16 research outputs found

    Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: Estimates of the annual prevalence for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) were consistent across the international sites range, 1.9% – 2.5%. The nine population surveys, which used Diagnostic Interview Schedule, estimated a six-month prevalence of OCD ranging from 0.7% to 2.1%. This study performed in order to determine the prevalence of OCD in a population-based study among Iranian adults aged 18 and older and to study the association of them with factors such as sex, marital status, education, type of occupation and residential area. METHODS: A cross-sectional nationwide epidemiological study of the Iranian population aged 18 and older was designed to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and their association with the above mentioned factors. 25180 individuals were selected and interviewed through a randomized systematic and cluster sampling method from all Iranian households. Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria were used in diagnosis of OCD. 250 clinical psychologists interviewed the selected subjects face to face at their homes. RESULTS: The prevalence of OCD in Iran is 1.8% (0.7% and 2.8% in males and females; respectively). 50.3% of the survey sample were men, 49.9% women, 29.1% single, 67.45% married, 0.4% separated or divorced, 2.5% widow/widower and 4% undetermined. All of the above-mentioned factors were examined in the univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Although the data did not fit the models well, but in univariate models, sex, the category "single" of marital status, age, the categories "business" and "housewife" and residential areas showed significant effect adjusting for the factors, but the models didn't fit the data properly. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the prevalence of OCD is not rare in the community of Iran and is within the range of other countries. Similar to prior studies in other communities, OCD is more common in females than males

    Observing principles of medical ethics during family planning services at Tehran urban healthcare centers in 2007

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    Background: Family planning has been defined in the framework of mothers and children plan as one of Primary Healthcare (PHC) details. Besides quantity, the quality of services, particularly in terms of ethics, such as observing individuals’ privacy, is of great importance in offering family planning services.Objective: A preliminary study to gather information about the degree of medical ethics offered during family planning services at Tehran urban healthcare centers.Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was designed for study. In the first question regarding informed consent, 47 clients who were advised about various contraception methods were asked whether advantages and disadvantages of the contraceptive methods have been discussed by the service provider. Then a certain rank was measured for either client or method in 2007. Finally, average value of advantage and disadvantage for each method was measured. In questions about autonomy, justice and beneficence, yes/no answers have been expected and measured accordingly.Results: Health care providers have stressed more on the advantages of pills and disadvantages of tubectomy and have paid less attention to advantages of injection ampoules and disadvantages of pills in first time clients. While they have stressed more on the advantages and disadvantages of tubectomy and less attention to advantages of condom and disadvantages of vasectomy in second time clients. Clients divulged their 100% satisfaction in terms of observing turns and free charges services.Observance degree of autonomy was 64.7% and 77.3% for first time and second- time clients respectively.Conclusion: Applying the consultant’s personal viewpoint for selecting a method will breach an informed consent for first and second time clients. System has good consideration to justice and no malfeasanc

    Cervicofacial Emphysema and Pneumomediastinum Following Dental Extraction: Case Report

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    Background: Pneumomediastinum is commonly caused by iatrogenic injury such as surgery on the cervical planes and chest or by tracheostomy. It is also well known that emphysema may occur after dental treatments using an air turbine drill, but there have been few cases of emphysema which extended to the mediastinum. Case Presentation: A 16-year-old boy is presented with subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum which developed 24 hours after surgery for extraction of an inferior second molar. We first describe history, clinical presentation and radiologic appearance of our patient and then review the literature about oral surgery causing pneumomediastinum. Conclusion: Surgical procedures in oral cavity can lead to the development of emphysema and pneumomediastinum when air turbine dental drills are used. To avoid these complications, air turbine high speed drills should be used only in necessary cases


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    In this study which was carried out in 1974 in Isphahan, 3,000 married women between the ages of 15 to 44 who were the residents of the city of Isphahan and a similar group of women who were residents of the villages surrounding the city were interviewed. Results indicate that the average and the median of age at the first marriage had been increasing steadily since 1959 for the city women and since 1969 for the women in the villages. However, the average age at the first marriage has always been higher for the city women and for the five years period from 1969 to 1974 have reached to 15 months

    Parents or school health trainers, which of them is appropriate for menstrual health education?

