57 research outputs found

    The hidden HI-massive LIRG HIZOA J0836-43: Inside-out galaxy formation

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    HIZOA J0836-43 is an extreme gas-rich (MHIM_{\rm{HI}}=7.5\times10^{10} M_{\sun}) disk galaxy which lies hidden behind the strongly obscuring Vela region of the Milky Way. Utilizing observations from the {\it Spitzer Space Telescope}, we have found it to be a luminous infrared starburst galaxy with a star formation rate of \sim 21 M_{\sun} \rm{yr^{-1}}, arising from exceptionally strong molecular PAH emission (L_{7.7\micron} = 1.50 \times 10^{9} L_{\odot}) and far-infrared emission from cold dust. The galaxy exhibits a weak mid-infrared continuum compared to other starforming galaxies and U/LIRGs. This relative lack of emission from small grains suggests atypical interstellar medium conditions compared to other starbursts. We do not detect significant [[Ne {\sc v}]] or [[O {\sc iv}]], which implies an absent or very weak AGN. The galaxy possesses a prominent bulge of evolved stars and a stellar mass of 4.4(±\pm1.4)\times10^{10} M_{\sun}. With its plentiful gas supply and current star formation rate, a doubling of stellar mass would occur on a timescale of \sim2 Gyr. Compared to local galaxies, HIZOA J0836-43 appears to be a "scaled-up" spiral undergoing inside-out formation, possibly resembling stellar disk building processes at intermediate redshifts.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in ApJL: August 25 2008. A version with full resolution figures is available at http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/jarrett/Cluver_ApJL.pd

    Active Disk Building in a local HI-Massive LIRG: The Synergy between Gas, Dust, and Star Formation

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    HIZOA J0836-43 is the most HI-massive (M_HI = 7.5x10^10 Msun) galaxy detected in the HIPASS volume and lies optically hidden behind the Milky Way. Markedly different from other extreme HI disks in the local universe, it is a luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) with an actively star forming disk (>50 kpc), central to its ~ 130 kpc gas disk, with a total star formation rate (SFR) of ~20.5 Msun yr^{-1}. Spitzer spectroscopy reveals an unusual combination of powerful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission coupled to a relatively weak warm dust continuum, suggesting photodissociation region (PDR)-dominated emission. Compared to a typical LIRG with similar total infrared luminosity (L_TIR=10^11 Lsun), the PAHs in HIZOA J0836-43 are more than twice as strong, whereas the warm dust continuum (lambda > 20micron) is best fit by a star forming galaxy with L_TIR=10^10 Lsun. Mopra CO observations suggest an extended molecular gas component (H_2 + He > 3.7x10^9 Msun) and a lower limit of ~ 64% for the gas mass fraction; this is above average compared to local disk systems, but similar to that of z~1.5 BzK galaxies (~57%). However, the star formation efficiency (SFE = L_IR/L'_CO) for HIZOA J0836-43 of 140 Lsun (K km s^{-1} pc^2)^{-1} is similar to that of local spirals and other disk galaxies at high redshift, in strong contrast to the increased SFE seen in merging and strongly interacting systems. HIZOA J0836-43 is actively forming stars and building a massive stellar disk. Its evolutionary phase of star formation (M_stellar, SFR, gas fraction) compared to more distant systems suggests that it would be considered typical at redshift z~1. This galaxy provides a rare opportunity in the nearby universe for studying (at z~0.036) how disks were building and galaxies evolving at z~1, when similarly large gas fractions were likely more common.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 8 figure

    A backward evolution model for infrared surveys: the role of AGN- and Color-L_TIR distributions

