26 research outputs found

    Distinct Functional Network Connectivity for Abstract and Concrete Mental Imagery

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    In several behavioral psycholinguistic studies, it has been shown that concrete words are processed more efficiently. They can be remembered faster, recognized better, and can be learned easier than abstract words. This fact is called concreteness effect. There are fMRI studies which compared the neural representations of concrete and abstract concepts in terms of activated regions. In the present study, a comparison has been made between the condition-specific connectivity of functional networks (obtained by group ICA) during imagery of abstract and concrete words. The obtained results revealed that the functional network connectivity between three pairs of networks during concrete imagery is significantly different from that of abstract imagery (FDR correction at the significance level of 0.05). These results suggest that abstract and concrete concepts have different representations in terms of functional network connectivity pattern. Remarkably, in all of these network pairs, the connectivity during concrete imagery is significantly higher than that of abstract imagery. These more coherent networks include both linguistic and visual regions with a higher engagement of the right hemisphere, so the results are in line with dual coding theory. Additionally, these three pairs of networks include the contrasting regions which have shown stronger activation either in concrete or abstract word processing in former studies. The findings imply that the brain is more integrated and synchronized at the time of concrete imagery and it may explain the reason of faster concrete words processing. In order to validate the results, we used functional network connectivity distributions (FNCD). Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to check if the abstract and concrete FNCDs extracted from whole subjects are the same. The result revealed that the corresponding distributions are different which indicates two different patterns of connectivity for abstract and concrete word processing. Also, the mean of FNCD is significantly higher at the time of concrete imagery than that of abstract imagery. Furthermore, FNCDs at the single-subject level are significantly more left-skewed or equally, include more strong connectivity for concrete imagery

    Brain Decoding-Classification of Hand Written Digits from fMRI Data Employing Bayesian Networks

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    We are frequently exposed to hand written digits 0-9 in today’s modern life. Success in decoding-classification of hand written digits helps us understand the corresponding brain mechanisms and processes and assists seriously in designing more efficient brain-computer interfaces. However, all digits belong to the same semantic category and similarity in appearance of hand written digits makes this decoding-classification a challenging problem. In present study, for the first time, augmented naïve Bayes classifier is used for classification of fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance imaging) measurements to decode the hand written digits which took advantage of brain connectivity information in decoding-classification. fMRI was recorded from three healthy participants, with an age range of 25-30. Results in different brain lobes (frontal, occipital, parietal and temporal) show that utilizing connectivity information significantly improves decoding-classification and capability of different brain lobes in decoding-classification of hand written digits were compared to each other. In addition, in each lobe the most contributing areas and brain connectivities were determined and connectivities with short distances between their endpoints were recognized to be more efficient. Moreover, data driven method was applied to investigate the similarity of brain areas in responding to stimuli and this revealed both similarly active areas and active mechanisms during this experiment. Interesting finding was that during the experiment of watching hand written digits, there were some active networks (visual, working memory, motor and language processing), but the most relevant one to the task was language processing network according to the voxel selection

    Increased neuromodulation ability through EEG connectivity neurofeedback with simultaneous fMRI for emotion regulation

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    Emotion regulation plays a key role in human behavior and life. Neurofeedback (NF) is a non-invasive self-brain training technique used for emotion regulation to enhance brain function and treatment of mental disorders leading to behavioral changes. Most neurofeedback studies were limited to using the activity of a single brain region of fMRI data or the power of a single or two EEG electrodes. In a novel study, we use the connectivity-based EEG neurofeedback through retrieving positive autobiographical memories and simultaneous fMRI to upregulate positive emotion. The feedback was calculated based on the coherence of EEG electrodes rather than the power of single/two electrodes. We demonstrated the efficiency of the connectivity-based neurofeedback to traditional activity-based neurofeedback through several experiments. The results confirmed the effectiveness of connectivity-based neurofeedback to enhance brain activity/connectivity of deep brain regions with key roles in emotion regulation e.g., amygdala, thalamus, and insula, and increase EEG frontal asymmetry as a biomarker for emotion regulation or treatment of mental disorders such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. The results of psychometric assessments before and after neurofeedback experiments demonstrated that participants were able to increase positive and decrease negative emotion using connectivity-based neurofeedback more than traditional activity-based neurofeedback. The results suggest using the connectivity-based neurofeedback for emotion regulation and alternative therapeutic approaches for mental disorders with more effectiveness and higher volitional ability to control brain and mental function.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Probing fMRI brain connectivity and activity changes during emotion regulation by EEG neurofeedback

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    Despite the existence of several emotion regulation studies using neurofeedback, interactions among a small number of regions were evaluated, and therefore, further investigation is needed to understand the interactions of the brain regions involved in emotion regulation. We implemented electroencephalography (EEG) neurofeedback with simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using a modified happiness-inducing task through autobiographical memories to upregulate positive emotion. Then, an explorative analysis of whole brain regions was done to understand the effect of neurofeedback on brain activity and the interaction of whole brain regions involved in emotion regulation. The participants in the control and experimental groups were asked to do emotion regulation while viewing positive images of autobiographical memories and getting sham or real (based on alpha asymmetry) EEG neurofeedback, respectively. The proposed multimodal approach quantified the effects of EEG neurofeedback in changing EEG alpha power, fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activity of prefrontal, occipital, parietal, and limbic regions (up to 1.9% increase), and functional connectivity in/between prefrontal, parietal, limbic system, and insula in the experimental group. New connectivity links were identified by comparing the brain functional connectivity between experimental conditions (Upregulation and View blocks) and also by comparing the brain connectivity of the experimental and control groups. Psychometric assessments confirmed significant changes in positive and negative mood states in the experimental group by neurofeedback. Based on the exploratory analysis of activity and connectivity among all brain regions involved in emotion regions, we found significant BOLD and functional connectivity increases due to EEG neurofeedback in the experimental group, but no learning effect was observed in the control group. The results reveal several new connections among brain regions as a result of EEG neurofeedback which can be justified according to emotion regulation models and the role of those regions in emotion regulation and recalling positive autobiographical memories

