47 research outputs found

    Tutte polynomial of a small-world farey graph

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    In this paper, we find recursive formulas for the Tutte polynomial of a family of small-world networks: Farey graphs, which are modular and have an exponential degree hierarchy. Then, making use of these formulas, we determine the number of spanning trees, as well as the number of connected spanning subgraphs. Furthermore, we also derive exact expressions for the chromatic polynomial and the reliability polynomial of these graphs.Comment: 6 page

    Square nearly nonpositive sign pattern matrices

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    AbstractA sign pattern matrix A is called square nearly nonpositive if all entries but one of A2 are nonpositive. We characterize the irreducible sign pattern matrices that are square nearly nonpositive. Further we determine the maximum (resp. minimum) number of negative entries that can occur in A2 when A is irreducible square nearly nonpositive (SNNP), and then we characterize the sign patterns that achieve this maximum (resp. minimum) number. Finally, we discuss some spectral properties of the sign patterns which are square nonpositive or square nearly nonpositive

    Maxima of the index: forbidden unbalanced cycles

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    This paper aims to address the problem: what is the maximum index among all Crβˆ’\mathcal{C}^-_r-free unbalanced signed graphs, where Crβˆ’\mathcal{C}^-_r is the set of unbalanced cycle of length rr. Let Ξ“1=C3βˆ’βˆ™Knβˆ’2\Gamma_1 = C_3^- \bullet K_{n-2} be a signed graph obtained by identifying a vertex of Knβˆ’2K_{n-2} with a vertex of C3βˆ’C_3^- whose two incident edges in C3βˆ’C_3^- are all positive, where C3βˆ’C_3^- is an unbalanced triangle with one negative edge. It is shown that if Ξ“\Gamma is an unbalanced signed graph of order nn, rr is an integer in {4,⋯ ,⌊n3βŒ‹+1}\{4, \cdots, \lfloor \frac{n}{3}\rfloor + 1 \}, and Ξ»1(Ξ“)β‰₯Ξ»1(Ξ“1),\lambda_{1}(\Gamma) \geq \lambda_{1}(\Gamma_1), then Ξ“\Gamma contains an unbalanced cycle of length rr, unless Ξ“βˆΌΞ“1\Gamma \sim \Gamma_1. \indent It is shown that the result are significant in spectral extremal graph problems. Because they can be regarded as a extension of the spectral Tur{\'a}n problem for cycles [Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008) 1492--1498] in the context of signed graphs. Furthermore, our result partly resolved a recent open problem raised by Lin and Wang [arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04101 (2023)].Comment: 13pages,5figure

    On the eigenvalues and Seidel eigenvalues of chain graphs

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    In this paper we consider the eigenvalues and the Seidel eigenvalues of a chain graph. An\dbareli\'{c}, da Fonseca, Simi\'{c}, and Du \cite{andelic2020tridiagonal} conjectured that there do not exist non-isomorphic cospectral chain graphs with respect to the adjacency spectrum. Here we disprove this conjecture. Furthermore, by considering the relation between the Seidel matrix and the adjacency matrix of a graph, we solve two problems on the number of distinct Seidel eigenvalues of a chain graph, which was posed by Mandal, Mehatari, and Das \cite{mandal2022spectrum}.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Bounds on the largest eigenvalues of trees with a given size of matching

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    AbstractVery little is known about upper bound for the largest eigenvalue of a tree with a given size of matching. In this paper, we find some upper bounds for the largest eigenvalue of a tree in terms of the number of vertices and the size of matchings, which improve some known results

    Extremal results for Kr+1βˆ’\mathcal{K}^-_{r + 1}-free signed graphs

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    This paper gives tight upper bounds on the number of edges and the index for Kr+1βˆ’\mathcal{K}^-_{r + 1}-free unbalanced signed graphs, where Kr+1βˆ’\mathcal{K}^-_{r + 1} is the set of r+1r+1-vertices unbalanced signed complete graphs. \indent We first prove that if Ξ“\Gamma is an nn-vertices Kr+1βˆ’\mathcal{K}^-_{r + 1}-free unbalanced signed graph, then the number of edges of Ξ“\Gamma is e(Ξ“)≀n(nβˆ’1)2βˆ’(nβˆ’r).e(\Gamma) \leq \frac{n(n-1)}{2} - (n - r ). \indent Let Ξ“1,rβˆ’2\Gamma_{1,r-2} be a signed graph obtained by adding one negative edge and rβˆ’2r - 2 positive edges between a vertex and an all positive signed complete graph Knβˆ’1K_{n - 1}. Secondly, we show that if Ξ“\Gamma is an nn-vertices Kr+1βˆ’\mathcal{K}^-_{r + 1}-free unbalanced signed graph, then the index of Ξ“\Gamma is Ξ»1(Ξ“)≀λ1(Ξ“1,rβˆ’2),\lambda_{1}(\Gamma) \leq \lambda_{1}(\Gamma_{1,r-2}), with equality holding if and only if Ξ“\Gamma is switching equivalent to Ξ“1,rβˆ’2\Gamma_{1,r-2}. \indent It is shown that these results are significant in extremal graph theory. Because they can be regarded as extensions of Tur{\'a}n's Theorem [Math. Fiz. Lapok 48 (1941) 436--452] and spectral Tur{\'a}n problem [Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008) 1492--1498] on signed graphs, respectively. Furthermore, the second result partly resolves a recent open problem raised by Wang [arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15434 (2023)].Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur


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    Let Gr,p be a graph obtained from a path by adjoining a cycle Cr of length r to one end and the central vertex of a star Sp on p vertices to the other end. In this paper, it is proven that unicyclic graph Gr,p with r even is determined by its Laplacian spectrum except for n = p+4