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    Empirical "backward" galaxy evolution models for infrared bright galaxies are constrained using multi-band infrared surveys. We developed a new Monte-Carlo algorithm for this task, implementing luminosity dependent distribution functions for the galaxies' infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and for the AGN contribution, allowing for evolution of these quantities. The adopted SEDs take into account the contributions of both starbursts and AGN to the infrared emission, for the first time in a coherent treatment rather than invoking separate AGN and star-forming populations. In the first part of the paper we consider the quantification of the AGN contribution for local universe galaxies, as a function of total infrared luminosity. It is made using a large sample of LIRGs and ULIRGs for which mid-infrared spectra are available in the Spitzer archive. In the second part we present the model. Our best-fit model adopts very strong luminosity evolution, L=L0(1+z)3.4L=L_0(1+z)^{3.4}, up to z=2.3z=2.3, and density evolution, ρ=ρ0(1+z)2\rho=\rho_0(1+z)^2, up to z=1z=1, for the population of infrared galaxies. At higher zz, the evolution rates drop as (1+z)1(1+z)^{-1} and (1+z)1.5(1+z)^{-1.5} respectively. To reproduce mid-infrared to submillimeter number counts and redshift distributions, it is necessary to introduce both an evolution in the AGN contribution and an evolution in the luminosity-temperature relation. Our models are in plausible agreement with current photometry-based estimates of the typical AGN contribution as a function of mid-infrared flux, and well placed to be compared to upcoming Spitzer spectroscopic results. As an example of future applications, we use our best-fitting model to make predictions for surveys with Herschel.Comment: Model available at: (http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~valiante/model) ApJ accepte

    Pahs, Ionized Gas, and Molecular Hydrogen in Brightest Cluster Galaxies of Cool Core Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present measurements of 5-25 {\mu}m emission features of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) with strong optical emission lines in a sample of 9 cool-core clusters of galaxies observed with the Infrared Spectrograph on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. These systems provide a view of dusty molecular gas and star formation, surrounded by dense, X-ray emitting intracluster gas. Past work has shown that BCGs in cool-core clusters may host powerful radio sources, luminous optical emission line systems, and excess UV, while BCGs in other clusters never show this activity. In this sample, we detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), extremely luminous, rotationally-excited molecular hydrogen line emission, forbidden line emission from ionized gas ([Ne II] and [Ne III]), and infrared continuum emission from warm dust and cool stars. We show here that these BCGs exhibit more luminous forbidden neon and H2 rotational line emission than star-forming galaxies with similar total infrared luminosities, as well as somewhat higher ratios of 70 {\mu}m / 24 {\mu}m luminosities. Our analysis suggests that while star formation processes dominate the heating of the dust and PAHs, a heating process consistent with suprathermal electron heating from the hot gas, distinct from star formation, is heating the molecular gas and contributing to the heating of the ionized gas in the galaxies. The survival of PAHs and dust suggests that dusty gas is somehow shielded from significant interaction with the X-ray gas.Comment: 27 preprint pages, 18 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    An Accounting of the Dust-Obscured Star Formation and Accretion Histories Over the Last ~11~Billion Years

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    (Abridged) We report on an accounting of the star formation and accretion driven energetics of 24um detected sources in GOODS North. For sources having infrared (IR; 8-1000um) luminosities >3x10^12 L_sun when derived by fitting local SEDs to 24um photometry alone, we find these IR luminosity estimates to be a factor of ~4 times larger than those estimated when the SED fitting includes additional 16 and 70um data (and in some cases mid-infrared spectroscopy and 850um data). This discrepancy arises from the fact that high luminosity sources at z>>0 appear to have far- to mid-infrared ratios, as well as aromatic feature equivalent widths, typical of lower luminosity galaxies in the local Universe. Using our improved estimates for IR luminosity and AGN contributions, we investigate the evolution of the IR luminosity density versus redshift arising from star formation and AGN processes alone. We find that, within the uncertainties, the total star formation driven IR luminosity density is constant between 1.15 < z < 2.35, although our results suggest a slightly larger value at z>2. AGN appear to account for <18% of the total IR luminosity density integrated between 0< z < 2.35, contributing <25% at each epoch. LIRG appear to dominate the star formation rate (SFR) density along with normal star-forming galaxies (L_IR < 10^11 L_sun) between 0.6 < z < 1.15. Once beyond z >2, the contribution from ultraluminous infrared galaxies ULIRGs becomes comparable with that of LIRGs. Using our improved IR luminosity estimates, we find existing calibrations for UV extinction corrections based on measurements of the UV spectral slope typically overcorrect UV luminosities by a factor of ~2, on average, for our sample of 24um-selected sources; accordingly we have derived a new UV extinction correction more appropriate for our sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Probing Star Formation at Low Metallicity: The Radio Emission of Super Star Clusters in SBS0335-052

