7 research outputs found

    AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling promotes conspecific micropylar pollen tube guidance

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    Reproductive isolation is a prerequisite to form and maintain a new species. Multiple prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation barriers have been reported in plants. In the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana conspecific pollen tube precedence controlled by AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling has been recently reported as a major prezygotic reproductive isolation barrier. By accelerating emergence of own pollen tubes from the transmitting tract, A. thaliana ovules promote self-fertilization and thus prevent fertilization by a different species. Taking advantage of a septuple atlure1null mutant, we now report on the role of AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling for micropylar pollen tube guidance. Compared with wild-type (WT) ovules, atlure1null ovules displayed remarkably reduced micropylar pollen tube attraction efficiencies in modified semi-in vivo A. thaliana ovule targeting assays. However, when prk6 mutant pollen tubes were applied, atlure1null ovules showed micropylar attraction efficiencies comparable to that of WT ovules. These findings indicate that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling regulates micropylar pollen tube attraction in addition to promoting emergence of own pollen tubes from the transmitting tract. Moreover, semi-in vivo ovule targeting competition assays with the same amount of pollen grains from both A. thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata showed that A. thaliana WT and xiuqiu mutant ovules are mainly targeted by own pollen tubes and that atlure1null mutant ovules are also entered to a large extent by A. lyrata pollen tubes. Taken together, we report that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling promotes conspecific micropylar pollen tube attraction representing an additional prezygotic isolation barrier. A modified ovule targeting assay revealed that AtLURE1/PRK6-mediated signaling promotes micropylar guidance of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes while discriminating tubes of related Arabidopsis lyrata

    VPS18-regulated vesicle trafficking controls the secretion of pectin and its modifying enzyme during pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis

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    In eukaryotes, homotypic fusion and vacuolar protein sorting (HOPS) as well as class C core vacuole/endosome tethering (CORVET) are evolutionarily conserved membrane tethering complexes that play important roles in lysosomal/vacuolar trafficking. Whether HOPS and CORVET control endomembrane trafficking in pollen tubes, the fastest growing plant cells, remains largely elusive. In this study, we demonstrate that the four core components shared by the two complexes, Vacuole protein sorting 11 (VPS11), VPS16, VPS33, and VPS18, are all essential for pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana and thus for plant reproduction success. We used VPS18 as a representative core component of the complexes to show that the protein is localized to both multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and the tonoplast in a growing pollen tube. Mutant vps18 pollen tubes grew more slowly in vivo, resulting in a significant reduction in male transmission efficiency. Additional studies revealed that membrane fusion from MVBs to vacuoles is severely compromised in vps18 pollen tubes, corroborating the function of VPS18 in late endocytic trafficking. Furthermore, vps18 pollen tubes produce excessive exocytic vesicles at the apical zone and excessive amounts of pectin and pectin methylesterases in the cell wall. In conclusion, this study establishes an additional conserved role of HOPS/CORVET in homotypic membrane fusion during vacuole biogenesis in pollen tubes and reveals a feedback regulation of HOPS/CORVET in the secretion of cell wall modification enzymes of rapidly growing plant cells

    The egg cell is preferentially fertilized in Arabidopsis double fertilization

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    In flowering plants (angiosperms), fertilization of the egg cell by one sperm cell produces an embryo, whereas fusion of a second sperm cell with the central cell generates the endosperm. In most angiosperms like Arabidopsis, a pollen grain contains two isomorphic sperm cells required for this double fertilization process. A long-standing unsolved question is whether the two fertilization events have any preference. A tool to address this question is the usage of the cyclin-dependent kinase a1 (cdka;1) mutant pollen, which produces a single sperm-like cell (SLC). Here, we first adopt a complementation-based fluorescence-labeling method to successfully separate and collect cdka;1 mutant pollen containing a single SLC. Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis revealed that cdka;1 SLCs show a gene expression profile highly similar to that of sperm cells and not to the generative cell, precursor of the two sperm cells. Pollination assays using a limited number of cdka;1 mutant pollen revealed that in 98.2% of the ovules, single fertilization of the egg cell occurred. Pollinartion of pistils with excessive cdka;1 mutant pollen allowed the delivery of a second SLC via fertilization recovery, which fertilized the central cell, resulting in 20.7% double-fertilized ovules. This indicates that cdka;1 SLCs are able to fertilize both the egg and the central cell. Taken together, our findings have answered a long-standing question and support that preferential fertilization of the egg cell is evident in Arabidopsis

