249 research outputs found

    Bounds for the number of meeting edges in graph partitioning

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    summary:Let GG be a weighted hypergraph with edges of size at most 2. BollobΓ‘s and Scott conjectured that GG admits a bipartition such that each vertex class meets edges of total weight at least (w1βˆ’Ξ”1)/2+2w2/3(w_1-\Delta _1)/2+2w_2/3, where wiw_i is the total weight of edges of size ii and Ξ”1\Delta _1 is the maximum weight of an edge of size 1. In this paper, for positive integer weighted hypergraph GG (i.e., multi-hypergraph), we show that there exists a bipartition of GG such that each vertex class meets edges of total weight at least (w0βˆ’1)/6+(w1βˆ’Ξ”1)/3+2w2/3(w_0-1)/6+(w_1-\Delta _1)/3+2w_2/3, where w0w_0 is the number of edges of size 1. This generalizes a result of Haslegrave. Based on this result, we show that every graph with mm edges, except for K2K_2 and K1,3K_{1,3}, admits a tripartition such that each vertex class meets at least ⌈2m/5βŒ‰\lceil {2m}/{5}\rceil edges, which establishes a special case of a more general conjecture of BollobΓ‘s and Scott

    Counting triangles in graphs without vertex disjoint odd cycles

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    Given two graphs HH and FF, the maximum possible number of copies of HH in an FF-free graph on nn vertices is denoted by ex(n,H,F)\mathrm{ex}(n, H, F). Let (β„“+1)β‹…F(\ell+1) \cdot F denote β„“+1\ell+1 vertex disjoint copies of FF. In this paper, we determine the exact value of ex(n,C3,(β„“+1)β‹…C2k+1)\mathrm{ex}(n, C_3, (\ell+1)\cdot C_{2k+1}) and its extremal graph, which generalizes some known results

    MaxCut in graphs with sparse neighborhoods

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    Let GG be a graph with mm edges and let mc(G)\mathrm{mc}(G) denote the size of a largest cut of GG. The difference mc(G)βˆ’m/2\mathrm{mc}(G)-m/2 is called the surplus sp(G)\mathrm{sp}(G) of GG. A fundamental problem in MaxCut is to determine sp(G)\mathrm{sp}(G) for GG without specific structure, and the degree sequence d1,…,dnd_1,\ldots,d_n of GG plays a key role in getting the lower bound of sp(G)\mathrm{sp}(G). A classical example, given by Shearer, is that sp(G)=Ξ©(βˆ‘i=1ndi)\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(\sum_{i=1}^n\sqrt d_i) for triangle-free graphs GG, implying that sp(G)=Ξ©(m3/4)\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(m^{3/4}). It was extended to graphs with sparse neighborhoods by Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov. In this paper, we establish a novel and stronger result for a more general family of graphs with sparse neighborhoods. Our result can derive many well-known bounds on sp(G)\mathrm{sp}(G) in HH-free graphs GG for different HH, such as the triangle, the even cycle, the graphs having a vertex whose removal makes the graph acyclic, or the complete bipartite graph Ks,tK_{s,t} with s∈{2,3}s\in \{2,3\}. It can also deduce many new (tight) bounds on sp(G)\mathrm{sp}(G) in HH-free graphs GG when HH is any graph having a vertex whose removal results in a bipartite graph with relatively small Tur\'{a}n number, especially the even wheel. This contributes to a conjecture raised by Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov. Moreover, we give a new family of graphs HH such that sp(G)=Ξ©(m3/4+Ο΅(H))\mathrm{sp}(G)=\Omega(m^{3/4+\epsilon(H)}) for some constant Ο΅(H)>0\epsilon(H)>0 in HH-free graphs GG, giving an evidence to a conjecture suggested by Alon, Bollob\'as, Krivelevich and Sudakov

    Hypergraphs with irrational Tur\'{a}n density and many extremal configurations

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    Unlike graphs, determining Tur\'{a}n densities of hypergraphs is known to be notoriously hard in general. The essential reason is that for many classical families of rr-uniform hypergraphs F\mathcal{F}, there are perhaps many near-extremal Mt\mathcal{M}_t-free configurations with very different structure. Such a phenomenon is called not stable, and Liu and Mubayi gave a first not stable example. Another perhaps reason is that little is known about the set consisting of all possible Tur\'{a}n densities which has cardinality of the continuum. Let tβ‰₯2t\ge 2 be an integer. In this paper, we construct a finite family Mt\mathcal{M}_t of 3-uniform hypergraphs such that the Tur\'{a}n density of Mt\mathcal{M}_t is irrational, and there are tt near-extremal Mt\mathcal{M}_t-free configurations that are far from each other in edit-distance. This is the first not stable example that has an irrational Tur\'{a}n density. It also provides a new phenomenon about feasible region functions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2206.0394
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