4 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje djelovanja ugljičnog monoksida na ljude u slučaju požara u zgradi

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    The research has been conducted to determine the safe residence time for people in a room where the composition of the gas environment has deteriorated due to fire. Carbon monoxide, which is produced by fire, has been found to be lethal for human life and health. Determination of safe time was made based on the study of the composition and amount of fire load in premises and buildings, physical and chemical properties of carbon monoxide, and its effect on the human body. The graphical dependences of the concentration of carbon monoxide in a room, as a function of time, were obtained for eight variants. The results allow authors to determine the possible residence time of a person in a building during a fire before the lethal concentration of carbon monoxide occurs. Studies made it possible to determine the safe residence time of people in a building on fire in a calculated way and to compare it with the normative indicators of the onset of lethal concentration of carbon monoxide in the air. The results obtained determine the safe time during which a person can escape from the building on fire.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se utvrdilo koliko dugo ljudi mogu boraviti u prostoriji u kojoj je kakvoća zraka smanjena zbog požara. Ugljični monoksid, proizvod požara, jest smrtonosan i opasan za zdravlje. Sigurno vrijeme boravka utvrđeno je na temelju ispitivanja sastava i količine požarnog opterećenja u prostorijama i zgradama, fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava ugljičnog monoksida i njegova djelovanja na ljudsko tijelo. Grafički je prikazana ovisnost koncentracije ugljičnog monoksida u prostoriji kao funkcije vremena, i to za osam varijanti. Rezultati omogućuju da se utvrdi moguće vrijeme boravka u zgradi tijekom požara prije nego dođe do smrtonosne koncentracije ugljičnog monoksida. Ispitivanjem je izračunato vrijeme sigurnog boravka u požarom zahvaćenoj zgradi te je moguća usporedba s normativnim pokazateljima dostizanja smrtonosne koncentracije ugljičnog dioksida u zraku. Rezultati služe za utvrđivanje sigurnog vremena za bijeg ljudi iz požarom zahvaćene zgrade

    Istraživanje i opravdanje vremena izvođenja operativnih akcija vatrogasno-spasilačkih postrojbi za spašavanje ljudi u požaru

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    The paper conducts research to determine and justify the total time of rescuing people in a fire in case of threat to their lives. It is established that the total time of rescuing people in a fire consists of the time before the report of the fire, the time of collection and departure of the unit, the time of departure and the time of operational deployment. Which in turn are determined depending on such indicators as the number of fire and rescue units and their location, their tactical capabilities and equipment of fire and rescue vehicles and fire equipment, population density, road coverage, terrain and operational and tactical characteristics of the area departure of the unit. Graphically shows the components of the total time of rescuing people in a fire, depending on these indicators. Also, a comparative analysis of the total time of rescuing people in a fire, taking into account the scheme number, period and place of use of the fire and rescue unit with the safe time of people in the room before the fatal concentration of carbon monoxide. The obtained results allow researchers to determine the total time of rescuing people in a fire with the appropriate adjustment of its components and the introduction of their relevant documentation. The paper also substantiates the choice of the scheme of operational deployment of the fire and rescue unit upon arrival at the scene of the fire.U radu se prikazuje istraživanje kako bi se utvrdilo i opravdalo ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru u slučaju prijetnje njihovim životima. Utvrđuje se da se ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru sastoji od vremena prije dojave o požaru, vremena prikupljanja i odlaska postrojbe, vremena polaska i vremena operativnog raspoređivanja. Navedena se, pak, određuju ovisno o pokazateljima kao što su broj vatrogasno-spasilačkih jedinica i njihov položaj, njihove taktičke sposobnosti i opremljenost vatrogasno-spasilačkih vozila i vatrogasne opreme, gustoća naseljenosti, pokrivenost cesta, terena i operativno-taktičke karakteristike područja odlaska jedinice. Grafički se prikazuju komponente ukupnog vremena spašavanja ljudi u požaru, ovisno o ovim pokazateljima, također, i usporedna analiza ukupnog vremena spašavanja ljudi u požaru, uzimajući u obzir broj sheme, razdoblje i mjesto korištenja vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice sa sigurnim vremenom ljudi u sobi prije kobne koncentracije ugljičnog monoksida. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju istraživačima da utvrde ukupno vrijeme spašavanja ljudi u požaru uz odgovarajuće podešavanje njegovih komponenata i uvođenjem njihove relevantne dokumentacije. U radu se također obrazlaže izbor sheme operativnog raspoređivanja vatrogasno-spasilačke jedinice po dolasku na mjesto požara

    A method of experimental studies of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions

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    A method of experimental study of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions during a fire was developed. Types of equipment necessary for the conduction of the experimental studies were determined. A new type of specimen to be used as the one to be studied when conducting experimental studies was developed. Installation sites of thermocouples and heat flux detector on the specimen under study are shown as layout. Installation sites of the specimens under study relative to heat radiation source were substantiated experimentally. Succession of the conduction of the experimental studies of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions during a fire was developed which consists of the following procedures: production of specimens for the studies, measurement and recording on ambient conditions, measuring of temperature and heat flux on the surface of the specimen under study, and filling 55B test fire with water and diesel fuel. It was established that average temperatures and heat flux density values as well as flame geometry should be measured when performing experimental studies

    A method of experimental studies of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions

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    A method of experimental study of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions during a fire was developed. Types of equipment necessary for the conduction of the experimental studies were determined. A new type of specimen to be used as the one to be studied when conducting experimental studies was developed. Installation sites of thermocouples and heat flux detector on the specimen under study are shown as layout. Installation sites of the specimens under study relative to heat radiation source were substantiated experimentally. Succession of the conduction of the experimental studies of heat transfer processes between industrial constructions during a fire was developed which consists of the following procedures: production of specimens for the studies, measurement and recording on ambient conditions, measuring of temperature and heat flux on the surface of the specimen under study, and filling 55B test fire with water and diesel fuel. It was established that average temperatures and heat flux density values as well as flame geometry should be measured when performing experimental studies