279 research outputs found

    TTˉT\bar{T} flow as characteristic flows

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    We show that method of characteristics provides a powerful new point of view on TTˉT\bar{T}-and related deformations. Previously, the method of characteristics has been applied to TTˉT\bar{T}-deformation mainly to solve Burgers' equation, which governs the deformation of the \emph{quantum} spectrum. In the current work, we study \emph{classical} deformed quantities using this method and show that TTˉT\bar{T} flow can be seen as a characteristic flow. Exploiting this point of view, we re-derive a number of important known results and obtain interesting new ones. We prove the equivalence between dynamical change of coordinates and the generalized light-cone gauge approaches to TTˉT\bar{T}-deformation. We find the deformed Lagrangians for a class of TTˉT\bar{T}-like deformations in higher dimensions and the (TTˉ)α(T\bar{T})^{\alpha}-deformation in 2d with generic α\alpha, generalizing recent results in arXiv:2206.03415 and arXiv:2206.10515.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures, references update

    TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed Entanglement Entropy for Integrable Quantum Field Theory

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    We calculate the TTˉT\bar{T}-deformed entanglement entropy for integrable quantum field theories (IQFTs) using the form factor bootstrap approach. We solve the form factor bootstrap axioms for the branch-point twist fields and obtain the deformed form factors. Using these form factors, we compute the deformed von Neuman entropy up to two particle contributions. We find that the UV behavior of the entanglement entropy is changed drastically. The divergence is no longer logarithmic, but also contain a power law divergence whose power is controlled by the deformed scaling dimension of the twist operator. The IR corrections, which only depends on the particle spectrum is untouched. This is consistent to the fact that TTˉT\bar{T}-deformation is irrelevant.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Spin-ss Rational QQ-system

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    Bethe ansatz equations for spin-ss Heisenberg spin chain with s≄1s\ge1 are significantly more difficult to analyze than the spin-12\tfrac{1}{2} case, due to the presence of repeated roots. As a result, it is challenging to derive extra conditions for the Bethe roots to be physical and study the related completeness problem. In this paper, we propose the rational QQ-system for the XXXs_s spin chain. Solutions of the proposed QQ-system give all and only physical solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations required by completeness. The rational QQ-system is equivalent to the requirement that the solution and the corresponding dual solution of the TQTQ-relation are both polynomials, which we prove rigorously. Based on this analysis, we propose the extra conditions for solutions of the XXXs_s Bethe ansatz equations to be physical.Comment: 37 page