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    Objectives: The purpose of this community-based participatory research was to compare different training sources for adolescents′ menstrual health education. Methods: From 15 middle schools in Tehran, through quota random sampling, 1823 female students were selected proportionally and allocated randomly to three groups (parent trained, schools′ health trainers trained, and control). Following a two-year training program, the adolescents′ menstrual health was compared. Results: In the present study, the school health trainers trained group showed a better feeling for menarche, compared to the two other groups (P 0.05). Conclusion: It is suggested that school-based health training leads to better menstrual health promotion and healthy puberty transition, and school health trainers play a key role in this regard

    The key stakeholders′ opinions regarding university counseling centers: An experience from Iran

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    Background: Student counseling centers are responsible for physical, mental and social health of university students. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the key stakeholders′ opinions on different aspects of the activities performed in these centers. Methods: This qualitative study used focus group discussion. Key stakeholders including university students and key informants from nine randomly selected medical universities participated in the study. After data saturation, thematic analysis was conducted. Themes were drawn out through constant comparative method. Results: Based on 243 extracted codes and through comparative analysis, four categories were determined, namely students′ need for students counseling centers, successes and limitations of student counseling centers, student counseling services priorities, and suggestions for service promotion. Conclusions: According to stakeholders′ opinions, youth participation in needs assessment and priority setting processes in real-based situations leads to better performance of counseling services. Empowering the counselors is another point required for better outcomes. In addition, strategic planning and monitoring, along with evaluation of programs, could promote the provided services

    The Resilient Child Indicators in Natural Disasters: A Systematic Review Protocol

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    Background: Annually, Children as a major group have affected in disasters all over the world. As resilience terminology has been appeared in disaster risk reduction to improve more attention on human ability instead of concentration on his vulnerability. It seems that child resiliency may be the best approach to decrease their vulnerability. Although there are lot studies on resiliency, child resiliency in disaster situation seems is unique filed that would be considered. The objective of this systematic review is synthesizing the evidence of the children resiliency indicators in natural disasters to identifying their capacity and improving their ability against the disaster consequences. Materials and Methods: This study will conduct a systematic review of the children resiliency in natural disaster situation in any mythological designed articles that extract indicators/factors to improve children resiliency in every natural disaster. Four main electronic databases which cover this topic’s article will searched including PUBMED, SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, and PYCINFO. Furthermore, experts will be asked to identify verifiable Grey literature documents. EndNote software version X7 will use to managing search library, screening duplication and extracting irrelevant articles. Search strategy has defined by author’s team agreement. Specific syntax has been used for each main database. It‘s considered the time duration for database searching. Articles evaluation will be based on PICO that will define according the research question for including and excluding articles. Moreover, the QARI checklist/tool from JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers’ Manual: 2014 edition) will be used for assessing criteria quality. it is quality context and focused on human psychosocial behavior with specific group that call children , adolescence, teenager and youth but we call them under eighteen-year olds children according UNICEF definition. On the other hand, we will use the QARI data extraction tool according our research question, too. Results: This systematic literature review will determine tangible criteria of child resiliency that would be valuable for decision makers, community, researchers, family and who are concerned about children and also disaster situations. It’s worth to clarify this subjective term to objective for being tangible for them. In this way, in disaster situation they could evaluate the difference between having resilient child VS not resilient one, the effects are not only during disaster but also long time after disaster

    Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Traffic Accidents in Metropolitan Tehran: A Population-based Study

