore, placing Slovenia on a continuum of care regimes ranging from defamilialised to familialised with respect to care is difficult, with care for children being highly defamilialised, and care for older people highly familialised. The country’s childcare policies build on a historically well-developed system of public childcare provision and generous leave policies, together with a well-developed social protection system targeting families. These have been retained and, in some cases, were expanded, still following the 2009 economic crisis, certain austerity measures were introduced. On the other hand, care policies for older people started to develop later and after the initial growth they relatively stagnated (especially the social home-care system). A comprehensive long-term care system has yet to be developed and become a subject of ongoing political debates. Further, unlike in childcare, the increasing role of private actors can be observed in this sector. In the article, we discuss these care policy developments in Slovenia in terms of the role of relevant actors (state, family, private actors) with an emphasis on the views of people regarding care, based on data gathered within an innovative method of democratic forums. The article reveals that the dichotomy of care policies, as well as the differing recent trends in family policies for children and care for older people, is not present in people’s attitudes and their preferences for the arrangement of such policies.Slovenija pruža dobre argumente za analizu politike skrbi jer je obilježava izrazita dihotomija u području skrbi. Stoga je teško smjestiti Sloveniju u kontinuum režima skrbi koji se proteže od defamilijaliziranog do familijaliziranog, gdje je skrb za djecu izrazito defamilijalizirana, a skrb za starije osobe izrazito familijalizirana. Mjere skrbi za djecu u zemlji oslanjaju se na povijesno dobro razvijeni sustav javne skrbi za djecu i izdašne politike o dopustu, zajedno s dobro razvijenim sustavom socijalne zaštite usmjerenom na obitelji. Te su mjere zadržane i, u nekim slučajevima, proširene, no uslijed ekonomske krize iz 2009. godine uvedene su određene mjere štednje. S druge strane, politike skrbi za starije osobe počele su se razvijati kasnije i nakon početnog rasta relativno su stagnirale (posebice sustav socijalne usluge pomoći u kući). Sveobuhvatni sustav dugoročne skrbi tek se treba razviti i postati tema kontinuiranih političkih debata. Nadalje, za razliku od skrbi za djecu, u ovom se sektoru može uočiti povećana uloga privatnih aktera. U radu raspravljamo o razvitku tih politika skrbi u Sloveniji u odnosu na ulogu relevantnih aktera (država, obitelj, privatni akteri), s naglaskom na stavove ljudi o skrbi na temelju podataka prikupljenih u sklopu inovativne metode demokratskih foruma. Rad ukazuje na to da dihotomija politika skrbi, kao i različiti noviji trendovi u obiteljskim politikama za djecu i u skrbi za starije osobe, nisu prisutni u stavovima ljudi i u njihovim preferencijama za uvođenje takvih politika
The Future of the Slovenian Welfare State: A View from Deliberative Forums
Europske države suočavaju se s izazovima kako uspješno restrukturirati svoje sustave socijalne skrbi u vrijeme brojnih vanjskih i unutarnjih pritisaka, među kojima posebno valja izdvojiti demografski pritisak i utjecaj svjetske ekonomske krize. Slovenija je jedna od europskih zemalja koje su bile najsnažnije pogođene krizom 2009. godine. Isto tako, Slovenija se suočava s nekoliko teških izazova povezanih sa starenjem stanovništva. Rad se bavi stavovima ljudi prema postojećim mjerama socijalne politike i njihovim željenim smjerovima budućeg razvoja slovenske socijalne države, te analizira razlikuju li se mjere koje se primjenjuju od stavova ljudi uzimajući u obzir potencijalne kompromise između paradigme socijalne zaštite s jedne strane i paradigme socijalnog ulaganja s druge. U analizi su se koristili podatci prikupljeni metodom savjetodavnih foruma koji su provedeni 2015. godine. Savjetodavni forumi omogućuju pristup istraživanju „odozdo prema gore“. Analiza je pokazala da postoji nesrazmjer između očekivanja građana u pogledu budućeg razvoja slovenske socijalne države i stvarnog smjera reformi, što bi moglo postati jedno od najvažnijih pitanja za legitimnost buduće slovenske socijalne države.European states are facing challenges how to successfully restructure their welfare systems in times of numerous external and internal pressures, among them especially the demographic pressure and the impact of global economic crisis. Slovenia was one of European countries that were hit hardest by the crisis in 2009. Likewise, Slovenia is facing severe challenges regarding population ageing. In the paper, we are interested in people’s attitudes toward the existing welfare policies, as well as their preferences for the future development of the Slovenian welfare state and whether the implemented policies differ from people’s attitudes taking into account the potential trade-offs between the social protection paradigm on one side and the social investment paradigm on the other. The analysis utilised data gathered with the method of deliberative forums that were carried out in 2015. Deliberative forums allow a ‘bottom-up’ approach to research. Our analysis shows that there is a discrepancy between ordinary citizens’ expectations for the future development of the Slovenian welfare state and the actual direction of the reforms, which could become one of the most salient issues for the legitimacy of the future Slovenian welfare state
A Comparative Analysis of People’s Views on Future Policies for Older People
Starenje stanovništva jedna je od najvećih strukturnih promjena koje trenutno utječu na razvoj svih europskih socijalnih država. Različite države se suočavaju s tim promjenama na različite načine. Kao odgovor na svjetsku gospodarsku krizu, mnoge su države reformirale svoje mirovinske sustave i način na koji odgovaraju na rastuće potrebe za skrbi. Te promjene znatno utječu na stavove ljudi o perspektivi socijalne države i na njihova
očekivanja u budućnosti vezano uz buduću raspodjelu odgovornosti u pružanju skrbi za starije osobe. Temelj za analizu su podatci prikupljeni u poredbenom europskom projektu uz metodu korištenje demokratskih foruma. Stavove i očekivanja sudionika – kao i razloge i argumente koje su iznijeli – upotrijebili smo kako bismo rasvijetlili čimbenike koji će vjerojatno oblikovati buduće oblike skrbi za starije osobe i mjere mirovinske politike.
Analizirali smo četiri države koje imaju različite socijalne režime – Norvešku, Sloveniju, Njemačku i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo – i usredotočili se na podjelu odgovornosti između države, tržišta i obitelji, kao i na sličnosti i razlike u prioritetima i proizlazeće argumente iznesene u te četiri države.Population ageing is one of the biggest structural changes currently affecting the development of all European welfare states. Countries have tackled these changes in different ways. In reaction to the global economic crisis, many countries have reformed their old-age pension systems and how they address the rising care needs. These changes are bound to influence how citizens view the welfare state’s prospects and what they expect from it in the future in relation to policies for the elderly. The paper explores citizens’ attitudes and expectations with regard to the future division of responsibilities for the provision of welfare for the elderly. The basis for the analysis is data gathered in a
comparative European project adopting coordinated democratic forums as a methodology. We use the participants’ views and expectations – as well as the reasons and arguments they presented – to shed light on the factors likely to shape future elderly care and old-age pension policies. We analyse four countries – Norway, Slovenia, Germany and the UK – belonging to four different welfare regimes and focus on the division of responsibilities between the state, the market and the family and the differences and similarities in priorities and subsequent arguments put forward in the four countries
What and whom are family policies for? Unpacking the meaning of citizens’ support for family policy across Europe
The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows that citizens’ support for family policies is diverse across different welfare regimes with respect to four countries belonging to distinct regimes: the UK, Germany, Norway and Slovenia. Using qualitative data, we unpack the ways individuals view the need for family policies, the rationale they use to explain their support for family policies and for imposing restrictions on access to family policies – i.e. why, for whom, and under which conditions. We find that social rights narratives are common in Norway; a social investment logic is prevalent in Germany and Slovenia; while in the UK the dominant view is closer to the work-central individualized responsibility narrative of neoliberalism. In addition, we find differences across regimes in who family policies should target. In the UK and Germany, the focus is much more on providing support to activate parents, while in Norway and partly Slovenia the focus is on providing well-being for children. The findings show that despite some convergence in family policies across Europe in recent times, we still find clear diversity in what and for whom family policies are for, its rationale largely embedded in the larger institutional normative structures of the welfare state. The results not only contribute to the literature on the relationship between public attitudes and welfare institutions, but also point towards shifting ideas about the role of family policies in the context of societal change
Analiza koncepta družbena kohezija skozi prizmo ločitve vsakdanjega sveta in sistema
Avtorica v članku sistematično analizira koncept družbene kohezije, pri čemer naredi pregled njegovih pojmovanj v preteklosti ter v modernem obdobju. V ospredje je postavljena umestitev pojma znotraj novejše perspektive družbene kakovosti ter njeno razmerje do drugih razumevanj tega koncepta, pa tudi razmerje do drugih sorodnih konceptov, kot sta socialna vključenost ter socialna integracija. Pri tem ločuje med dvema glavnima pogledoma na družbeno kohezijo in sicer med razumevanjem na ravni vsakdanjega sveta ter razumevanjemna sistemski ravni
Prostorska determiniranost omrežij starejših in vloga sosedov v časovni perspektivi
V času naraščajoče globalizacije in individualizacije je veliko govora o zmanjševanju pomena lokalne skupnosti, soseske kot osnove za povezovanje med ljudmi. Pri tem starejši ljudje izstopajo kot skupina, na katero naj bi ti trendi še posebej negativno vplivali, saj so zaradi manjše mobilnosti v stikih bolj omejeni na neposredno okolje - sosesko. V članku tako ugotavljamo, kakšen je odnos starejših do soseske pri nas, kakšna je vloga sosedov v njihovem omrežju ter kakšne spremembe se kažejo v času. O trendih sklepamo na podlagi manjše raziskave, opravljene na nereprezentativnem vzorcu, ter te sklepe umeščamo v kontekst analiz, opravljenih na reprezentativnem vzorcu. Pri tem nas soseska zanima tudi z vidika akterja skupnostne skrbi. Rezultati, predstavljeni v članku, kažejo na to, da se pomen soseske zmanjšuje ter da sosedje v vedno manjši meri nudijo različne tipe pomoči in opore. Ta trend je viden pri obeh opazovanih generacijah (srednja in starejša), čeprav obstaja med njima razlika, ki kaže na večji pomen sosedov v vsakdanjem življenju starejših ljudi. Vendar za starejše soseska še vedno predstavlja vir (čeprav omejen) skupnostne skrbi in daje občutek ontološke varnosti.In times of globalization and increasing individualisation the decreasing importance of local community is often debated. The neighbourhood is supposed to become less important as a source of social ties. At that the elderly are the group on which these trends would have the most negative impact, as they are more oriented on their immediate environment due to lower mobility. In the article we discuss what is the evaluation of elderly of their neighbourhood, the role of neighbours in their social support networks and the changes in time. At that we observe the neighbourhood as a potential actor in community care. We base our analysis on a non-representative sample of a smaller study, while putting them in the context of a larger representative study. The results indicate that the importance of neighbourhood is decreasing and that the neighbours are less often the source of various types of social support. This trend can be seen in both observed generations (middleaged and elderly). However, the difference between generations is present and indicates higher importance of neighbours for the elderly. The neighbourhood still presents (although limited) source of community care and source of ontological security
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