7 research outputs found

    Collection of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Two Types of Arboreal Terrain in the Natural Park of Belezma Batna (North-Eastern Algeria)

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    The inventory of the carabid family at two forest sites in the Belezma national park namely an oak grove site and a cedar site during a period ranging from May 2017 to April 2018, has shown the counting of 27 taxa that have been inventoried by Barber pitfall traps. The results showed that the Quercus ilex site has slightly more species (25 species) compared to the Cedrus atlantica one (23 species). However, the Harpalinae subfamily is quantitatively the better one represented at both sites. The Shannon and Simpson indices report slightly higher figures in the Cedrus atlantica site with respectively (2.38) and (0.87), which explains the higher Jaccard index of similarity (78 %). The boxplot analysis of the two sites shows better representation in the Cedrus atlantica site although there are more outliers in the Quercus ilex site

    Analytic Solution for The computation of Flow Velocity and Water Surface Angle for drainage and Sewer networks: Case of Pipes arranged in series

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    Abstract: Drainage and sewer network runs mostly under free surface flow condition. Among the characteristics which are important for practitioner are the flow velocity and water surface angle. The computation of these parameters in partially full pipes using Manning equation is implicit and requires iterative and laborious calculation methods. The goal of this paper is to provide a new method, where the exact computation of the flow velocity and water surface angle in partially filled pipe becomes easy, direct and simple using a reference pipe with known characteristics

    EXPERIMENTAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SIPHON SPILLWAY AND OVER-FLOW SPILLWAY Etude expérimentale comparative entre les déversoirs en siphon et a écoulement libre

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    Two types of spillways in physical models were tested. The first one is a weir considered as an over-flow spillway with Creager profile, the second is a siphon spillway with the same longitudinal profile. Concerning the siphon, the study recognised a clear distinction for no complete prime areas relating to low heads and complete prime areas for the remainder of the values of heads applied to the level upstream. The field of convenience of the siphon spillway compared to the weir was defined. The experimentation allowed also proposing two relationships between flow over a weir and the siphon for the same range of measured heads. Deux types de modèles physiques de déversoirs ont été testés. Le premier est à écoulement libre de profil Creager, tandis que le second est un siphon de même profil que le premier. En ce qui concerne le siphon, l’étude a pu montrer une nette distinction entre les sections de l’écoulement à amorçage partielle liées aux faibles charges et les sections à amorçage plein ou complet les autres valeurs de charges appliquées à l’aval. Comparé au déversoir, les conditions les plus avantageuses pour le siphon ont été définies. L’étude expérimentale a pu conduire à l’établissement de deux relations empiriques liant l’écoulement franchissant le déversoir et celui du siphon pour la même gamme de charges

    Water quality index assessment of Koudiat Medouar Reservoir, northeast Algeria using weighted arithmetic index method

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    Water quality index (WQI) is a mathematical tool used to transform large quantities of water quality data into a single number which present water quality level. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the quality of Koudiat Medouar Dam in Batna (Algeria) to assess its suitability for drinking purposes. Samples were assessed for ten (10) physicochemical settings namely pH, electrical conductivity, total hardness, nitrate, sulphate, chloride, calcium, magnesium, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. The calculation of WQI was done via weighted arithmetic index method. The WQI values ranged from 99.097 to 174.92 during 2015. It reflected that the water samples were in February in the range of very poor quality and ranged to be in unsuitable for drinking rang in the all other months. The WQI of the present study reveals dam water is contaminated and not suitable for drinking purpose without giving treatment