26 research outputs found

    Molecular Typing and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in raw milk can be transmitted from animals to humans, and in Tanzania raw milk is sold in local markets and consumed as purchased. This study was performed to determine the molecular characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of MRSA strains isolated from raw bovine milk sold at local markets in Tanzania. A total of 117 raw milk samples were cultured on Baird-Parker medium to isolate S. aureus and PCR was used for amplification of gltB gene for S. aureus identification and the presence of mecA gene for methicillin-resistant strains. Coagulase-negative (CN) S. aureus were reconfirmed using tube coagulase, DNase, and API Staph tests. MRSA isolates were spa typed whereas antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by the disc diffusion method. Forty-six coagulase positives (CP) and two CN S. aureus were identified. Most strains were resistant to penicillin (72%), and 3 isolates: 2 CN S. aureus and 1 coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS), were phenotypically resistant to vancomycin, oxacillin, and cefoxitin and were confirmed to carry mecA. Resistance to clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline was 23.9%, 30.4%, and 41.3%, respectively. Twelve isolates exhibited multidrug resistance; however, only one mecA positive strain among the three was typeable and belonged to spa type t2603. This study reports for the first time the presence of CN variant of MRSA, which was assigned the spa type t2603, and the presence of multidrug resistant S. aureus isolates from bovine milk in Morogoro, Tanzania

    Genomic insights into <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> O1 responsible for cholera epidemics in Tanzania between 1993 and 2017

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    BackgroundTanzania is one of seven countries with the highest disease burden caused by cholera in Africa. We studied the evolution of Vibrio cholerae O1 isolated in Tanzania during the past three decades.Methodology/principal findingsGenome-wide analysis was performed to characterize V. cholerae O1 responsible for the Tanzanian 2015-2017 outbreak along with strains causing outbreaks in the country for the past three decades. The genomes were further analyzed in a global context of 590 strains of the seventh cholera pandemic (7PET), as well as environmental isolates from Lake Victoria. All Tanzanian cholera outbreaks were caused by the 7PET lineage. The T5 sub-lineage (ctxB3) dominated outbreaks until 1997, followed by the T10 atypical El Tor (ctxB1) up to 2015, which were replaced by the T13 atypical El Tor of the current third wave (ctxB7) causing most cholera outbreaks until 2017 with T13 being phylogenetically related to strains from East African countries, Yemen and Lake Victoria. The strains were less drug resistant with approximate 10-kb deletions found in the SXT element, which encodes resistance to sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Nucleotide deletions were observed in the CTX prophage of some strains, which warrants further virulence studies. Outbreak strains share 90% of core genes with V. cholerae O1 from Lake Victoria with as low as three SNPs difference and a significantly similar accessory genome, composed of genomic islands namely the CTX prophage, Vibrio Pathogenicity Islands; toxin co-regulated pilus biosynthesis proteins and the SXT-ICE element.Conclusion/significanceCharacterization of V. cholerae O1 from Tanzania reveals genetic diversity of the 7PET lineage composed of T5, T10 and T13 sub-lineages with introductions of new sequence types from neighboring countries. The presence of these sub-lineages in environmental isolates suggests that the African Great Lakes may serve as aquatic reservoirs for survival of V. cholerae O1 favoring continuous human exposure

    Comparative genomic analysis of Aeromonas dhakensis and Aeromonas hydrophila from diseased striped catfish fingerlings cultured in Vietnam

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    IntroductionMotile Aeromonas septicemia (MAS) is a burden for striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) farmers in Vietnam. MAS can be caused by several species of Aeromonas but Aeromonas hydrophila is seen as the leading cause of MAS in aquaculture, but recent reports suggest that A. dhakensis is also causing MAS.MethodsHere we investigated the bacterial etiology of MAS and compared the genomic features of A. hydrophila and A. dhakensis. We collected 86 isolates from diseased striped catfish fingerlings over 5 years from eight provinces in Vietnam. Species identification was done using PCR, MALDI-TOF and whole genome sequence (WGS). The MICs of commonly used antimicrobials was established. Thirty presumed A. hydrophila isolates were sequenced for species confirmation and genomic comparison. A phylogenetic analysis was conducted using publicly available sequences and sequences from this study.ResultsA total of 25/30 isolates were A. dhakensis sequence type (ST) 656 and 5/30 isolates were A. hydrophila ST 251. Our isolates and all publicly available A. hydrophila isolates from Vietnam belonged to ST 251 and differed with &lt;200 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Similarly, all A. dhakensis isolates from Vietnam belonged to ST 656 and differed with &lt;100 SNPs. The tet(A) gene was found in 1/5 A. hydrophila and 19/25 A. dhakensis. All A. hydrophila had an MIC ≤2 mg/L while 19/25 A. dhakensis had MIC ≥8 mg/L for oxytetracycline. The floR gene was only found in A. dhakensis (14/25) which showed a MIC ≥8 mg/L for florfenicol. Key virulence genes, i.e., aerA/act, ahh1 and hlyA were present in all genomes, while ast was only present in A. dhakensis.DiscussionThis study confirms previous findings where A. dhakensis was the dominating pathogen causing MAS and that the importance of A. hydrophila has likely been overestimated. The differences in antimicrobial susceptibility between the two species could indicate a need for targeted antimicrobial treatment plans. The lipopolysaccharide regions and outer membrane proteins did not significantly differ in their immunogenic potentials, but it remains to be determined with in vivo experiments whether there is a difference in the efficacy of available vaccines against A. hydrophila and A. dhakensis

    Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a Putative Reservoir Host for Survival and Transmission of Vibrio cholerae O1 Biotype El Tor in the Aquatic Environment

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    Studies have reported the occurrence of Vibrio cholerae in fish but little is known about the interaction between fish and toxigenic V. cholerae as opposed to phytoplankton, which are well-established aquatic reservoirs for V. cholerae. The present study determined the role of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a reservoir host for survival and transmission of V. cholerae in aquatic environments. Three experiments were performed with one repetition each, where O. niloticus (∼2 g) kept in beakers were inoculated with four V. cholerae strains (5 × 107 cfu/mL). Firstly, infected tilapia were kept in stagnant water and fed live brine shrimp (Artemia salina) larvae daily. Secondly, infected tilapia were kept without feeding and water was changed every 24 h. Thirdly, infected tilapia were fed and water was renewed daily. Infected tilapia and non-infected controls were sacrificed on days 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 post-inoculation and V. cholerae were enumerated in intestinal content and water. Another experiment assessed the transmission of V. cholerae from infected to non-infected tilapia. The study revealed that El Tor biotype V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae non-O1 colonized tilapia intestines and persisted at stable concentrations during the second week of the experiment whereas the Classical biotype was undetectable after 1 week. In stagnant water with feeding, V. cholerae counts dropped to 105 cfu/ml in water and from 107 to 104 cfu/intestine in fish after 14 days. When water was renewed, counts in water decreased from 107 to 103 cfu/ml and intestinal counts went from 106 to 102 cfu/intestine regardless of feeding. All strains were transmitted from infected to naïve fish after 24 h of cohabitation. Tilapia like other fish may play an essential role in the survival and dissemination of V. cholerae O1 in aquatic environments, e.g., the seventh pandemic strains mostly. In this study, tilapia were exposed to high concentrations of V. cholerae to ensure initial uptake and follow-up studies with lower doses resembling natural concentrations of V. cholerae in the aquatic environment are needed to confirm our findings

    Antimicrobial resistance among clinically relevant bacterial isolates in Accra: a retrospective study

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    Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial resistance pattern of bacterial isolates from different specimens at various hospitals and private diagnostic service laboratories in Ghana. Results A retrospective data of culture and sensitivity test results from 2016 were extracted from the microbiology record book of six laboratories in Accra, Ghana. The data included type of clinical specimen, sex of patient, name of bacterial isolate and antibiotic resistance profile. A total of 16.6% (n = 10,237) resistant isolates were obtained, however, the proportions of resistant isolates varied significantly between laboratories. High resistance towards tetracycline, ampicillin, cotrimoxazole and cephalosporins, but low towards amoxiclav and aminoglycosides, was observed. This study identified E. coli and Staphylococcus species as the major resistant bacteria from clinical specimen in Accra and the highest prevalence of the isolates was found in urine specimens in all six laboratories (69.1%, n = 204; 52.6%, n = 36; 52.3%, n = 350; 37.9%, n = 298; 53%, n = 219; 62.1%, n = 594) and in female patients (81.4, 50 and 69.5%). Regular surveillance and local susceptibility pattern analysis is extremely important in selecting the most appropriate and effective antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial infections

    <i>Salmonella </i>Salamae and S. Waycross isolated from Nile perch in Lake Victoria show limited human pathogenic potential

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    Non-enterica subspecies of Salmonella enterica are rarely associated with human infections. Paradoxically, food safety legislations consider the entire genus Salmonella as pathogenic to humans. Globally, large amounts of seafoods are rejected and wasted due to findings of Salmonella. To inform better food safety decisions, we investigated the pathogenicity of Salmonella Salamae 42:r- and Salmonella Waycross isolated from Nile perch from Lake Victoria. Genome-wide analysis revealed absence of significant virulence determinants including on key Salmonella pathogenicity islands in both serovars. In epithelial cells, S. Salamae showed a weak invasion ability that was lower than the invH mutant of S. Typhimiurium used as negative control. Similarly, S. Salamae could not replicate inside macrophages. Moreover, intracellular replication in S. Waycross strains was significantly lower compared to the wild type S. Typhimurium. Our findings suggest a low pathogenicity of S. Salamae reinforcing the existing literature that non-enterica subspecies are avirulent. We propose that food legislations and actions taken on findings of Salmonella are revisited to avoid wasting valuable sea- and other foods