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    Background: Population-based estimates of traffic accidents (TAs) are not readily available for developing countries. This study examined the contribution of socioeconomic status (SES) to the risk of TA among Iranian adults. Methods: A total of 64,200people aged ≥18years were identified from 2008 Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool (Urban HEART) survey. 22,128 households were interviewed to estimate the overall annual incidence, severity and socioeconomic determinants of TAs for males and females in Iranian capital over the preceding year. Wealth index and house value index were constructed for economic measurement. Weighted estimates were computed adjusting for complex survey design. Logistic regression models were used to examine individual and SES measures as potential determinants of TAs in adults. Results: The overall incidence of traffic accident was 17.3(95% CI 16.0, 18.7) per 1000 per year. TA rate in men and women was 22.6(95% CI 20.6, 24.8) and 11.8(95% CI 10.4, 13.2), respectively. The overall TA mortality rate was 26.6(95% CI 13.4, 39.8) per 100,000 person-years, which was almost three times higher in men than that for women (40.4 vs. 12.1 per 100,000person-years). Lower economic level was associated with increased incidence and mortality of TA. Association between SES and incidence, and severity and mortality of TA were identified. Conclusion: TAs occur more in lower socioeconomic layers of the society. This should be taken seriously into consideration by policy makers, so that preventive programs aimed at behavioral modifications in the society are promoted to decrease the health and economic burden imposed by TAs

    Evaluation of some diet habit and physical activity in adolescents in Tehran (2011)

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    Background: Unhealthy lifestyle ends to some important health problems in adolescence, and also causes chronic non-communicable disease, hence increasing mortality and morbidity in adults. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the components of lifestyle in adolescence. Methods: In this cross sectional study, 346 male and 197 female of adolescents aged 9 to 16 years were selected randomly from the 5th district of Tehran city in 2011. Data were gathered from the lifestyle questionnaires which were designed and consistent with the findings of studies. Questionnaire has the dimensions of nutrition and energy drink consumption, exercise and sleep patterns. The data were analyzed by the chi-square and t-test. Findings: 142 (72%) of girls and 260 (77%) of boys consumed daily dairy. Daily and weekly fast food intakes in girls were 8 (4.1%) and 52 (26.4%), while in the boys were 36 (10.4%) and 110(31.8%) respectively. Totally, more than 149 (75%) of girls and 295 (86%) of boys consumed soda. 17 (8.6%) of girls and 59 (17.1%) of teenage boys consumed energetic drink at least once a week. Adolescent girls and boys had a physical activity on average 3.2 and 4.2 days respectively in gymnasium in a week. Conclusion: According to the results, correction of nutritional behaviors is a mandatory task. In addition due to the trends of adolescence toward doing exercise in public places, the policy for the equipping of public place and gyms should be reconsidered in our society

    Evaluation of Tuberculosis Situation in Economic Cooperation Countries in 2009; Achievement and Gaps toward Millennium Development Goals

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    Background : Evaluating the tuberculosis (TB) status of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member countries relation to goal 6-c of the third millennium, which includes that TB incidence, prevalence, and death rates should be halved by 2015, compared with their level in 1990. Methods : In 2009, we have critically reviewed the countries′ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) reports and extracted the data from the surveillance system and published and unpublished data. The main stakeholders, from both governmental and international organizations in the country have been visited and interviewed by the research team as part of the data validation process. Results : The TB incidence is very heterogeneous among ECO countries, which differ from 21.7 in Iran to 230.7 per 100,000 in Tajikistan. TB incidence (per 100,000) is more than 100 in six countries and is from 50 to 100 in two countries and is less than 30 in two countries. Only in two countries the crude death rate (CDR) is higher than 70%. In seven countries the death rate is higher than 10 per 100,000. Two countries are among the 20 top world countries with the highest tuberculosis burden. Conclusion : There are some signs and signals indicating the bad condition of an ECO member including: incidence of more than 50 per 100000, CDR of less than 70%, death rate more than 10 per 100,000, and rating two member countries among 20 top countries with the highest burden in the world. Iran and Turkey could achieve MDGs by 2015, but if other countries do not prepare urgent intervention programs, they will not be able to fulfill the goals