    LLG2/3 Are Co-receptors in BUPS/ANX-RALF Signaling to Regulate Arabidopsis Pollen Tube Integrity

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    In angiosperms, two spermcells are transported and delivered by the pollen tube to the ovule to achieve double fertilization. Extensive communication takes place between the pollen tube and the female tissues until the sperm cell cargo is ultimately released. During this process, a pollen tube surface-located receptor complex composed of ANXUR1/2 (ANX1/2) and Buddha's Paper Seal 1/2 (BUPS1/2) was reported to control the maintenance of pollen tube integrity by perceiving the autocrine peptide ligands rapid alkalinization factor 4 and 19 (RALF4/19). It was further hypothesized that pollen-tube rupture to release sperm is caused by the paracrine RALF34 peptide from the ovule interfering with this signaling pathway. In this study, we identified two Arabidopsis pollen-tube-expressed glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins (GPI-APs), LORELEI-like-GPIanchored protein 2 (LLG2) and LLG3, as co-receptors in the BUPS-ANX receptor complex. llg2 llg3 double mutants exhibit severe fertility defects. Mutant pollen tubes rupture early during the pollination process. Furthermore, LLG2 and LLG3 interact with ectodomains of both BUPSs and ANXURs, and this interaction is remarkably enhanced by the presence of RALF4/19 peptides. We further demonstrate that the N terminus (including a YISY motif) of the RALF4 peptide ligand interacts strongly with BUPSANX receptors but weakly with LLGs and is essential for its biological function, and its C-terminal region is sufficient for LLG binding. In conclusion, we propose that LLG2/3 serve as co-receptors during BUPS/ ANX-RALF signaling and thereby further establish the importance of GPI-APs as key regulators in plant reproduction processes

    Cysteine-rich peptides promote interspecific genetic isolation in Arabidopsis

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    Reproductive isolation is a prerequisite for speciation. Failure of communication between female tissues of the pistil and paternal pollen tubes imposes hybridization barriers in flowering plants. Arabidopsis thaliana LURE1 (AtLURE1) peptides and their male receptor PRK6 aid attraction of the growing pollen tube to the ovule. Here, we report that the knockout of the entire AtLURE1 gene family did not affect fertility, indicating that AtLURE1-PRK6-mediated signaling is not required for successful fertilization within one Arabidopsis species. AtLURE1s instead function as pollen tube emergence accelerators that favor conspecific pollen over pollen from other species and thus promote reproductive isolation. We also identified maternal peptides XIUQIU1 to -4, which attract pollen tubes regardless of species. Cooperation between ovule attraction and pollen tube growth acceleration favors conspecific fertilization and promotes reproductive isolation

    Arabidopsispollen tube integrity and sperm release are regulated by RALF-mediated signaling

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    In flowering plants, fertilization requires complex cell-to-cell communication events between the pollen tube and the female reproductive tissues, which are controlled by extracellular signaling molecules interacting with receptors at the pollen tube surface. We found that two such receptors in Arabidopsis, BUPS1 and BUPS2, and their peptide ligands, RALF4 and RALF19, are pollen tube-expressed and are required to maintain pollen tube integrity. BUPS1 and BUPS2 interact with receptors ANXUR1 and ANXUR2 via their ectodomains, and both sets of receptors bind RALF4 and RALF19. These receptor-ligand interactions are in competition with the female-derived ligand RALF34, which induces pollen tube bursting at nanomolar concentrations. We propose that RALF34 replaces RALF4 and RALF19 at the interface of pollen tube-female gametophyte contact, thereby deregulating BUPS-ANXUR signaling and in turn leading to pollen tube rupture and sperm release