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    We present high-resolution radio continuum observations of the nascent starburst in the metal-poor galaxy SBS 0335-052. These radio data were taken with the Very Large Array and include observations at 0.7cm, 1.3cm, 2cm, 3.6cm, and 6cm. These observations enable us to probe the thermal radio nebulae associated with the extremely young star-forming regions in this galaxy. Two discrete and luminous star-forming regions are detected in the south of the galaxy that appear to be associated with massive star clusters previously identified at optical wavelengths. However, the remaining optically-identified massive star clusters are not clearly associated with radio emission (either thermal or non-thermal) down to the sensitivity limits of these radio data. The spectral energy distributions of the two radio-detected clusters are consistent with being purely thermal, and the entire region has an inferred ionizing flux of ~1.2 x 10^ 53 s^-1, which is equivalent to ~12,000 "typical" O-type stars (type O7.5 V). The observations presented here have resolved out a significant contribution from diffuse non-thermal emission detected previously, implying a previous episode of significant star formation. The current star formation rate (SFR) for this southern region alone is ~1.3 M_sun yr^-1, or ~ 23M_sun yr^-1 kpc^-2. This SFR derived from thermal radio emission also suggests that previous optical recombination line studies are not detecting a significant fraction of the current star formation in SBS 0335-052. From model fits to the radio spectral energy distribution, we infer a global mean density in the two youngest clusters of n_e > 10^3-10^4 cm^-3. In addition, a comparison between the compact and diffuse radio emission indicates that up to ~50% of the ionizing flux could be leaking out of the compact HII regions.Comment: accepted AJ, 14 pages, 5 figure

    Detection of Powerful Mid-IR H_2 Emission in the Bridge between the Taffy Galaxies

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    We report the detection of strong, resolved emission from warm H_2 in the Taffy galaxies and bridge. Relative to the continuum and faint polyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, the H_2 emission is the strongest in the connecting bridge, approaching L(H_2)/L(PAH 8 μm) = 0.1 between the two galaxies, where the purely rotational lines of H_2 dominate the mid-infrared spectrum in a way very reminiscent of the group-wide shock in the interacting group Stephan's Quintet (SQ). The surface brightness in the 0-0 S(0) and S(1) H_2 lines in the bridge is more than twice that observed at the center of the SQ shock. We observe a warm H2 mass of 4.2 × 10^8 M_☉ in the bridge, but taking into account the unobserved bridge area, the total warm mass is likely to be twice this value. We use excitation diagrams to characterize the warm molecular gas, finding an average surface mass of ~5 × 10^6 M_☉ kpc^(–2) and typical excitation temperatures of 150-175 K. H_2 emission is also seen in the galaxy disks, although there the emission is more consistent with normal star-forming galaxies. We investigate several possible heating mechanisms for the bridge gas but favor the conversion of kinetic energy from the head-on collision via turbulence and shocks as the main heating source. Since the cooling time for the warm H_2 is short (~5000 yr), shocks must be permeating the molecular gas in the bridge region in order to continue heating the H_2