    Probing fMRI brain connectivity and activity changes during emotion regulation by EEG neurofeedback

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    Despite the existence of several emotion regulation studies using neurofeedback, interactions among a small number of regions were evaluated, and therefore, further investigation is needed to understand the interactions of the brain regions involved in emotion regulation. We implemented electroencephalography (EEG) neurofeedback with simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using a modified happiness-inducing task through autobiographical memories to upregulate positive emotion. Then, an explorative analysis of whole brain regions was done to understand the effect of neurofeedback on brain activity and the interaction of whole brain regions involved in emotion regulation. The participants in the control and experimental groups were asked to do emotion regulation while viewing positive images of autobiographical memories and getting sham or real (based on alpha asymmetry) EEG neurofeedback, respectively. The proposed multimodal approach quantified the effects of EEG neurofeedback in changing EEG alpha power, fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activity of prefrontal, occipital, parietal, and limbic regions (up to 1.9% increase), and functional connectivity in/between prefrontal, parietal, limbic system, and insula in the experimental group. New connectivity links were identified by comparing the brain functional connectivity between experimental conditions (Upregulation and View blocks) and also by comparing the brain connectivity of the experimental and control groups. Psychometric assessments confirmed significant changes in positive and negative mood states in the experimental group by neurofeedback. Based on the exploratory analysis of activity and connectivity among all brain regions involved in emotion regions, we found significant BOLD and functional connectivity increases due to EEG neurofeedback in the experimental group, but no learning effect was observed in the control group. The results reveal several new connections among brain regions as a result of EEG neurofeedback which can be justified according to emotion regulation models and the role of those regions in emotion regulation and recalling positive autobiographical memories

    Locally Estimated Hemodynamic Response Function and Activation Detection Sensitivity in Heroin-Cue Reactivity Study

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    INTRODUCTION: A fixed hemodynamic response function (HRF) is commonly used for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis. However, HRF may vary from region to region and subject to subject. We investigated the effect of locally estimated HRF (in functionally homogenous parcels) on activation detection sensitivity in a heroin cue reactivity study. METHODS: We proposed a novel exploratory method for brain parcellation based on a probabilistic model to segregate the brain into spatially connected and functionally homogeneous components. Then, we estimated HRF and detected activated regions in response to an experimental task in each parcel using a joint detection estimation (JDE) method. We compared the proposed JDE method with the general linear model (GLM) that uses a fixed HRF and is implemented in FEAT (as a part of FMRIB Software Library, version 4.1). RESULTS: 1) Regions detected by JDE are larger than those detected by fixed HRF, 2) In group analysis, JDE found areas of activation not detected by fixed HRF. It detected drug craving a priori regions-of-interest in the limbic lobe (anterior cingulate cortex [ACC], posterior cingulate cortex [PCC] and cingulate gyrus), basal ganglia, especially striatum (putamen and head of caudate), and cerebellum in addition to the areas detected by the fixed HRF method, 3) JDE obtained higher Z-values of local maxima compared to those obtained by fixed HRF. CONCLUSION: In our study of heroin cue reactivity, our proposed method (that estimates HRF locally) outperformed the conventional GLM that uses a fixed HRF

    Global Data-Driven Analysis of Brain Connectivity during Emotion Regulation by EEG Neurofeedback

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    BACKGROUND: Emotion regulation by neurofeedback involves interactions among multiple brain regions, including prefrontal cortex and subcortical regions in the limbic system. Previous studies focused on connections of specific brain regions like amygdala with other brain regions. New method: EEG neurofeedback is used to upregulate positive emotion through induced happiness by retrieving positive autobiographical memories and fMRI data acquired simultaneously. A global data-driven approach, group independent component analysis (ICA), is applied to fMRI data and functional network connectivity is estimated. This study discovers all connections among independent components involved in emotion regulation. RESULTS: The proposed approach identified all functional networks engaged in positive autobiographical memories and evaluated effects of neurofeedback. The results revealed two pairs of networks with significantly different functional connectivity among emotion regulation blocks (relative to other blocks of experiment) and between experimental and control groups (FDR-corrected for multiple comparisons, q=0.05). Functional network connectivity distribution (FNCD) showed significant connectivity differences between neurofeedback blocks and other blocks, revealing more synchronized brain networks during neurofeedback. During emotion regulation, significant functional connectivity changes were found in and between prefrontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and limbic networks. Comparison with existing methods: While the results are consistent with those of previous model based studies, some of the connections found in this study were not found previously. These connections are between a) occipital (fusiform, cuneus, middle occipital, and lingual gyrus) and other regions including limbic system/sub-lobar (thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, caudate, putamen, insula, and ventral striatum), prefrontal/frontal cortex (DLPFC, VLPFC, and OFC), inferior parietal, middle temporal gyrus and b) PCC and hippocampus. CONCLUSIONS: Using fMRI during EEG neurofeedback, this study provided a global insight to brain connectivity for emotion regulation. The brain networks interactions may be used to develop connectivity-based neurofeedback methods and alternative therapeutic approaches, which may be more effective than the traditional activity-based neurofeedback methods