    Virulence gene database for Edwardsiella ictaluri

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    Database consisting of putative virulence genes in Edwardsiella ictaluri. Use this database to screen genomes for putative virulence genes. </p

    Characterization of <i>Escherichia coli </i>and other bacteria isolated from condemned broilers at a Danish abattoir

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    Meat inspection is important to ensure food safety and protect public health. Visual inspection of slaughtered carcasses for pathological changes should be supported by bacteriological analysis to determine whether the entire carcass or parts of it should be condemned. The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial species present in different sample types from condemned broiler carcasses. Furthermore, we investigated the genetic characteristics, zoonotic potential, and relatedness of Escherichia coli, the predominant bacterial species isolated from the carcasses. A total of 400 broiler carcasses condemned because of cellulitis (100), scratches (100), hepatitis (100), and healthy control carcasses (100) were selected. Samples of meat, pathological lesion, and bone marrow of each carcass were obtained for microbial analysis. From the analyzed samples, 469 bacterial isolates were recovered with E. coli accounting for 45.8%, followed by Aeromonas spp. (27.9%), in particular A. veronii. The highest rate of bacterial isolation was observed in carcasses condemned with cellulitis, whereas carcasses with hepatitis had the lowest rate of bacterial isolation. Forty-four E. coli isolates originating from different sample types were selected for whole genome sequencing. A clonal relationship was shown between E. coli from different sample types of the same carcass condemned with cellulitis and scratches. A major clade of E. coli was found in carcasses condemned with cellulitis with isolates containing mdf(A), tet(A), and bla(TEM-1B) genes that confer resistance to macrolides, tetracycline, and ampicillin, respectively. E. coli in this clade all belonged to ST117 and clustered with E. coli isolates previously collected from dead chickens and carcasses condemned due to cellulitis in Denmark, Finland, and the United Kingdom. Bacterial evaluation results of carcasses condemned with cellulitis, scratches (moderate to severe skin lesion), and acute hepatitis confirmed the need for total condemnation of carcasses with these pathological findings. A similar evaluation should be done for carcasses affected with chronic hepatitis, and minor scratches lesions

    ESBL and AmpC β-Lactamase Encoding Genes in E. coli From Pig and Pig Farm Workers in Vietnam and Their Association With Mobile Genetic Elements

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    Animals are considered important sources of ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria in humans. We analyzed indications of transfer of ESBL/AmpC genes between pigs and pig farmers in Vietnam by analyzing whole genome sequences of 114 ESBL/AmpC-producing E. coli isolated from the two hosts, and performed conjugation experiments and plasmid profiling to confirm that such transfer could have happened. ESBL-encoding genes detected in pigs and pig farmers included bla CTX-M-55, bla CTX-M-27, bla CTX-M-65, bla CTX-M-15, bla CTX-M-14, bla CTX-M-3, bla CTX-M-24, and bla CARB-2, and AmpC β-lactamases included bla CMY-2, bla DHA-1, and bla CMY-42. The most frequent ESBL gene, bla CTX-M-55, was carried on plasmid with replicons types IncF, IncX, IncH, IncN, IncR, and IncP. The insertion transposases downstream of the bla CTX-M-55 gene were different in plasmids carried by different strains. The second most detected gene, bla CTX-M-27, is found in a stable genetic arrangement with the same flanking transposons seen across strains, and the gene was located on similar conjugal IncF plasmid types, suggesting a horizontal spread of these plasmids. In three strains, we observed a novel bla CTX-M-27 harboring IncF type of plasmid which had not been reported before. Its closest reference in NCBI was the non-ESBL Salmonella Typhimurium plasmid pB71 that might have experienced an insertion of bla CTX-M-27. Our data also point to an emergence of plasmids co-carrying ESBL genes, mcr genes, quinolones and other antimicrobials resistance determinants, and such plasmids require special attention. Plasmids phylogeny confirmed that the bla CTX-M-55 encoding plasmids varied considerably, while those encoding bla CTX-M-27 were closely related. Plasmids harboring both ESBL genes were confirmed to be conjugative and not to differ in transfer efficacy. The isolates carrying the plasmids, even those with plasmids of similar types, showed wide genetic variation with high number of SNPs, suggesting horizontal spread of plasmids into different clonal lines. Their virulence profiles did not confirm to known pathotypes, suggesting that unrelated commensals are a main reservoir for ESBL and AmpC β-lactamases in both humans and pigs. Overall, despite evidence of transferability of plasmids in the analyzed strains, our findings do not support that ESBL-producing E. coli from pigs or their ESBL/AmpC encoding plasmids are commonly spread to workers in close contact with the animals.Published versionWe acknowledged the financial support from the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) to the project “Health and Antibiotics in Vietnamese Pig Production” (grant DFC File No. 17-M06-KU)