11 research outputs found

    Preference of Goats for Cool-Season Annual Clovers in the Southern United States

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    In the southern U.S.A., annual clovers provide high-quality winter and spring grazing for beef cattle and sheep. New Zealand data on white clover (Trifolium repens L.) suggests that goats do not prefer this plant as much as sheep (Clark et al., 1982) but little data are available on willingness of goats to consume different clover types in the USA

    Phosphorus, sediment, and e. Coli loads in unfenced streams of the Georgia Piedmont, USA

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    Contamination of unfenced streams with phosphorus, sediments, and pathogenic bacteria from cattle activity may be affected by the availability of shade and alternative water sources. The objectives of this study were to evaluate water quality in two streams draining tall fescue/ bermudagrass pastures with different shade distributions, and to quantify the effects of alternative water sources on stream water quality. Loads of DRP, TP, and TSS were measured during storm flow, and loads of DRP, TP, TSS, and E.coli were measured every 14 d during base flow in two streams located in the Piedmont region of Georgia. Our results showed that grazing cattle in pastures with unfenced streams contributed significant loads of DRP, TP, TSS, and E. coli to surface waters (p<0.01). Although storm flow was similar in both streams, loads of DRP, TP, and TSS were larger (p< 0.08) in the pasture with the smaller amount of non-riparian shade. Water trough availability significantly decreased (p< 0.08) base flow loads of TSS and E. coli in both streams. Our results indicate that possible BMPs to reduce P, sediment, and E. coli contamination from beef-cattle-grazed pastures may be to develop or encourage non-riparian shade and to provide cattle with an alternative water supply away from the stream.Sponsored by: Georgia Environmental Protection Division U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Water Science Center U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Water Resources Institute The University of Georgia, Water Resources Facult