65 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetics of high-dose oral thiamine hydrochloride in healthy subjects

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    Background: High dose oral thiamine may have a role in treating diabetes, heart failure, and hypermetabolic states. The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of oral thiamine hydrochloride at 100 mg, 500 mg and 1500 mg doses in healthy subjects. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, single-dose, 4-way crossover study. Pharmacokinetic measures were calculated. Results: The AUC010hrAUC_{0-10 hr} and CmaxC_{max} values increased nonlinearly between 100 mg and 1500 mg. The slope of the AUC010hrAUC_{0-10 hr} vs dose, as well as the CmaxC_{max} vs dose, plots are steepest at the lowest thiamine doses. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that high blood levels of thiamine can be achieved rapidly with oral thiamine hydrochloride. Thiamine is absorbed by both an active and nonsaturable passive process

    Effect of cyclosporine on hepatic cytosolic estrogen and androgen receptor levels before and after partial hepatectomy

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    Estrogen and androgen receptors within the liver have been reported to modulate the hepatic regenerative response to partial hepatectomy. Moreover, cyclosporine has several untoward effects that might occur as a consequence of alterations in sex hormone activity. To evaluate these questions the following experiments were performed. Estrogen and androgen receptors in cytosol were quantitated in livers of rats treated with cyclosporine or olive oil vehicle before and after partial hepatectomy or a sham operation. Ornithine decarboxylase activity and thymidine kinase activity were assessed as indices of hepatic regeneration. Preoperative levels of estrogen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol were significantly greater in rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to vehicle treated controls (P<0.01). In contrast, preoperative levels of androgen receptor activity in the cyclosporine-treated and vehicle-treated animals were similar. Following partial hepatectomy, a reduction in the activity of both sex hormone receptors in the hepatic cytosol was observed and was compatible with results described previously in normal animals. Unexpectedly the preoperative levels of ornithine decarboxylase (P<0.01) and thymidine kinase activity (P<0.01) were significantly greater in the rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to the vehicle treated controls. As expected, ornithine decarboxylase activity (at 6 hr) and thymidine kinase activity (at 24 hr) rose and peaked in response to a partial hepatectomy but were significantly greater (P<0.05) in the rats treated with cyclosporine as compared to the vehicle. These results show that cyclosporine treatment causes an increase in the hepatic content of estrogen receptor activity that is associated with an enhanced potential for a regenerative response. These effects of cyclosporine treatment on the sex hormone receptor levels in liver may explain the mechanisms responsible for some of the untoward effects of treatment with this agent. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Autoimmune hepatitis triggered by nitrofurantoin: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Drugs can occasionally trigger the onset of autoimmune liver disease.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Three Caucasian women (aged 65, 42 and 74 years old) who were receiving long-term nitrofurantoin as prophylaxis against recurrent urinary tract infections developed hepatitic liver disease. Serological auto-antibody profiles and liver histology appearances were consistent with autoimmune hepatitis. Two of the patients presented with jaundice, and one required a prolonged hospital admission for liver failure. In all three patients nitrofurantoin was withdrawn, and long-term immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone and azathioprine or mycophenolate was given. The patients responded well, with liver biochemistry returning to normal within a few months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although nitrofurantoin rarely causes autoimmune hepatitis, this antimicrobial is increasingly used as long-term prophylaxis against recurrent urinary tract infection. General practitioners and urologists who prescribe long-term nitrofurantoin therapy should be aware of this adverse effect.</p

    Parametric exploration of the liver by magnetic resonance methods

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    MRI, as a completely noninvasive technique, can provide quantitative assessment of perfusion, diffusion, viscoelasticity and metabolism, yielding diverse information about liver function. Furthermore, pathological accumulations of iron and lipids can be quantified. Perfusion MRI with various contrast agents is commonly used for the detection and characterization of focal liver disease and the quantification of blood flow parameters. An extended new application is the evaluation of the therapeutic effect of antiangiogenic drugs on liver tumours. Novel, but already widespread, is a histologically validated relaxometry method using five gradient echo sequences for quantifying liver iron content elevation, a measure of inflammation, liver disease and cancer. Because of the high perfusion fraction in the liver, the apparent diffusion coefficients strongly depend on the gradient factors used in diffusion-weighted MRI. While complicating analysis, this offers the opportunity to study perfusion without contrast injection. Another novel method, MR elastography, has already been established as the only technique able to stage fibrosis or diagnose mild disease. Liver fat content is accurately determined with multivoxel MR spectroscopy (MRS) or by faster MRI methods that are, despite their widespread use, prone to systematic error. Focal liver disease characterisation will be of great benefit once multivoxel methods with fat suppression are implemented in proton MRS, in particular on high-field MR systems providing gains in signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution