5 research outputs found

    Prevalence and predictors of gaps in care among adult congenital heart disease patients: HEART-ACHD (The Health, Education, and Access Research Trial)

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    ObjectivesThe goal of this project was to quantify the prevalence of gaps in cardiology care, identify predictors of gaps, and assess barriers to care among adult congenital heart disease (adult CHD) patients.BackgroundAdult CHD patients risk interruptions in care that are associated with undesired outcomes.MethodsPatients (18 years of age and older) with their first presentation to an adult CHD clinic completed a survey regarding gaps in, and barriers to, care.ResultsAmong 12 adult CHD centers, 922 subjects (54% female) were recruited. A >3-year gap in cardiology care was identified in 42%, with 8% having gaps longer than a decade. Mean age at the first gap was 19.9 years. The majority of respondents had more than high school education and knew their heart condition. The most common reasons for gaps included feeling well, being unaware that follow-up was required, and complete absence from medical care. Disease complexity was predictive of a gap in care with 59% of mild, 42% of moderate, and 26% of severe disease subjects reporting gaps (p < 0.0001). Clinic location significantly predicted gaps (p < 0.0001), whereas sex, race, and education level did not. Common reasons for returning to care were new symptoms, referral from provider, and desire to prevent problems.ConclusionsAdult CHD patients have gaps in cardiology care; the first lapse commonly occurred at age ∼19 years, a time when transition to adult services is contemplated. Gaps were more common among subjects with mild and moderate diagnoses and at particular locations. These results provide a framework for developing strategies to decrease gaps and address barriers to care in the adult CHD population

    The implications of large home range size in a solitary felid, the Leopard (Panthera pardus)

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    The size of the home range of a mammal is affected by numerous factors. However, in the normally solitary, but polygynous, Leopard (Panthera pardus), home range size and maintenance is complicated by their transitory social grouping behavior, which is dependent on life history stage and/or reproductive status. In addition, the necessity to avoid competition with conspecifics and other large predators (including humans) also impacts upon home range size. We used movement data from 31 sites across Africa, comprising 147 individuals (67 males and 80 females) to estimate the home range sizes of leopards. We found that leopards with larger home ranges, and in areas with more vegetation, spent longer being active and generally traveled faster, and in straighter lines, than leopards with smaller home ranges. We suggest that a combination of bottom-up (i.e., preferred prey availability), top-down (i.e., competition with conspecifics), and reproductive (i.e., access to mates) factors likely drive the variability in Leopard home range sizes across Africa. However, the maintenance of a large home range is energetically expensive for leopards, likely resulting in a complex evolutionary trade-off between the satisfaction of basic requirements and preventing potentially dangerous encounters with conspecifics, other predators, and people

    The implications of large home range size in a solitary felid, the leopard (Panthera pardus)

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : All raw data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.SUPPLEMENTARY DATA SD1.—Two additional figures and a detailed appendix of site locations are provided.The size of the home range of a mammal is affected by numerous factors. However, in the normally solitary, but polygynous, Leopard (Panthera pardus), home range size and maintenance is complicated by their transitory social grouping behavior, which is dependent on life history stage and/or reproductive status. In addition, the necessity to avoid competition with conspecifics and other large predators (including humans) also impacts upon home range size. We used movement data from 31 sites across Africa, comprising 147 individuals (67 males and 80 females) to estimate the home range sizes of leopards. We found that leopards with larger home ranges, and in areas with more vegetation, spent longer being active and generally traveled faster, and in straighter lines, than leopards with smaller home ranges. We suggest that a combination of bottom-up (i.e., preferred prey availability), top-down (i.e., competition with conspecifics), and reproductive (i.e., access to mates) factors likely drive the variability in Leopard home range sizes across Africa. However, the maintenance of a large home range is energetically expensive for leopards, likely resulting in a complex evolutionary trade-off between the satisfaction of basic requirements and preventing potentially dangerous encounters with conspecifics, other predators, and people.The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and a Hugh Kelly Fellowship from Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.https://academic.oup.com/jmammal2024-09-11hj2024Mammal Research InstituteZoology and EntomologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Spatial patterns of large African cats : a large-scale study on density, home range size, and home range overlap of lions Panthera leo and leopards Panthera pardus

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    Spatial patterns of and competition for resources by territorial carnivores are typically explained by two hypotheses: 1) the territorial defence hypothesis and 2) the searching efficiency hypothesis. According to the territorial defence hypothesis, when food resources are abundant, carnivore densities will be high and home ranges small. In addition, carnivores can maximise their necessary energy intake with minimal territorial defence. At medium resource levels, larger ranges will be needed, and it will become more economically beneficial to defend resources against a lower density of competitors. At low resource levels, carnivore densities will be low and home ranges large, but resources will be too scarce to make it beneficial to defend such large territories. Thus, home range overlap will be minimal at intermediate carnivore densities. According to the searching efficiency hypothesis, there is a cost to knowing a home range. Larger areas are harder to learn and easier to forget, so carnivores constantly need to keep their cognitive map updated by regularly revisiting parts of their home ranges. Consequently, when resources are scarce, carnivores require larger home ranges to acquire sufficient food. These larger home ranges lead to more overlap among individuals' ranges, so that overlap in home ranges is largest when food availability is the lowest. Since conspecific density is low when food availability is low, this hypothesis predicts that overlap is largest when densities are the lowest. We measured home range overlap and used a novel method to compare intraspecific home range overlaps for lions Panthera leo (n = 149) and leopards Panthera pardus (n = 111) in Africa. We estimated home range sizes from telemetry location data and gathered carnivore density data from the literature. Our results did not support the territorial defence hypothesis for either species. Lion prides increased their home range overlap at conspecific lower densities whereas leopards did not. Lion pride changes in overlap were primarily due to increases in group size at lower densities. By contrast, the unique dispersal strategies of leopards led to reduced overlap at lower densities. However, when human-caused mortality was higher, leopards increased their home range overlap. Although lions and leopards are territorial, their territorial behaviour was less important than the acquisition of food in determining their space use. Such information is crucial for the future conservation of these two iconic African carnivores