1,714 research outputs found

    Master’s-Level Counseling Students’ Experience of Expressive Arts Techniques in a CACREP Multicultural Counseling Course

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    Counseling governing bodies have defined what should be prioritized in multicultural counseling courses, including students’ multicultural knowledge and awareness; however, best practice regarding how to teach these multicultural concepts has largely been left up to the counselor educator. Counselor educators have begun implementing expressive arts techniques in the classroom, but very little literature exists related to using such techniques in a multicultural course in a manner that positively influence counseling students’ multicultural competency. The purpose of this study was to explore master’s-level counseling students’ experience of expressive arts techniques utilized during their multicultural counseling course. Ten student participants took part in this study. Transcendental phenomenological inquiry guided the research design. Using phenomenological reduction, findings were synthesized into thematic labels, individual textural and structural descriptions, and a final essence of the participants’ lived experience. Thematic labels resultant from data analysis included process over product, comfort in discomfort, connection, emotional evolution, experiential process, identity, and multiculturalism. The findings reveal implications for counselor educators and counselor education programs. Recommendations for future research are also included

    Cultivating Multicultural Competency in Supervision Using an Identity Style Framework

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    Multicultural competency is a necessary component of counselor supervision. However, when ingrained and unquestioned biases tied to personal identity arise, it may feel impossible to have important conversations in a professional and safe way. The authors propose a conceptual framework that provides a navigational toolkit for these difficult conversations. A brief case example highlights a possible scenario and path to resolution

    Fasciolasis, a re-emerging zoonosis?

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    Even if efficient treatments are available, fasciolasis remains frequent among cattle and sheep. Transmission to man was common until the mid-20th century, particularly through the ingestion of cultivated watercress. Since then, the surveillance of commercial watercress beds and their obligation to be officially authorised have eliminated this risk: human fasciolasis is currently found only in people who picked and ingested wild plants. However, as current EU regulations on food hygiene and safety have now lifted such surveillance and withdrawn the compulsory approval procedure, the situation may change. Even though a majority of producers are still implementing safe measures, consumers can no longer assume that commercialised watercress is safe. This may lead to a return of epidemics of this severe, albeit curable, disease.Malgré les possibilités thérapeutiques, la fasciolose demeure répandue chez les Ruminants domestiques. La transmission à l'homme était fréquente jusqu'au milieu du vingtième siècle, notamment sous la forme d'épidémies de cressonnières. Depuis, la surveillance de ces établissements et l'obligation de leur agrément ont fait disparaître ce risque et la fasciolose humaine ne survient plus actuellement que par la cueillette et la consommation de végétaux sauvages. Ce résultat est remis en cause par les règlements européens relatifs à la sécurité et à l'hygiène des denrées alimentaires, qui ont amené le Ministère de la Santé à interrompre la surveillance et à abroger le texte qui la rendait obligatoire. Même si une majorité de producteurs continue à assurer la sécurité, rien ne permet désormais au consommateur d'être sûr de la qualité d'un cresson commercialisé. Il faut craindre le retour d'épidémies d'une maladie curable mais pénible


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    Alveolar hydatid disease: the role of man

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    Significant progress in the screening for alveolar hydatid disease has reduced the incidence of this disease in Europe, and other existing foci are now better known (for example in China). However, this zoonosis cannot be eradicated, and wild reservoirs cover huge areas, thereby exposing human populations even in the centre of cities. If diagnosed and treated early, the disease is no longer lethal, as long as clinical symptoms have not yet developed. Drug treatments are able to block the progression of the disease and surgery can effectively remove cysts. However, liver transplantation, which looked very promising for advanced cases, has proved disappointing as the immunosuppressive treatment required for transplantation favours the development of metastases sooner or later. Our knowledge on the immunology of this parasitic infection has improved a lot, which has helped the management of this condition, particularly in terms of diagnosis. We also now know that man is a poor host for this parasite, and that the latter is often eliminated spontaneously. The mechanisms of this elimination are being identified, which will hopefully provide practical applications, such as the definition of susceptibility profiles, « vaccination » procedures, or immuno-therapy.Des progrès significatifs dans le dépistage de l'échinococcose alvéolaire ont diminué le nombre de nouveaux malades dans les foyers européens, tandis que d'autres foyers sont maintenant mieux connus (par exemple en Chine). Mais cette zoonose ne peut être éradiquée et, dans des régions étendues, les réservoirs sauvages s'avèrent contaminés, faisant peser un risque sur la population humaine, jusqu'au coeur des villes. Diagnostiquée et donc traitée tôt, la maladie n'a plus le caractère inexorable qui reste le sien lorsqu'apparaissent les manifestations cliniques: des médicaments bloquent son évolution et la chirurgie permet des exérèses efficaces. Par contre, la transplantation hépatique qui avait soulevé de grands espoirs pour les patients porteurs de lésions évoluées, n'a pas confirmé son intérêt, du fait de la fréquence de métastases plus ou moins tardives, favorisées par l'immuno-dépression nécessitée par la greffe. Les connaissances en matière d'immunologie de cette parasitose ont beaucoup progressé et notamment contribué à l'amélioration des moyens de diagnostic. Mais elles ont aussi montré que l'homme est un mauvais hôte pour ce parasite et que bien souvent, il s'en débarrasse spontanément. Les mécanismes de cette guérison commencent à être connus et on peut espérer que des conséquences pratiques en soient tirées: définition de profils de sujets réceptifs ou de procédures « vaccinales », voire immuno-thérapeutiques

    RĂ©ception de Monsieur Jacques Guillot le 1er FĂ©vrier 2018

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    Houin René, Guillot Jacques. Réception de Monsieur Jacques Guillot le 1er Février 2018. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 170 n°5, 2017. pp. 286-288

    Multiple Small Bowel Perforations Secondary to Cytomegalovirus in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    Cytomegalovirus gastroenteritis can be a life-threatening infection in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Although gastrointestinal ulcerations from cytomegalovirus have been widely reported, our patient is only the second case reported with actual perforations in the small bowel
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