    An Aromatic Inventory of the Local Volume

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    Using infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope, we perform the first inventory of aromatic feature emission (AFE, but also commonly referred to as PAH emission) for a statistically complete sample of star-forming galaxies in the local volume. The photometric methodology involved is calibrated and demonstrated to recover the aromatic fraction of the IRAC 8 micron flux with a standard deviation of 6% for a training set of 40 SINGS galaxies (ranging from stellar to dust dominated) with both suitable mid-infrared Spitzer IRS spectra and equivalent photometry. A potential factor of two improvement could be realized with suitable 5.5 and 10 micron photometry, such as what may be provided in the future by JWST. The resulting technique is then applied to mid-infrared photometry for the 258 galaxies from the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey, a large sample dominated in number by low-luminosity dwarf galaxies for which obtaining comparable mid-infrared spectroscopy is not feasible. We find the total LVL luminosity due to five strong aromatic features in the 8 micron complex to be 2.47E10 solar luminosities with a mean volume density of 8.8E6 solar luminosities per cubic Megaparsec. Twenty-four of the LVL galaxies, corresponding to a luminosity cut at M = -18.22 in the B band, account for 90% of the aromatic luminosity. Using oxygen abundances compiled from the literature for 129 of the 258 LVL galaxies, we find a correlation between metallicity and the aromatic to total infrared emission ratio but not the aromatic to total 8 micron dust emission ratio. A possible explanation is that metallicity plays a role in the abundance of aromatic molecules relative to the total dust content, but other factors such as star formation and/or the local radiation field affect the excitation of those molecules.Comment: ApJ in press; 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables; emulateapj forma

    The Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey: A High-Resolution Spectroscopy Anthology

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    High resolution mid-infrared spectra are presented for 155 nuclear and extranuclear regions from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS). The fluxes for nine atomic forbidden and three molecular hydrogen mid-infrared emission lines are also provided, along with upper limits in key lines for infrared-faint targets. The SINGS sample shows a wide range in the ratio of [SIII]18.71um/[SIII]33.48um, but the average ratio of the ensemble indicates a typical interstellar electron density of 300-400 cm^{-3} on ~23"x15" scales and 500-600 cm^{-3} using ~11"x9" apertures, independent of whether the region probed is a star-forming nuclear, a star-forming extranuclear, or an AGN environment. Evidence is provided that variations in gas-phase metallicity play an important role in driving variations in radiation field hardness, as indicated by [NeIII]15.56um/[NeII]12.81um, for regions powered by star formation. Conversely, the radiation hardness for galaxy nuclei powered by accretion around a massive black hole is independent of metal abundance. Furthermore, for metal-rich environments AGN are distinguishable from star-forming regions by significantly larger [NeIII]15.56um/[NeII]12.81um ratios. Finally, [FeII]25.99um/[NeII]12.81um versus [SiII]34.82um/[SIII]33.48um also provides an empirical method for discerning AGN from normal star-forming sources. However, similar to [NeIII]15.56um/[NeII]12.81um, these mid-infrared line ratios lose their AGN/star-formation diagnostic powers for very low metallicity star-forming systems with hard radiation fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of 70 micron Selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field I: Spectral Energy Distributions and Luminosities

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    We present a large robust sample of 1503 reliable and unconfused 70microm selected sources from the multiwavelength data set of the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS). Using the Spitzer IRAC and MIPS photometry, we estimate the total infrared luminosity, L_IR (8--1000 microns), by finding the best fit template from several different template libraries. The long wavelength 70 and 160 micron data allow us to obtain a reliable estimate of L_IR, accurate to within 0.2 and 0.05 dex, respectively. The 70 micron data point enables a significant improvement over the luminosity estimates possible with only a 24 micron detection. The full sample spans a wide range in L_IR, L_IR ~ 10^8-10^14 L_sun, with a median luminosity of 10^11.4 L_sun. We identify a total of 687 luminous, 303 ultraluminous, and 31 hyperluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs, ULIRGs, and HyLIRGs) over the redshift range 0.01<z<3.5 with a median redshift of 0.5. Presented here are the full spectral energy distributions for each of the sources compiled from the extensive multiwavelength data set from the ultraviolet (UV) to the far-infrared (FIR). Using SED fits we find possible evidence for a subset of cooler ultraluminous objects than observed locally. However, until direct observations at longer wavelengths are obtained, the peak of emission and the dust temperature cannot be well constrained. We use these SEDs, along with the deep radio and X-ray coverage of the field, to identify a large sample of candidate active galactic nuclei (AGN). We find that the fraction of AGN increases strongly with L_IR, as it does in the local universe, and that nearly 70% of ULIRGs and all HyLIRGs likely host a powerful AGN.Comment: 31 pages including 31 figures and 6 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. The full resolution version is available here: http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~jeyhan/paperI/Kartaltepe_70mic_PaperI.pd